Most of us are so used to passing comment about everything and everyone around us that we don’t even notice we’re doing it.
And if we were to notice, we’d probably just laugh it off, with a slightly guilty conscience.
Find out why it’s a seriously risky business.
Yet passing judgment on others gives our unconscious mind a dangerously negative message.

It’s a fact of life: most of us are walking round passing judgement and commenting on the world around us.
Even reading newspaper or magazine that’s judging celebrities, for example, is giving our unconscious mind the message that you have to look or behave in a certain way, in order to be accepted.
Whether it’s commenting on someone else’s clothes or the state of the cafe where we grab a coffee, we’re passing judgement and it’s usually not pretty…
It’s partly a cultural thing and partly a product of our upbringing that gives us this habit. And some of us have it worse than others.
There are two major risks with running this one:
- It can encourage us to run generally negative thought patterns.
. - Every time we judge someone else, it gives our unconscious mind the message that we have to behave, think, dress or speak in a certain way, in order to meet others’ approval – and even be loved.
The thing is that our unconscious mind doesn’t pay attention to whether we’re talking about the person in the street or ourselves. It just pays attention to the emotions behind the message.
So it quickly learns that being accepted or loved is dependent on us being a projection of who we think others want us to be – whether that’s accurate or not.
Yet have you ever noticed people who are genuinely “happy in their own skin” are those who attract friends like a magnet? They radiate a confidence and a level of self-acceptance that makes it easy to be around them. It’s as though they are so happy with who they are, so able to see the positive aspects, that they act as a mirror to us of those qualities in ourselves.
So believing we have to be someone who we aren’t, in order to be liked, is a recipe for disaster.
Yet being who we truly are can be one of the greatest challenges we’ll ever face.
And it’s a life-long journey, peeling away the layers of the onion, releasing the limiting beliefs that are holding us back, each time discovering anew who we truly are – and how amazing that person is.
And one of the simplest steps towards that goal is to let go of judging others – and ourselves.
Turning down the volume on our inner critic; letting go of the need to find fault; looking for the good in people, places and situations, rather than having an eagle eye for their mistakes.
And taking this one thought at a time is the easiest way to start.
Playing with this for even just 3 days and it could literally change your life.
Want to give it a try?