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And here’s a reminder of some of the many goodies we’re sharing with you, to make it easier for you to help your kids feel happy and healthy:
Inspirational Articles & Ideas To Help Your Kids Be Happy & Healthy
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Gorgeous Gifts To Help Kids Feel Happier
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Online Courses For Parents!
We all know how much easier it is to feel we’re being a positive parent around our kids when we feel calm and centred inside. In fact, psychologists say that it’s hard to bring our kids up to be happy, if the parents are constantly stressed and feeling angry.
So taking time out to deal with your inner peace is one of the greatest gifts you can give your children.
Are you up for it?
Could you spare 10 minutes a day?
Then the 28 Day Meditation Challenge is for you. Discover how 10 minutes a day can change your life, with this inspirational online course (it’s also a paperback and Kindle book), which takes you through the nuts and bolts of how to meditate, but also helps you to figure out the ‘how’ of creating this new habit.
Could you spare 1 minute a day?
If 10 minutes is too much for you, then how about mindfulness, instead? Break your inner peace down into one-minute chunks with 52 Mindful Moments – it’s available as a book or as an interactive online course – your choice!