Why Writing A Unique Kind Of ‘Thank You’ Letter Could Be The Greatest Gift You Ever Give Yourself (And Could Change Your Life Today)

  • Thank you so much for sharing this – such a beautiful idea and I will definitely need to try it. It could be quite scary to go a bit deeper into your sole, but life changing too.

  • I started some coaching recently and one of the things that came up is that I rarely acknowledge my achievements and instead choose to only concentrate on what I perceive are my shortcomings. I love the idea of these two thank-you letters. There’s a lot I can thank my old me for, so I image that my future me has a lot to thank the current me too. Just reading about this has created quite a shift. Thank you for sharing this.

  • What a beautiful idea, am going to try this one out. I think so many of us never give ourselves the credit we deserve…we are our own harshest critics so often!

  • This actually brings up some real uncomfy feelings (which probably means I definitely need to do it!)

    Quite curious to see how I feel at the end!

  • This is a lovely post Clare, and thanks for sharing your own experiences, it really brings it to life. I definitely don’t acknowledge the good things I’ve done enough. Thanks for sharing.

  • Lovely idea. I’ve heard of the thank you letter before, but the future self one is new for me. Like it a lot! Thanks!

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