When we spend time complaining about what’s going wrong, what others are or aren’t doing and how much of what we want we don’t have / how much we don’t want what we have, guess what happens?
We are programming our minds to focus on more of that.
It’s as though we’re tuning a radio station to play us a ‘life soundtrack’ of complaining, ‘don’t want’ and ‘don’t like’.

Fortunately there’s a really simple solution.
Instead of complaining about what’s bad / wrong / what we don’t have, focus on what’s going well, what we do have, what we do like and we’ll be waving a magic wand, setting the filters in our brain to spot more of that.
When we do this, it’s as though a miracle occurs:
“Whatever you appreciate and give thanks for will increase in your life.”~ Sanaya Roman
It feels like the things we appreciate are growing, because we’re giving them more of our ‘head space’. But it also physically occurs too, because we’re giving our mind the instruction to notice and to create chance for more of what we appreciate to ‘arrive’. We’re more likely to spot the open doors and opportunities that allow more of it into our experience of live. We’re more likely to say the things and take the actions that bring what we appreciate into our world.
The simple act of saying thank you for what we have – of appreciating and feeling good about how our life is – shifts our radar and retunes that radio station.
Each time you catch yourself complaining, how about pausing for a moment and asking yourself, “What could I choose to feel grateful for, in this moment?”
There will always be something.
This is one of the many reasons why your daily ‘gratitude minutes’ are so incredibly important – and potentially life-changing. They are training your mind to consistently allow more of what you feel grateful for into your experience of life.
Surely that’s worth a minute a day of your time?
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