Would you like a Freedom Friday, every week?Well, go on then!

Can you imagine what it would feel like, to feel completely free, all day, every day?
Whatever ‘freedom’ means to each of us, it’s something that most of us are striving for, yet find incredibly hard to capture.
But there’s a secret:
Freedom is an inside job.
It isn’t someone can ‘give you’, any more than they can ‘take it away’.
Yes, we might lose our physical liberty (which, thankfully, happens to incredibly few of us), but the freedom to choose how we experience our life is always ours.
We just forget it – most of the time!
How would it be if you chose a Friday mantra along the lines of ‘I feel free today’?
- Imagine feeling free to choose your thoughts!
- Imagine feeling free to choose your emotions!
- Imagine feeling free to choose your actions!
- Imagine feeling free to choose how to respond to others’ moods and whims!
All of this freedom – and so much more – is yours already. We just need to practice it.
So how about creating a Freedom Friday experience for yourself today?
You never know, it might become a habit!
Wishing you sunshine and laughter,
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