Is your car spick and span, gleaming its way along the road, recently polished with everything tidily arranged and within easy reach?
Or is it like mine can be – several months past needing its last wash, two-toned with mud and a mass of kids’ snack crumbs, discarded odd socks (the kids again, honest) and random pieces of mail strewn across the footwells?
And why should you care?
All of us have a messy car from time to time, but did you know it tells the world more about you than you might realise?
The way we look after our car is a mirror to how we are feeling
A mind that is calm and happy will create an environment very different to one that is stressed and overwhelmed.

For most of us, this shows as clutter on the passenger seat and the need for an overdue wash and wax. It’s all too easy to get into a cycle of neglect.
But things can reach extremes
I had a situation a few months ago where I was trying to do too much with too little time or support. Sure enough, it showed in my car. She (yes, she) was covered in mud from the winter weather, her interior was full of junk and, quite frankly, had I been asked to give anyone a lift, I’d have felt mortified.
It came to a head one lunchtime when I was picking my son up from Kindergarten. I had passed the fuel station, seeing my fuel light on, thinking “it’s only another 10 back to home – I’ll be fine.” Sure enough, on the return trip, I was going up a steep hill and ran out of fuel, grinding to a complete halt on a high speed road. The police had to come to push the car to safety, while I skulked my way to the petrol station to buy an emergency fuel cannister. Now that was mortifying.
But what did it say about me? The message was clear. I wasn’t looking after myself and I was running on empty. Literally.
The quote “as within, so without” comes from ancient wisdom and one of its meanings is that our internal world is reflected in our external reality.
So if we’re looking after something personal, such as our car, keeping it clean, tidy and well-serviced, then we’re probably doing the same to ourselves. Neglecting our car shows we’re likely to be neglecting ourselves. And the same goes for our home, our office or even our appearance. It shows that, at some deeper level, we don’t care.
What can you do?
The biggest step towards turning things around is to be aware of the problem. If you’re neglecting yourself, it will show in your surroundings.
Human nature means we often find it difficult to nurture ourselves. The great news is that “as within, so without” works both ways.
So if you want to turn things around, start by looking after your car – or your bedroom or wherever you’re neglecting on the inside. Turning this into a new routine will produce the side-effect that your “as within” will change, too. You’ll automatically start taking care of your body, your emotions and your mind, which will help you feel more positive.
Results can be fast.
It’s not about suddenly adding a weekly car clean and wax to your “to do” list. It’s much easier than that. Simply keeping your home free of clutter and finishing off the little jobs you start will give your unconscious mind the clear message that things are changing – for the better.
And once you’re into the habit of looking after your outside world, you might be surprised how quickly you think of ways to look after the “inside” you.
Remember: your inner and outer worlds are reflections of each other. You only need to make changes in one of them to impact them both.
And if you’d like some quick fixes, there are some great, easy techniques you can apply right now, to start feeling happier and less stressed in under 5 minutes.
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