Positive Thinking: discover why it’s not all about being Pollyanna and pretending everything is ok. Find out why High-Impact Positive Thinking can change your life – fast.
Positive thinking gets bad press.
For most of us it conjures up Pollyanna-style nightmares of saccharine-sweet, well-meaning people, grinning wildly, just inches from your face, telling you that “everything will be fine”, in the middle of a life crisis.
But positive thinking isn’t about pretending that everything is alright. It’s not about telling ourselves lies. It’s not about ignoring what’s going on around us.
Positive Thinking is about understanding that whatever we’re thinking about creates the filter through which we see the world.

So rose-tinted glasses make it easier to spot the good things around us, no matter what’s going on. Whilst black storm cloud glasses mean doom and gloom pervades.
And there’s another catch…
Ever noticed how, if your day starts badly, it goes downhill fast? But if your day starts well, with sunshine and smiles, it generally goes well? That’s because…
We get what we think about.
It’s as though we literally attract experiences that match whatever is on our mind. So if we expect something to go badly or someone to be rude to us, chances are that’s what we’ll experience. But if we expect things to go well and keep our thought patterns running positively, we’ll have a much better day.
So positive thinking seems to be a good idea?
The bit most of us struggle with is “how”?
It’s all very well being told that we need to think positive things, but if most of us were to monitor our thoughts for just an hour, we’d probably be shocked at how many of them are grumpy or negative. So how do we make the shift to thinking more positively?
That’s what “High-Impact Positive Thinking” is all about.
It’s a set of strategies and tools that help you make the shift from wherever you are right now to thinking more positively, feeling happier and enjoying life more – whatever is going on around you.
I’ll be writing more about High-Impact Positive Thinking over the coming weeks and months. So if you want to make sure you catch the articles, videos and podcasts on the topic, make sure you’re getting our regular newsletter by signing up in the top right hand corner of the How To Feel Happier home page!
Founder, How To Feel Happier
Your’re so right, Clare – positive thinking is not about putting your head in the sand and ignoring what is in front of you. It is realizing that there is no good or bad, only your reaction to it. It is acknowledging, without judging, what is there, and focusing your intentions on what you want instead of what you don’t want.
Dr. Arlene Taveroff
Inspirational Photographer
Wisdom a la Carte