“If someone gives you feedback, try it on for size, before you believe it.”
Most of us have a tendency to be rather free and generous with our opinions – even when it comes to giving feedback to others about their performance, behaviour, beliefs, values or lifestyle.
When we’re on the receiving end of that ‘feedback’, it can be tough to know how to handle it. Whether we respect the other person’s opinion or not, it can easily bypass our usual rational filters and find its way into the ‘this is true’ part of our brain. So if someone tells us something negative, we can take it on board, believe it and – worst of all – let it cloud our future actions and decisions.

Many years ago, I remember someone telling me that you find life much easier, if you treat other people’s opinions like a woolly jumper:
Try it on for size. If it fits, accept it and choose whether you want to do anything about it. If it doesn’t fit, let it go and move on.
(Remember: all criticism is borne of someone else’s pain – from last week? http://pinterest.com/pin/263601384409748875/)
How different might life be, if we could all apply the ‘woolly jumper test’ to other people’s criticism of us?
Wishing you a day full of sunshine and laughter.
P.S. This mini-article is taken from Daily Sunshine.
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