Is It Time To Take The Leap? It’s Not As Scary As You Might Think!
Clare Josa, Author of “The Little Book Of Daily Sunshine”, “28 Day Meditation Challenge” and “Gratitude: A Daily Journal”The BIG DREAM? To inspire you crank up the dial on your Inner Happiness Thermostat – every day, for the rest of your life. You’ll be amazed by how easy it is, when you know how.
It’s PERFECT for you if you want to figure out how to live from your heart in a head-based world – living authentically without having to go and camp out in a tipi or live like a yogi in a cave 😉 It’s a highly practical and inspirational blend of NLP / Meditation & Mindfulness / demystified Ancient Wisdom – and it’s all been through my Inner Engineer’s BS filter – this stuff WORKS. And it’s designed to be done in just minutes a day – so you transform your life while you wait for the kettle to boil…
If you know anyone who is trying to figure out how on earth to live from their heart as, for example, a corporate manager, trainer, service professional, coach or business owner, please pass this link on to them. I am SO excited about this Inner Circle. We’re already started – but you can still sneak in with the bonus VIP Inner Circle Experience upgrade if you register today. Once doors close on that, then that’s it!
Psst… If that’s you, then how about joining us?
This Inner Circle programme is the absolute key to breaking through old limits and blocks and fears and creating the business and life you have been dreaming of. If you don’t do the ‘inside work’ you won’t see the ‘outside results’! And I want to make it oh-so-simple for you.
I’m sharing the secrets from 20 years’ worth of hard graft and studying and teaching (and making mistakes!), spilling the beans on the bits I normally only share with Platinum 1-1 clients. And it’s in bite-sized chunks to make it easy for you to find the time to change your life.
Plus I have thrown in some truly gorgeous bonuses. I hope you’ll be blown away by the difference this will make for you – and I would be so honoured to share the journey with you.
Are you in? Click to join us now.
If I told you that there’s a secret you could use…
… to change your life forever…
… in just 10 minutes a day…
… would you use it?
You see, the problem is that most of us spend most of our time feeling stressed, worried, anxious, exhausted and generally less-than-brilliant. And, although it can feel like there are a million reasons why that’s the case, there’s only really one:
We’re stuck living from our heads, not our hearts.
When you’re living from you head, your Monkey Mind (the bit that chatters away in the background and revs up your inner critic whenever you try to do something that scares you) runs the show.
It decides which thoughts to feed, which emotions to choose, which physical stress responses to trigger in your body.
You’re on an auto-pilot journey to feeling more stressed, more exhausted and more disconnected from your inner peace and happiness.
When you shift from living in your head to living from your heart, a profoundly beautiful transformation takes place.
The way you see the world changes.
And the way you react to life changes.
And the way you feel inside changes.
Everything becomes easier, happier and more fun
– even the old stuff you used to dread.
No, you don’t have to turn into Pollyanna… Yes, you still get everything done… And your experience of life is transformed – perhaps beyond anything you have ever imagined.
You can spot people who live from their hearts…
They’re the ones who smile most of the time, who feel easy to be around, who laugh and who share their positivity with others.
They don’t usually feel stressed. They’ve got loads of energy. And life doesn’t seem to get to them.
They’re making a difference in the world, just by the way they’re living.
Isn’t that how you’d rather be?
Let me show you the way – it’s easy, when you know how.
And it only takes 10 minutes a day. Could you spare that, if you knew it would change your life forever?
Living From Your Heart is a unique 3 month group mentoring programme, which has the potential to change your life forever, in just 10 minutes a day.
Just imagine…
Instead of feeling stressed and overwhelmed…
… you’ll discover how to ride life’s waves, with a smile on your face and a lightness in your heart.
Instead of having to juggle life, career, family and (dare I say it) your needs, too…
… you’ll experience how things can fall into place – how much easier life can feel.
Instead of collapsing into bed at the end of the day, exhausted, feeling like there’s never enough time…
… you’ll unlock secrets that help you to finally break the cycle of feeling ‘time-poor’ – magically creating all the time you need for the things that really matter to you.
Instead of using up all of your energy ‘spinning plates’
… you’ll learn how to work with the power of your Monkey Mind to easily feel calmer, happier and more in control of your experience of life… and how to FINALLY sort out your Inner Critic!
And instead of getting to the end of the day and promising yourself that ‘maybe tomorrow’ you’ll get started on those dream projects
… I’d love to spill the beans on how to move towards your dreams, day by day, without feeling guilty or scared.
“But if it’s that easy, why aren’t I doing it already?”
Because most of us have forgotten how! Tiny children live from their hearts – you can see it in their eyes. Then, as we grow older, we make the biggest mistake of our lives – we learn to trust our mind more than our heart – and life moves into your Monkey Mind’s control.
I would LOVE to share with you the unique blend of NLP (the ‘user manual for your brain’), meditation, mindfulness, demystified ancient wisdom and practical common sense that I personally use, whenever I spot myself shifting back from my heart to my head.
“But I don’t have enough time!”
I’ll be sharing with you my personal masterclass for magically making more time – so you can easily fit the Living From Your Heart programme in around your other commitments. And I have specially designed the core techniques so that they take less than 10 minutes a day – and most of them you can do while you wait for the kettle to boil!
“But what if it doesn’t work for me?”
You’ll get to dive in and discover the excuses that you might not even have noticed – but which have been making it impossible for you to create the shifts you have been dreaming of! And we’ll deal with them – each and every one. 🙂
And I have intentionally created the Living From Your Heart programme to help you find the answers that will work for you, with your thoughts, feelings, history and life experience, rather than trying to squeeze your life through a formulaic, hit-and-miss sausage-machine. I have used these techniques to help many thousands of people over the past decade. So I know they’ll work for you – all you need to do is apply them. I have done the hard bit for you. And I’m hear to walk by your side for the journey. 🙂
I know what it’s like…
I have been there. And done it. And got a wardrobe full of the proverbial t-shirts.
