I want to share with you two Insider Secrets that your Soul really wants you to hear – and they might just change your life forever – in the next few minutes.
It took me many, many years to ‘get’ them. And I’m hoping to short cut that ride for you 😉
All you need to do is to read this article, try the ideas on for size, and if they resonate, then woo hoo! That’s your life changed! I can’t make it much easier than that, can I?
So here’s the thing:
Most of us are addicted to the stories we tell ourselves.
Hey, I didn’t say I was going to go gently with you on this, did I?
It’s a fact: your mind tells stories. Everyone LOVES a good story. And if we’re not getting enough of them on the outside, then we tell them on the inside.
It’s why people get addicted to their favourite dramas and soap operas. It’s why people love gossip so much. It’s why celebrity magazines are so popular. We all LOVE a good story… And here’s the clincher… Even if that story hurts.
And there’s a HUGE problem with this:
You end up BELIEVING the stories you’re telling yourself. Time to choose wisely?
Now it’s a rare and beautiful mind that only tells itself stories about the good stuff.
For most of us, those stories are icky and ouchy.
You know the kind of thing – we analyse, review, replay scenarios, re-run conversations with what we wish we had said, instead, we rehearse the future, we complain to ourselves about how unreasonable someone has been, we dive into the ‘woe is me’ drama – we all have our own personal favourites.
But the more you tell yourself the story, the more it becomes hard-wired in your brain – just like an oft-repeated children’s Fairytale that you’ll still remember when you’re 90. The difference is that you (hopefully!) know that the Fairytale was just a story. But the stories we make up about our lives are so vivid that they feel real.
The thing is:
Your body doesn’t care whether the story is true or not – it reacts the same way.
When you tell yourself a story about stress or pain or anger, your body doesn’t care whether it’s a factual documentary or a high-drama fantasy. It fires off the same chemical reactions that trigger the emotions invoked in the story – and creates the same stress load as if it were really happening.
This means that we can literally talk ourselves into the pain and suffering, even though it’s not currently happening.
So here’s the first Insider Secret that your Soul wants you to hear:
Click on the image to share via FacebookInsider Secret #1
In other words, you can CHOOSE which stories to tell yourself.
You can CHOOSE which thoughts to feed.
It is the thoughts we feed – the stories we tell ourselves and others – that cause the pain, not life itself. Learn to manage which thoughts you feed and the choice of how to feel about things becomes yours.
But that sounds pretty tricky. Surely it’s impossible?
Err… Nope. Come on – would I tell you what you need to do without sharing a super-duper easy-if-you-want-it-to-be strategy to help you out?
Here you are!
Here’s how:
… and it’s so simple that you’ll be amazed you weren’t taught it at school:
If a thought comes up that makes you feel terrible, don’t push it away or reject it or beat yourself up about being a ‘positive thinking failure’ – again…
Instead, acknowledge that it was there but choose to let it drift on through – and it will, as long as you don’t dance with it.
And then consciously choose to think about something that makes you feel better.
All you need to do is to choose. And you ALWAYS have a choice.
If all you do to change your life is that, then you’ll notice AMAZING shifts in just a week.
I’ll be back next week with the second Insider Secret your Soul wants you to hear. If you want to make sure you don’t miss it, then please make sure you’re getting my Dancing In Your Soul-Shoes newsletter by registering using the form at the bottom of this article.
And I’m curious: how does this Insider Secret resonate for you? Is your Monkey Mind screaming objections? Or is your heart breathing a sigh of relief?
Which stories could you choose to let go of today?
Please share via the comments!
And if you have any friends who you think might love this article, please share it far and wide with them.
This is so true, we must step out of drama to be able to move with lighter shoulders
I even found talking the positive come up then, I was going to write ‘move without heavy shoulders’.
It just a flick switch but you have to be able to recognise it to change it.
Like ‘not a problem’ to ‘its a pleasure’.
Thankyou Clare for writing it down and putting it out for the masses to see xxx
Thank you, Jo – and you’re very welcome!
As you say, the ‘what I don’t want’ is often the first thing that comes up.
For anyone who struggles with this, there’s a super-easy question you can ask yourself to turn this around:
“What do I want, instead?”
So, in Jo’s example, she initially thought about moving ‘without heavy shoulders’.
“What does Jo want instead?”
“Lighter shoulders.”
It’s that simple. Can you FEEL the difference, everyone?
xx Clare
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This is so true, we must step out of drama to be able to move with lighter shoulders
I even found talking the positive come up then, I was going to write ‘move without heavy shoulders’.
It just a flick switch but you have to be able to recognise it to change it.
Like ‘not a problem’ to ‘its a pleasure’.
Thankyou Clare for writing it down and putting it out for the masses to see xxx
Thank you, Jo – and you’re very welcome!
As you say, the ‘what I don’t want’ is often the first thing that comes up.
For anyone who struggles with this, there’s a super-easy question you can ask yourself to turn this around:
“What do I want, instead?”
So, in Jo’s example, she initially thought about moving ‘without heavy shoulders’.
“What does Jo want instead?”
“Lighter shoulders.”
It’s that simple. Can you FEEL the difference, everyone?
xx Clare