What does it really take to create a level playing field? One where everybody has the same opportunity to grow and thrive and shine, based on who they are and what they most love doing and their real inner talents, rather than the environment and culture around them?
It takes more than inclusion. It takes more than doing what we've done before and expecting different results. It takes more than logic and common sense. How to do this - and more - is waiting for you in today's episode of the Soul Led Leaders podcast.
What You'll Cover Today On Creating A Level Playing Field:
- What running the Lockdown Leadership Conference taught me about creating a level playing field in organisations - in ways I hadn't previously considered
- How this goes beyond the workplace
- The effect of lockdown and the Covid-19 pandemic on the level playing field and how we need to consider this, as teams exit from lockdown
- The two primary causes of the lack of a level playing field - and why you don't need to be the CEO to start making a difference - today
- Why 'equality' is not the answer: and what we need instead
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Take Action Now!
If you do one thing as a result of this episode, make it this! What could you do to proactively create a more level playing field in your company or industry?

For My Organisation
What is the first step I could take in the next 24 hours, to lead this discussion for my team in a positive, empowering and judgement-free way?

For Myself
How might I be contributing towards a lack of equity for myself? And what support do I need, so I feel able to take these opportunities, and to speak up where I see unfair treatment, assumptions and culture in action?

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