I really wanted to turn things around. I wanted to feel happier, less stressed, calmer, less irritable, less emotional, have more fun – oh – and obviously be a supermum, a hero at work and change the world.
Instead I would lose my patience with my kids, hide from my email and beat myself up over what a bad job I was doing in every area of my life.
Like you, I had felt stressed, overwhelmed, exhausted and, frankly, totally stuck. Nothing I tried (and I tried every course, book, seminar and programme I could find) seemed to help for more than a few days or weeks.
I began to wonder whether the life I was dreaming of was only meant for yogis in caves – how on earth could I find time to think about inner peace (let alone contemplate my navel 🙂 ) when I was being pulled in so many directions and barely had time to brush my teeth?
And then I realised a vital truth that set me free from all of that and turned the light back on at the end of the tunnel.
(and it’s such an important Truth that I’ll be sharing it with you in the first few weeks of Living From Your Heart – it’s the difference that makes the difference that you won’t want to miss).
And I came out the other side. With a smile on my face and gratitude in my heart.
By using the exact techniques that I’m going to be sharing with you as part of this Living From Your Heart Inner Circle programme.
Your Guide
These are the tools and strategies that I use myself, every day. And, as an NLP Trainer, Meditation Teacher, Breakthrough Mentor and author of 5 books, clients have paid me thousands to spill the beans on these secrets – because they work.
As a reformed Mechanical Engineer, (yes, you read that right 🙂 – and I’ve been a certified NLP Trainer for over a decade – and I used to be Head Of Market Research for an international brand) I can personally guarantee that the techniques I’m sharing with you are practical and highly effective. Although some of them derive from the more subtle realms of life (the areas that some might call ‘woo woo’), everything I’m sharing with you here is tried, tested and life-changingly powerful.
I’m not going to be asking you to pop off and contemplate your navel whilst bobbing your consciousness around your 29th chakra (unless you really want to 😉 ). But I’m also not going to ‘dumb down’ or miss anything out, just because it might feel a bit strange or ‘different’ at first.
I want to be able to share these amazing strategies and insights with you, so that you can let go of the stress caused by living in your Monkey Mind’s and Inner Critic’s stories – and experience the love, laughter and flow that comes from living from your heart and soul, instead.
And I know, deep in my heart, that this Living From Your Heart Inner Circle Programme can help you to change your life, forever, easily.
Psst! I know… One of the biggest barriers to making changes in your life is time – so I have specially designed these tools so that you can do them while the kettle boils!
It’s easy to fit this programme in around your schedule. 🙂
I’m making it easy for you 🙂
I have spent decades discovering, creating and refining these techniques, so that all you need to do is apply them!
The 3 month programme arrives each week in bite-sized chunks, with easy-to-read workbooks (PDFs), MP3 audios, video tutorials, yoga sequences, meditations, guided visualisation and discussions in our private Facebook group.
Don’t worry – it doesn’t come all at once! It’ll take about an hour per week for your main module, plus perhaps 10 minutes per day to experiment with the techniques.
What Do You Get?
This a 3 month Group Mentoring Programme, which runs online, rather than face-to-face. It brings you similar benefits to working with me one-to-one, but in the comfort of your own home, at a time that suits you, with the added benefit of moral support from the Inner Circle’s private online community – and all at a fraction of the cost, yet still getting brilliant results.
As a member of the Living From Your Heart Inner Circle, you get:
a new module each week
with a core theme to help you easily weave Living From Your Heart into every area of your life
a weekly workbook pdf or teaching video
– don’t worry – the pdfs are quick to read and easy to apply, yet potent and powerful – and the videos act as a ‘Virtual Coach’ in your own home
a specially-crafted affirmation for each module
– to help you make the shifts with near-zero effort
unique life-changing techniques, practical strategies and mini-projects
– to create lasting change you’ll love
regular yoga sequence videos
(3 minutes tops! Do it while the kettle boils 🙂 )
to help you effortlessly clear those old physical and energetic blocks
visualisation and meditation MP3s
at key points during the programme – so you can relax and change your life, while recharging your inner batteries
discussions in the private online community
to help you really integrate the techniques – and have fun while you share the journey.
I will be personally moderating this forum, for the duration of the programme, so you will be able to get support from me – as well as your fellow Inner Circle members – and I am sooo looking forward to being your virtual cheerleader!
and regular live Q&A Masterclasses
where you can be part of the group mentoring and sky-rocket your learning – and you get to join in with these whenever they run, even long after your 3 initial 3 months have finished.
How much time does it take?
Your weekly module will probably take around an hour to work through, including the workbook, the videos and the techniques.
And you get an integration week every 4 weeks, in case you need to catch up – there’s no rush – you get access to all of these fabulous resources for a full year.
Expect to spend about 5-10 minutes a day, practising that week’s techniques. They’re designed to be ‘do-able’ while you wait for the kettle to boil or while you’re standing in a queue. My mission is to make it EASY for you 🙂
If you miss a day, that’s fine, just pick up where you left off, or catch up. It doesn’t take long. And I have specially designed things to allow you to be flexible and to help make it easy for you to find time to join in.
Oh – and I nearly forgot to say – I’m even sharing with you a 4 part Masterclass in HOW TO FIND THE TIME – just in case your BEAUTIFUL Monkey Mind is still throwing around that objection 😉
What matters is consistency – regular efforts to let this life-changing programme work for you, even if it’s just 3 minutes a day.
Want To Know The Nitty Gritty?
Here’s some of what we’ll be covering:
Week 1 – Is It Time To Get ‘Out Of Your Mind’?
