Today’s Daily Sunshine message is all about feeling grumpy and why “negative emotions” can be a good thing!
“It’s ok to feel grumpy.”
How often, when we’re on a personal development path, do we give ourselves a hard time for feeling grumpy, angry, fed up or any other negative emotion?

We beat ourselves up and the scary “should” (or “shouldn’t”) word often takes over inside.
Yet resisting emotions is pointless. They’re just an indicator of whether things are in alignment or not. Trying to pretend the “bad” ones don’t exist is like trying to make it stop raining. Futile and pointless.
Instead, how about acknowledging the emotion – not diving into the drama – but accepting it and using it as the signpost / early warning sign that it truly is.
If you’re feeling cross and fed up, it means that something is out of kilter and you either need to make changes or make yourself heard.
That’s all.
In that way, “negative” emotions could actually be a good thing.
What do you think?
How about sharing via the comments box below?
Wishing you a day full of sunshine and laughter.