Peace happens one heart at a time. And it starts wtih yours. xx Clare

How Falling In Love With Your Monkey Mind Can Be The Key To Inner Peace
One of the common challenges students face, when trying to silently observe their thoughts, as part of a meditation or mindfulness practice, is that their monkey mind plays games.
Our thoughts are running in the background, practically all of the time. They’re chattering, passing judgement, analysing, debating, reviewing, nagging, reminding and doing a thousand other things, while we carry on with our day. Sometimes the simple action of stopping our ‘busy-ness’ to become the observer of our thoughts can seem overwhelming.
That’s when the #1 meditation myth kicks in. [Read more…] about How Falling In Love With Your Monkey Mind Can Be The Key To Inner Peace

World Peace: An Inside Job?
The recent developments in the ‘War On Terror’ got me thinking about World Peace – something I do pretty often. But this time from a different angle.
Who do most of us think is responsible for creating World Peace? Who is responsible for the ‘un-peace’ that surrounds us? When is it ever going to change?
The answers to these questions might just hold the magic key to changing the world. Want to find out more?