To move from a head-life to living from your heart needs firm foundations – and that’s what we’ll be creating in the first few weeks.
In week 1, you’ll get to:
Discover my near-magical ‘from head to heart’ technique that will change your life in under sixty seconds
Dive in to the #1 ‘how to’ secret for living from your heart – every single day
Figure out how to get started and stay motivated
Plus Bonus Training: “How To Change Your Life – Kick Start” Plus Bonus Masterclass: “How To Find The Time – Part 1”
Week 2 – The Secrets That Make The Vital Difference Between A ‘Nice Idea’ And A Life-Long Love Affair
The most important part of shifting from living in your head to Living From Your Heart is creating the habit – and I’ll be making it as easy as possible for you in week 2. Here’s some of what we’ll cover:
The little-known mindset shift that makes the difference between a ‘nice idea’ and a life-long love affair with living from your heart
How to use even the smallest objects to help you to reconnect with your heart, no matter how stressed you are
Dive in to the ‘how’ of creating your new habits, releasing those old blocks, fears, limiting beliefs and excuses, so that the changes you make in the next 90 days stay with you – for life.
A surprisingly simple technique that not only helps you to retrain your brain – but can help you to change your past!
60 Second strategies to help bring you back into balance, if your head tries to take over again!
Plus Bonus Masterclass: “How To Find The Time – Part 2” Plus Bonus Meditation: “From Head-To-Heart Meditation”
Week 3 – Have You Forgotten How To Breathe?
Sometimes we simply end up trying too hard – and in week 3 I’ll be showing you how, with each and every breath, you can come back to living from your heart, no matter what is going on around you.
Ancient breathing techniques you can use to ‘plug in’, de-stress and reconnect with your inner peace, even while you’re waiting for the kettle to boil
3 simple processes you won’t want to miss to use your breath to get grounded, to let go of stress and tension and to help you concentrate and think more clearly – oh, and smile more! 😉
Top strategies for spotting your progress (hint: it’ll be key to keeping motivated) and handling old blocks
A simple yoga posture that can help you to open your heart and get back into the flow of life
Plus Bonus Masterclass: “How To Find The Time – Part 3”
Week 4 – Ok – Let’s Tame That Monkey Mind!
Your Monkey Mind (the bit that runs life’s commentary in your head – and the boss of your Inner Critic) has had a not-so-secret role in how you have felt over recent decades. In week 4 you’ll discover exactly how your Monkey Mind ‘does’ stress and worry and all of that – but how to turn it into your best friend, keeping you living from your heart, for life.
You’ll play ‘detective’ and figure out how your Monkey Mind maybe hasn’t been telling you the Truth about stress, all these years, and how that fact alone could change your life forever
Easily apply the one Insider Secret about your Monkey Mind that will set you free from auto-pilot ‘reacting’ – forever
Experience the hard-wired link between your Monkey Mind’s chattering stories and your body – and how this connection can be the key to turning life around
Plus Bonus Masterclass: “How To Find The Time – Part 4”
Week 5 – Integration Week!
We’ll be taking a brief break from new material in week 5 – partly to give you a chance to catch up with anything you’ve missed – and partly because it’s often in the pauses that we gain the greatest insights.
Week 6 – It’s Time To Dump Those ‘Body Stories’
Mind, body, emotions and spirit are all linked. Change one and you change the other. But did you know that the stories you tell yourself about your body and your health play a vital role in your overall happiness – and even your ability to live from your heart? In week 6 we’ll dive into this connection and you’ll get to:
Understand the link between the stories you’re telling yourself about your body and your physical, mental and emotional health – and learn how to use this to feel happier, healthier and more energised, every day
Use the beautiful visualisation I’ll be sharing with you to reprogramme your health and energy levels, while you sleep
And I’ll be sharing with you one of my favourite mindfulness techniques for de-stressing and coming back to the present moment – and it’s perfect for anyone who finds sitting down to meditate a torture!
Week 7 – Do You Need To Become A Conscious Consumer
I’m not really talking about ‘going green’ here (though that’s something I’m passionate about!) Instead I’m going to help you to spot all of the things you’re consuming that have been dragging you away from a heart-based experience of life – without you even realising it. In week 7 you will:
Discover whether you’re ‘eating yourself miserable’ – and how you can avoid the top food traps that trick most people into feeling stressed and down
The 5 danger signs that it’s time for a media diet, how to spot the worst culprits in your daily life – and how to easily cut your screen time, if that’s what you want to do
Get to the bottom of the ‘secondary gain’ that was secretly driving your ‘consuming’ – and how this insight can give you the clue you were missing, to be able to really move out of your head and into your heart
Week 8 – “As Within, So Without”
Your outer world is an incredible barometer for your inner world. And sometimes, if we’re feeling stuck on the ‘inside’, a shift in the ‘outside’ can work miracles. In week 8 you will:
Learn how to let go of guilt and obligation so you can ruthlessly (and compassionately!) create more space to breathe in your ‘outside’ world
Discover how the things around you have an energy that your body can genuinely sense (and we’re not going majorly ‘woo woo’ here!) – and how choosing wisely can fast-track your journey towards heart-based living
How a simple attitude shift changes everything about your ‘outside’ – and experience the gorgeous shifts this will make for your ‘inside’
Week 9 – Set Yourself Free From ‘Should-Itis’
Ok, so we’re ready! It’s time in week 9 to set yourself free from ‘should-itis’ – the modern epidemnic. And you’ll be amazed at how much easier that makes it to live from your heart, rather than your head. In week 9 we’ll cover:
The single magical mindset-shift that FINALLY sets you free from ‘should-itis’, forever, without turning into a horrible, nasty person!
