Clare Josa sets leadership teams free to create breakthroughs, not burnout - making change fast, fun and forever.
If you've got a rising star struggling with a secret self-imposed glass ceiling or a team that's stuck on innovation and change, Clare can help.
Whether one-to-one or in a group programme, face-to-face or online, she gets people clearing out the hidden inner blocks that get in the way of success - the kinds of blocks that positive thinking, mindset and a sprinkling of affirmations can't touch.
And she can train your in-house coaches and trainers to help with this, too.
How To Know If It's Time To Work With Clare

That's why Clare has spent over fifteen years specialising in helping people to become more of who they really are, connecting with and sharing their inner genius, so that - together - teams can deliver results they had no idea they could achieve....
... without the stress, anxiety, workaholism and burnout that so often go with success.
Why Training & Coaching Doesn't Work
Fact: many CEOs feel frustrated that the time and money spent on training and coaching isn't bringing them the ROI they need to see. It's why they keep training budgets tight.
The primary reason why most training doesn't work is because it's trying to create change at the cognitive, thinking level, rather than addressing the deeper root cause triggers that drive the behaviours.
So you're paying for well-intentioned sticky plasters.
Classic training leaves you with lists of things you need to remember to get the results that seemed so easy, on the day, which most people have forgotten by the time they get home.
But when you know how to create change at an identity-level, rather than a behavioural or thinking level, the behaviours, self-talk and results automatically change.
How Clare's Training, Consultancy & Mentoring Gets Results For You & Your Teams
When you work with Clare, you get the benefit of her 15+ years as an NLP Trainer, specialising in helping people to create change at the deepest levels, both consciously and unconsciously, so there are no lists to remember or habits to shift. That all happens as part of the training programme.
So you and your teams get maximum value from the investment and it creates change you can measure.
In her bespoke training and consulting, Clare shares her unique blend of proven expertise in performance psychology, an Inner Engineer's common sense, demystified wisdom from the worlds of meditation & yoga, plus a generous dollop of humour.
As a Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma engineer and former Head of Market Research for one of the world’s most disruptive corporations, Clare brings decades of experience in creating business transformation. She is able to combine process improvement consultancy with team and leadership development, so you can achieve company-wide shifts in performance, productivity and innovation processes, through her work with your leaders and leadership teams.
Clare Specialises In Two Key Areas Of Leadership Development:
Ditching Imposter Syndrome
Her work for the 2019 Imposter Syndrome Research Study has shown that 'feeling like a fraud' and lying awake at 3am, scared that people will find out you're not good enough, despite the external evidence, has a shocking impact on performance for high-achievers.
Yet Imposter Syndrome is a taboo.
Clare runs 1:1 intensives and group programmes to help people to clear this, without faking it, setting teams free to take their results to the next level.
She also offers in-house consultancy on developing Imposter Syndrome strategies for managers and she can train HR / management teams to deliver in-house support on this.
Leading From Your Heart
To stay ahead of your competitors, you need to innovate. And that starts with leadership.
The traditional models are no longer producing results. And that is why Clare developed her signature programme for leadership teams:
Leading With Your Heart In A Head-Based World
It empowers leaders to inspire their teams to achieve results they didn't realise were possible, through a blend of inner work and leadership strategy. To get maximum results, this training works best when a whole layer of leaders take it at the same time, spreading a wave of change through your company.
To Discuss How Your Business Might Benefit From Working With Clare, You Can Book A Virtual Coffee With Her Here:
Don't Know Clare Yet?
Clare has specialised in this work since 2002 and has worked with companies from FTSE500 to solopreneurs. The author of five life-changing books and two novels, she speaks internationally on how to change the world by changing yourself.
In addition to this work, over the past few years, Clare has given keynotes at the European Parliament, changed minds in Downing Street, and co-led a campaign of over 10,000 micro-businesses to change EU VAT law and keep a million of Europe's smallest businesses trading.
In addition to her long-term experience in the leadership development field, Clare's 'official' qualifications include:
Clare has been interviewed by or written for: