Have you ever noticed how walking into a room of grumpy people is like standing under a rain cloud?
But walking into a room of people who are genuinely happy and laughing is like an instant mood lift?
In fact, it’s pretty easy to feel happy when you’re surrounded by other people who are happy.

But it’s pretty tough to feel happy if you’re surrounded by others who are miserable.
So what can you do about it?
How about choosing to be the one who lifts the mood?
Whatever the atmosphere in a room, you can easily do your bit to improve it.
All you need to do is focus on something that makes you feel happy. Give it your full attention for a minute or more. Then notice how another, even happier thought easily flows into your mind. Then another. And before you know it, you’re feeling happier. You’ll be smiling. And those around you will notice the shift.
The key is not to become attached to making others feel happier. That rarely works.
It’s about creating an environment that inspires them to feel happier, then letting them get on with making their own choice.
Smiles are contagious. How about giving a few away today?