How to stop those spinning plates and feel calmer, happier and have more time to do the things you have been dreaming of
Learn how to consciously choose how to use your energy – and where to give it – plus how you, personally, recharge your batteries – so you can break free from feeling exhausted and overwhelmed
Week 10 – And Breathe Out!
Week 10 is your 2nd integration week – time to catch up, take a breather and celebrate the incredible progress you have made so far. 🙂
Week 11 – How To Deal With Difficult People
Living from your heart can throw up challenges – and how to deal compassionately with people who usually drive you up the wall is one of the biggies. We’ll be handling this in three parts – the first part this week and the second and third parts in weeks 13 and 14. In week 11, you’ll discover:
3 hidden benefits of living from your heart that makes dealing with difficult people a doddle – and how it means you’re being strong and not weak
The single snippet of Ancient Wisdom that will turn your conflict into compassion – and put an end to frustration (and shut up your Inner Critic)
How cultivating a ‘star fish mentality’ could change your world – and that of those around you
Week 12 – Emotions, Emotions Everywhere!
All of the work we have gone through in the past 11 weeks will have made a major difference to how your emotions are running, but there is some beautiful fine-tuning that we can do. In week 12 I’ll spill the beans and share with you:
Where emotions really ‘come from’ – and how this surprising fact could shift your attitude towards them forever – and give you back your power
My magic wand for worrying – and 3 other 5-minute Emotional First Aid technique (you might even love to share these with your family and friends)
The power of 2 little words to turbo-charge your journey towards creating your dream life – and why not knowing this secret is likely to have been the MAJOR reason you haven’t got there yet – part 1 (part 2 is in week 14)
Week 13 – Unwrap The Hidden Gifts That Are Waiting For You In Each And Every One Of Your Relationships
Yes – you read that right – in each and every relationship – even the ones we feel pants about 🙂 Week 13 is very intentionally placed towards the end of the 3 months, because by then you’ll have done enough work on the outer layers of life’s ‘onion’ that you’ll be ready to really dive in and get juicy with this topic! In week 13, you’ll get let in on the secrets about:
Why our most challenging relationships hold the greatest and most life-changing gifts for us – plus 3 techniques to discover them
4 concrete strategies you can use to transform your relationships
The biggest relationship pitfall and the two greatest relationship healers that will set you free from the past and open your heart to the miracles your future relationships hold for you
Week 14 – Why Falling In Love With Your ‘Shadow Side’ Is The Key To Truly Living From Your Heart
You know, it’s actually fairly easy to live a heart-based life, when we’re talking about other people. Compassion and acceptance are much easier to give than to receive. But the real icing on the cake for a heart-based life is looking in the mirror, with love. Yikes! I know! It can feel scary… 🙂 And that’s why this element of ‘relationships’ is in week 14. By this time, the strategies you’ll be discovering will feel natural and intuitive to you. And I can’t wait to see how you get on with them! In week 14, you will:
Find out exactly how to put an end to feeling jealous or inadequate – and how your Inner Critic can actually be a really useful early warning sign, rather than your worst nightmare, when you know how to handle it
Discover how to let go of keeping tally of your strengths and weaknesses – and why who you are is so much more important for a happy, successful life than what you can or can’t do
Work with the 2-little-words technique from week 12 to consciously create the future you have been dreaming of – while you sleep!
Whew! That’s quite a ride! But there’s more…
Graduation Bonuses
After the end of our 3 months together, I want to give you some gorgeous bonuses to keep you going. They will include:
A Manifesting Masterclass
This webinar-style masterclass (usually £147) will give you the practical Insider Secrets that I personally use to start from Living From My Heart to go to living my dreams.
On-going access to our live Mastermind Q&A calls
Whenever I run a live Q&A call for future members of the Mastermind, you get to join in – and will also be able to download the recording.
The Benefits Are Yours To Keep
As a graduate of Living From Your Heart you get to stay as a member of our private Facebook community (worth at least £250 per year) beyond your 3 months – so it’s there for you, long-term, to celebrate your successes and get answers to your questions. You also get to re-sit the 3 month programme, whenever I upgrade it, as my guest. 🙂
By working through this as an Inner Circle programme, you’ll cover the equivalent material that would have taken us a full year of one-to-one mentoring, in just 3 months – at a fraction of the cost, at a time and place that suits you (and without the waiting list!)
The shifts you’ve been dreaming of will happen for you, live, as we’re working through the material – just as they would in a one-to-one personal mentoring programme.
How do I know if this is right for me?
Warning: This programme (‘program’ for my USA friends – just like ‘enrol’ 🙂 – sorry, if you join in you’ll have to be ok with UK English xx) is not for you if you are still living in a space where you believe that life ‘happens to you’ and is totally beyond control – or if you believe that other people are responsible for your happiness – or if you don’t want to take responsibility for choosing how to live your life – or if you’re addicted to being the victim – or if you’re looking for a zero-effort quick-fix solution that will change your life for you, without you having to do anything.
If that’s you, please save yourself the stress and my support team the hassle and don’t sign up. Mwah! 🙂
You’ll know if your heart is calling you on this.
You’ll be starting to feel the excitement, bubbling away inside you, as you sense that Living From Your Heart has been waiting for you; that it’s the ‘missing link’; that it’s your next logical – or intuitive – step.
You’ll know, in your heart, that life isn’t currently how you want it to be, and it’s time to take action. and you’re prepared to make the commitment to your future to take that action.
Each and every day you spend putting up with ‘ok’ and ‘getting by’ is a day of joyous living you have missed out on.
You feel in your body that you really want to look back from your 80th birthday party and LOVE all of the fabulous memories and experiences you enjoyed over the coming years. Wooo hoooo!!!!
The content of this programme is unique and I have never shared it with a group before…
… it has been reserved for one-to-one mentoring clients in my spiritual growth programmes. I’m really excited about getting to share it with you. The time feels right for this.
