Do you ever find yourself saying 'I don't have enough time'? Over the past 20 years of working with passionate world-changers, it's the single biggest excuse I have heard for us not taking the actions our dreams demand of us. And if we do take those actions, we end up in exhaustion and overwhelm.
I want to share with you today some practical strategies you can use - right away - so you can get more done, in less time, with less stress and no complicated planning systems - for free - so your ideas and dreams can have the impact they deserve.
What You'll Cover Today On Escaping Overwhelm:
- The secrets of how I get so much done, and still have time to see my kids, without being a superhero!
- Why we end up as too tired to change the world
- Why chronic stress is perhaps the biggest time-thief around
- What is really driving our addiction to 'busyness' and how to clear it out
- My 'walk the plank' process to take the fluff out of your planning and create breakthroughs, fast
- Plus my self-mentoring question that makes sure you won't get distracted or procrastinate
- The 'other' type of action that sets us free from 'busyness' and creates breakthroughs, not burnout
- The difference between 'fighting' and 'flowing' your way to your results
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Essential Resources To Help With Escaping Overwhelm:
Take Action Now!
If you do one thing as a result of this episode, make it this! Thinking about a project you're working on, do the actions you're taking at each key stage move you towards or away from your outcome? Be ruthless about decluttering and make sure your team is on board.

For My Organisation
If there are actions that aren't adding value, are there processes you need to change? Opinion-leaders you need to convince?

For Myself
Are the actions that are cluttering up my 'to do' list moving me towards or away from my goals and vision? Do they really belong there?

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