To go through this programme with me, one-to-one, would have cost you upwards of $3,000 and would have taken a year. However, I simply don’t have time to do this on a one-to-one basis any more.
And it feels like the world is calling for this unique work to be much more widely available. The planet needs each and every one of us to be making the types of shifts that this Living From Your Heart Inner Circle programme can create.
So I’m offering it to you as a group mentoring programme, getting the same fantastic results, but at a fraction of the financial investment – and in bite-sized, easy-to-action chunks.
The cost to take part should be well over $3,000 (the cost of my Gold mentoring package), plus the bonuses.
However, I want to make this programme as accessible as I can – whilst still being able to deliver the quality and service you deserve.
And, if you register before midnight (Pacific) on 27th November 2014, you can change your life forever at my incredible Thanksgiving celebration saver rate:
So the contribution to experience this Inner Circle Living From Your Heart programme is only $495 $297 USD or £297 £197 GBP.
That’s less than the cost of a single breakthrough mentoring session with me and I hope you’ll agree that it represents incredible value.
Is it time to say ‘yes’ to the future you have been dreaming of?
How do I know it’s worth the investment?
I know that the tools, techniques and secrets I’ll be sharing with you are dynamite. Apply them, make the shifts, let go of the old ‘stuff’ you’ve been carrying and you’ll take your life to the next level.
(Don’t worry – I’ll be sharing the full ‘how to’ with you, to make all of that easy).
If you imagine being able to crank up the dial on your ‘Inner Happiness Thermostat’, each and every day for the rest of your life, how much would that be worth to you?
If you imagine what living, totally authentically, from your heart could do for your career and your home life, how much would that be worth to you?
Or, perhaps looking at it the other way, how much would it be worth to you to avoid reaching your 80th birthday, looking back and regretting that you didn’t do it.
Only you can decide if you want to dive in and exerience all that this Inner Circle has to offer. And if you do, then I promise to give you all the support and encouragement and ‘how to’ that I can, to help you achieve the shifts you have been dreaming of!
Doors are now open for Living From Your Heart – so this is your chance to join us. Plus it comes with my Zero Risk Guarantee, so you have nothing to lose and a lifetime of fabulous to gain.
Are you ready to say “YES!” to the future you have been dreaming of?
If you register before midnight (Pacific) on Thursday 27th November 2014 then you qualify for my Thanksgiving saving rates:
Choose your payment option (one payment or three instalments), click the button and then watch your email for details of your login and password. You can get started with the private online community in the next 5 minutes!
Pay In Full & Save
You get to choose – pay in £GBP or $USD
One payment of £297 just £197 GBP
or One payment of $495 just $297 USD
3-Pay Option
Three monthly payments of $111
As always, this programme is part of my Conscious Pricing Policy. Please contact me if you need to discuss alternative energy exchanges.
Zero Risk Guarantee
And Living From Your Heart comes with my Love It! Guarantee
If your heart tells you within the first 30 days (that’s a whole month of trying it on for size) that, having worked through the modules and exercises, this Inner Circle isn’t for you, then let us know by replying to one of the emails and we’ll give you a full no-quibble refund and no future payments will be taken.
So you’ve got nothing to lose and a whole lot of life-changing to enjoy!
Could this be the most important choice you make this year?
I can’t wait to share this exciting journey with you.
And if you still have questions, check out the FAQs (below). If your question isn’t answered there, please get in touch and I’ll do my best to help!
With love, Namaste,
Clare Josa | Author of “Gratitude, A Daily Journal”, the “28 Day Meditation Challenge” and “The Little Book Of Daily Sunshine”
NLP Trainer | Meditation Teacher | Happiness Experimenter | Reformed Mechanical Engineer | Co-Director of The Gayatri Healing Cente & Labyrinth | Busy Mum To 3 Young Boys
Mankind is crying out for help. Those who have something to offer should come forward. Now is the time.
HH Dalai Lama
P.S. Remember our Love It Guarantee?
If your heart tells you in the first 30 days (that’s a whole month of trying it on for size) that, having worked through the modules and exercises, this Inner Circle isn’t for you, then let us know by replying to one of the emails and we’ll give you a full no-quibble refund and no future payments will be taken.
Can’t make it much fairer than that, can I?! 🙂
FAQs About The Living From Your Heart Programme
“I don’t have enough time to do this!”
Not having enough time is the #1 excuse (sorry, truly legitimate reason!) I hear from people about why they can’t change their lives.
Firstly, we tackle this, head-on, in the first module.
Secondly, do you really think that the ‘future you’ on your 80th birthday will look back and say “Hell yeah! I’m so glad you didn’t bother changing your life because the ironing was so much more important!”???
Or do you think that ‘future you’ might wish you had taken action today that could help you to feel happier and more fulfilled, for every day of the rest of your life?
“What if it doesn’t work for me?”
I know that this stuff works – and I know it will work for you, if you simply go and use it! But I also know how it feels to start a programme and feel unsure or confused – and that’s ok.
It’s why I share with you that vital Truth I mentioned (back up the top of here), right when we get started with the main programme.
It’s the difference that makes the difference.
And, if your heart genuinely tells you this isn’t a good fit for you, once we’ve started, then that’s why I offer my “Love It!” guarantee.
How does the Living From Your Heart create lasting change?
We don’t mess around with the sticky plaster stuff (Band Aids, I think, in the USA?). We dive right in and deal with the underlying causes. And it doesn’t have to hurt and it doesn’t have to be scary.
But when you deal with what’s been unconsciously running the show, change doesn’t just become easier, it becomes inevitable and natural!
“What if I’m away for some of the programme?”
Don’t worry! It’s ok!
You get access to all of the modules for a full year months after the end of the programme and all live calls are recorded.
So it’s easy for you to catch up and there’s no pressure to run at the weekly pace – you can choose to take things more gently, if that works better for you.
And, remember, you get to resit the programme as my guest, each time I update it!
What kind of support is included?
This group mentoring programme includes peer support from the private online community – and I will also be in there, pretty much every day for the 3 months of the programme, to answer your questions and to be your virtual cheer-leader for your break throughs.
The live Q&A sessions are the perfect opportunity to get answers to your burning questions – and to learn through others’ journeys.
So it’s subtly different from one-to-one mentoring, but you still have full support and, personally, I feel you gain much more from sharing the journey and learning from each other than from working through this kind of stuff with just lil’ ol’ me!
How do I know it’s worth the investment?
I know that the tools, techniques and secrets I’ll be sharing with you are dynamite. Apply them, make the shifts, let go of the old ‘stuff’ you’ve been carrying and you’ll take your life to the next level.
(Don’t worry – I’ll be sharing the full ‘how to’ with you, to make all of that easy).
If you imagine being able to crank up the dial on your ‘Inner Happiness Thermostat’, each and every day for the rest of your life, how much would that be worth to you?
Or, perhaps looking at it the other way, how much would it be worth to you to avoid reaching your 80th birthday, looking back and regretting that you didn’t do it.
Only you can decide if you want to dive in and exerience all that this Inner Circle has to offer. And if you do, then I promise to give you all the support and encouragement and ‘how to’ that I can, to help you achieve the shifts you have been dreaming of!
“But I’m scared of changing! Won’t my life fall apart?”
I know that change can feel scary – believe me – I’ve been there.
That’s one of the reasons why it is so important to me that I only share the depth of techniques we’ll be using in the Inner Circle in a mentoring environment – and it’s why you’ll never find them just hanging around in a book. This stuff really works – and I want to make it as easy as possible for you – and that’s why it’s really important that we get to connect, rather than me leaving you on your own. We have the private online community, where you can share your experiences (both great and otherwise!) and get moral support, plus the fortnightly Q&As, where you can get answers to your questions.
You are not alone. We are all there, walking this path by your side. And when that happens, change doesn’t feel anywhere near as scary, does it?
Isn’t this stuff just a load of ‘woo woo’?
My inner engineer chuckles over this one. I have lost count of the number of times she has thrown this question back at me. In fact, my original degree was a Masters in Mechanical Engineering and German and the first decade of my career was in senior engineering positions and then as Head of Market Research for an international brand – so I know about practical, strategic, insightful common sense solutions.
As a certified NLP Trainer for over a decade, I’m also an expert in teaching you the way your unconscious mind loves to learn – so it couldn’t be easier for you to change your life!
On the other hand, my inner ‘soul self’ also knows that there is more to life than purely observable science. And if I didn’t share the more subtle stuff with you, I’d be doing you a disservice. So rest assured, I’ll be bringing you everything that you need – but in a way that’s easy for you to take on board and enjoy, without having to pop off to your 29th Chakra for a month of japa meditation. 🙂
“Do I have to take on a new religion or belief system?”
Absolutely not!
In fact, the primary focus of my work is to help people let go of the old beliefs that were holding them back – wherever these came from.
With everything I share with you, all I ask is that you try it on for size, with an open mind, and if it fits, great. Take it and use it to change your life. If it doesn’t, and you can’t tweak it to fit, that’s cool too.
And the vital Truth I mentioned earlier is the #1 reason why all of this will work for you, no matter what your cultural or social background or life experience so far.
“What will it feel like, as I work through the Inner Circle Programme?”
The 3 months (and beyond!) will feel different for everyone, but there are some common themes.
Sometimes the module will be easy for you, because it’s just refining what you’re already doing.
Other times it might be more of a challenge, as you let go of an old behaviour or release an old block and take on new habits. Comfort zones will get stretched. You will be re-training your mind – both the conscious ‘Monkey Mind’ and also your ‘unconscious mind’ – the bit that’s really running the show.
Take all of this at your own speed. Dive in as deeply as you can – but know that the materials will still be there for you, if you want to repeat a module in the future to get even more from it.
By the end of the 3 months, if you have worked through the modules, you will feel happier, calmer, more open-hearted, less stressed, more grounded and centred and life will flow more easily.
And students tell me they catch themselves smiling for no particular reason 🙂
How do the Q&A sessions work?
These are held and regular points and I’ll publish all of the dates and times well in advance, so you can get them in your diary.
They run at two different times – Monday evenings and Saturday late afternoons – alternating each call. This is to try to allow as many people as possible to join in live (given the wide range of time zones we’re all on!). The calls are all recorded and you’ll be able to download them from the members’ area, to listen to again. So don’t worry if you miss one!
You can also submit a question in advance, if you can’t make the call, and I will do my best to answer it.
All calls can be done via the phone (and there are a range of call options) or live via the internet (free) – so hopefully there’s a choice that will suit your schedule and call plan.
I want to make it as easy as possible for you to really enjoy these sessions.
“Do I have to join in with the private online community?”
No, of course you don’t! It’s entirely up to you!
However, I’ll be spending quite a lot of time hanging out there, so it’s a great way to get answers to your questions. Also sharing the journey is much more fun than just doing it on your own and you’ll find the community is full of lovely people, on a similar journey to you. So I do really recommend joining in.
It is a private closed group on Facebook (Google can’t see inside it), so your privacy is safe.
It really is worth the effort.
I’m not sure if I want to do this? How can I decide?”
Here’s some of what you can expect from the next 3 months:
Uncover the unconscious habits that keep us stuck in pain, fear, stress and worry – and exactly how to use gratitude as the perfect antidote.
7 little-known secrets to tame your inner critic, once and for all.
Discover sixty-second strategies to help you rebalance your life, so you can find more time, with less stress, get more done and even carve out time to do what you most love doing.
Learn how to handle even the most challenging situations – and how to easily turn things around with one simple ‘magic’ question.
Put an end to feeling jealous or inadequate, loving all that you are and have in your life and knowing that there’s plenty more where that came from.
Feel less stressed, more productive, be able to concentrate more easily, feel more at peace and less irritable.
Feel more confident at work and at home – even in situations that you used to find difficult.
Be one of the few who knows the most potent time and way to practise gratitude, which can ramp up its effectiveness by at least 1000% – and why not knowing this could cause your unconscious mind to accidentally undo all of your hard work.
4 concrete strategies you can apply in just minutes, which will transform your relationships – even with those really difficult people!
A beautiful gratitude-based mindset shift that will instantly set you free from the modern epidemic I call ‘should-itis’.
3 essential tweaks that are usually overlooked, which turn gratitude from being a baggage-laden effort into being a heart-opening life-transformer.
Experience for yourself how becoming a conscious consumer and a generous giver can release the blocks that were keeping you stuck, helping you to take your life to the next level.
Find out whether you’re making the #1 gratitude mistake that even experienced manifesters are falling for (don’t worry – we can fix it!)
Be able to easily handle emotional situations, feeling calmer, happier, more centred and more peaceful, throughout your day.
Get clear about where you want to go in life – and who you want to be – and learn 6 essential tools for releasing your out-dated limiting beliefs, fears and excuses, which would otherwise have stopped you from ever getting there.
Become a magnet to positive experiences, synchronicity and life’s abundance, setting yourself free from drama, emotional pain and ‘never-enough-syndrome’
I’ll let you in on my personal secret strategy for allowing what you have been dreaming of to arrive in your life, without having to force or push or beg or plead – or give up!
Gently open your heart to love and to allowing yourself to inspire others to do the same.
Whatever it is you have been dreaming of, Transform Your Life With Gratitude shares the tools, techniques, strategies, insider secrets and questions you need to take you there.
…And just imagine…discovering that all of this (and much, much more) is not only possible, but it’s easy, when you know how!
I’ll be teaching you, step by step, the practical strategies and expert techniques that it took me decades to discover and create, so you can become a master of them in the next 90 days.
And we’ll be diving in to the ‘how’ of creating your new habits, releasing those old blocks, fears, limiting beliefs and excuses, so that the changes you make in the next 90 days stay with you – for life.
Over the six weeks of How To Be Happy, you will get:
a weekly instalment for this course – with a PDF workbook, to guide you through the key learning points and techniques
a video (or 3!), to act like a ‘virtual coach’ and help you to dive in more deeply
worksheets, to help you integrate the techniques and gain deeper insights, at relevant points
a weekly inspirational positive affirmation, to make changing your life really easy, complete with a gorgeous image that you can print out or download to use as your computer or phone wallpaper
access to the private online community (this is yours to keep, for as long as the community exists!)
and bonus meditation or guided visualisation MP3s, at key points, to allow you to change your life while you’re lying down and relaxing!
It’ll take about 1/2 hour to an hour to work through, depending how deeply you choose to dive in. And you might want to practice the techniques for a couple of minutes a day.
Scroll down to read the week-by-week course outline.
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Here’s the course outline:
Week By Week – In Bite-Sized Chunks
Here’s what we’ll be covering, over the six weeks:
Week 1: Is It Time To Get Moving?
In week 1 we’re talking about how ‘getting moving’ could be the ultimate ‘First Aid’ when you’re feeling fed up – and much, much more!Week 1 is all about getting moving – about getting ‘unstuck’. Whether we feel miserable most of the time or whether we feel happy is mostly just habit – and I’ll be helping you to dive in and discover how to create shifts in the first few days. I’ll be spilling the beans on:
Is it time to get moving? And how this could be your best friend on your happiness journey
Why feeling glum isn’t all in your head
The secret key to freeing up your body’s natural ‘happy messengers’
How doing the one thing you least feel like doing when you’re feeling down can shift your mood in under sixty second
And more!
Bonus: “How To Change Your Life – Kick Start” Training Module
Week 2:
In week 2 we’re diving in to become Conscious Consumers of life – and we’re not just talking ‘going green’When we’re feeling down, most of us reach for something to eat or drink – or we plug ourselves in to our favourite ‘screentime’ distraction. It’s auto-pilot, rather than conscious choice, and this could be making you feel more miserable! In week 2 you will:
Discover whether you’re eating yourself miserable – and learn how to escape 5 scarily common food traps
Learn to recognise the 5 danger signs that it’s time for a TV diet – and what on earth you could do instead!
Experience how what we ‘consume’ plays such a vital role in how our unconscious mind approaches life – and whether or not we feel happy
Add a fabulous sixty second Ancient Mindfulness technique (with a thoroughly modern twist) to your ‘take-it-anywhere-do-it-any-time’ happiness toolkit
And more!
Bonus: “How To Find The Time – Masterclass” – Part 1
Week 3: Have You Forgotten How To Breathe?
This week’s Happiness Insider Secrets is one of my favourites, because it means you can truly change your life with your very next breathThis week’s Happiness Insider Secrets is one of my favourites, because it means you can truly change your life with your very next breath – no waiting for fancy retreats or years of therapy 😉
In week 3, I’ll share the secrets with you on:
Why most of us have forgotten how to breathe – and why it’s not as obvious as you might think
How the way we breathe directly impacts the way we feel – and why not knowing this is one of the biggest causes of feeling down
3 beautiful breathing techniques that can shift you from stressed to smiling in under sixty seconds
A profoundly powerful mindset shift that could set you free from ‘should-itis’ and will give you back your freedom
And more!
Bonus: How To Set Yourself Free From ‘Sould-Itis’ Meditation MP3
Week 4: Time To Take A Trip Down Memory Lane?
We’ll be discovering how taking a trip down memory lane can be your worst enemy, if you want feel happy – but also how you could turn it into your best friend!Most of us spend our time stuck in the past – on past hurts, regrets and pains. But, frankly, that trashes your present – and your future. And in week 4 we’ll be discovering how taking a trip down memory lane can be your worst enemy, if you want feel happy – but also how you could turn it into your best friend!
This week we’ll dive in and experience:
How knowing ‘when’ you are living is the key to setting yourself free from your old auto-pilot reposes that had kept you feeling stuck and fed up
Exactly how to reconnect with the part of you that remembers how to feel happy – even when that might feel impossible
A simple, yet highly effective strategy for taking scissors to your past and letting go of what no longer serves your Highest Good
A fabulous technique for letting go of an old, redundant limiting belief in under sixty seconds
The vital truth that set me free from feeling yucky and stressed and fed up and turned the light back on at the end of the tunnel
And more!
Bonus: “How To Find The Time – Masterclass” – Part 2
Week 5: Could You Turn Your Thinking Upside Down?
Discover how a subtle shift in what you’re thinking could transform your experience of life – nearly-instantlyHave you ever noticed how, when we’re feeling stressed out, down or even angry, we’re really good at keeping ourselves there? Well, in this week’s instalment we’ll be diving in to the ‘how’ and ‘why’ and ‘what can you do’ for all of this. In week 5 you’ll learn:
The absolutely vital first key to any change you ever want to make in your life – and it’s so amazingly simple that you’ve almost definitely been missing it
Why your mind’s stories hold the key to turning your mood around – and how to employ a little-known technique to use them to your advantage
The surprising secret about your Monkey Mind that – unless you know it – makes it much harder to feel happy – and it also happens to the be #1 meditation myth – double whammie!
Why you should watch out who you’re letting rent space in your head – and exactly how to evict any tenant that’s dragging you down
The one-word solution that is truly key for cutting your stress levels and helping you to feel happier, every day, for the rest of your life
And… (wow! Week 5 is a real goodie!) My favourite ‘Magic Question’ to instantly turn things around – even when the brown stuff has already hit the fan and is splattering the walls… 🙂
And more!
Bonus: “How To Find The Time – Masterclass” – Part 3
Week 6: Two Little Words That Could Change Your Life Forever
This final Insider Secret works incredibly deeply, incredibly fastThis final Insider Secret works incredibly deeply, incredibly fast (psychologists’ research has shown it’s less than 3 weeks – but my students have noticed results in under 3 days!) In fact, I’d like to think I’ve saved the best until last. In week six I’ll share with you:
The number one thing that your happiness really depends upon – and you’ll wish they had taught you this at school
How a simple shift in focus can transform your experience of the outside world – and your inside world
Exactly how this shift can help you to finally tame your Inner Critic – woo hoo!
10 ways this Insider Secret could change your life this week – in less time than it takes to drink a cup of tea
And more!
Bonus: “How To Find The Time – Masterclass” – Part 4
And Finally…
There will one final email – which probably ought to be called ‘week 7’ – in which I share with you my all-time personal Insider Secret for feeling happy and falling in love with life.
I use it every day – and I want you to be able to LOVE using it, too!
Graduation Bonus: You get to keep your membership of the How To Be Happy private Facebook group for as long as you want. And, every time I update this course or add new bonuses, you’ll get those too, as my gift.
[DAP hasAccessTo=”4″ hasNoAccessTo=”56″ errMsgTemplate=””]“How To Find The Time” is a 4 part video Masterclass – only available to those on the full version of How To Be Happy. Want to join us? You get access to Insider Secrets #2 to #6, as well as all of the bonuses. Here’s where to register now:
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[/DAP][DAP hasAccessTo=”56″ errMsgTemplate=””][/DAP][DAP startday=”1″ endday=”7″ hasAccessTo=”56″ errMsgTemplate=””]This 4 part Masterclass starts in week 2 – see you then![/DAP][DAP hasAccessTo=”4,56″ errMsgTemplate=””]
How To Set Yourself Free From ‘Should-Itis’ Meditation
To read the third Insider Secret workbook, click on the image (above) or on this link to open it in your web browser. To download it to read offline, right click on the link and choose ‘save as’ or similar: Insider Secret #1
Download a printable version of this – click on the image to see a larger version. Then right click on that image and choose ‘save as’ (or similar) to download it to your computer or smartphone.
Bonus Video
Bonus video introl
“The most powerful way to set yourself free from negative thoughts has nothing to do with your head.” Tweet this
“We get what we tell ourselves – mind and body are linked. Say you’re tired and that’s how you’ll feel.” Tweet this
“Mind and body are linked: change your posture and you’ll change your thoughts and feelings.” Tweet this
I’d love to connect with you over at the private forum!
Here are this week’s discussion topics (click on the image to go straight to the discussion thread):
To read the third Insider Secret workbook, click on the image (above) or on this link to open it in your web browser. To download it to read offline, right click on the link and choose ‘save as’ or similar: Insider Secret #1
Download a printable version of this – click on the image to see a larger version. Then right click on that image and choose ‘save as’ (or similar) to download it to your computer or smartphone.
Bonus Video
Bonus video introl
“The most powerful way to set yourself free from negative thoughts has nothing to do with your head.” Tweet this
“We get what we tell ourselves – mind and body are linked. Say you’re tired and that’s how you’ll feel.” Tweet this
“Mind and body are linked: change your posture and you’ll change your thoughts and feelings.” Tweet this
I’d love to connect with you over at the private forum!
Here are this week’s discussion topics (click on the image to go straight to the discussion thread):