Imagine being able to change your life, forever, in just a few minutes a day?
52 Mindful Moments helps you to do just that. It brings you an inspirational mindfulness technique, each week, to help you to de-stress, feel calmer, feel happier and feel more at peace, in under sixty seconds.
It’s a weekly online mindfulness course – and much, much more!
All you need to do is to experiment with each week’s mindfulness technique and message for a minute or two a day, and you’ll soon notice a real shift in the way you experience life.
52 Mindful Moments makes it really easy for you to weave mindfulness exercises into your daily life, no matter how busy you are. By focussing on one clear technique each week, you avoid getting overwhelmed and you build up a de-stressing toolkit that will stay with you for life.
Clare Josa – Meditation & Mindfulness Teacher52 Mindful Moments has been created by Clare Josa, an experienced and formally-certified NLP Trainer (‘User Manual For Your Brain’ / Practical Psychology) and Meditation & Mindfulness Teacher.
She is a specialist in accelerated learning techniques that help you ‘get stuff’ at an unconscious level, rather than having to remember ‘lists of things to do’. So she makes it easy for you to learn these life-changing, fast-acting mindfulness techniques.
She has taught and mentored thousands of people, worldwide, over the years, in most aspects of how to change your life. And for the next 52 weeks she is offering to guide you through an amazing mindfulness journey that will transform your experience of life – easily.
Get Started Today:
As always, our Conscious Pricing Policy applies to this course – so you get to choose how much to donate, based on what you can genuinely afford. I trust you to be fair and there’s no judgement.
The suggested donation for this 52 week course is:
Suggested Donation
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High Income
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Low Income
If you genuinely cannot make a donation, to be able to join in, please contact us to agree an alternative energy exchange.
Here’s what to expect over the next 52 weeks:
A Specially-Designed Kick-Start Guide
This kick-start guide lays the foundations for the rest of this course, so it’s worth taking half an hour or so to read through it and do the couple of exercises it includes. It will explain how to get the most from this course – for the least effort! And it will help you figure out how to stay motivated for the coming months – and beyond.
A Weekly Message With All You Need For That Week’s Technique
Each week you get a new, inspirational mindfulness technique, to help you make shifts in your life in under sixty seconds.
The idea is that you play with that technique, each day, for a week. And watch the magic happen! 🙂
Some of these will be short & sweet inspirational messages, relevant to that week’s theme. Some will be essential ‘how to’ resources. Some will be articles to help keep you motivated and to help you get past blocks.
Regular Guided Meditations
If you want to take mindfulness to the next level, a guided meditation is ideal.
As we move through the core mindfulness topics, you’ll get regular 15 minute guided meditations to experience (a new one every few months). It is completely optional, but it will help you really fast track your mindfulness journey. These are designed to be relevant to the current topic, building on each other, to help you go more deeply into experiencing mindfulness, gently releasing any blocks and resistance and to inspire you along the journey.
Deep Relaxation MP3
If you’re feeling too stressed or tired to do your mindfulness exercises, it could be that you need a deep relaxation, instead.
That’s why I’m giving you a lovely 20 minute guided relaxation MP3 audio, as part of this course.
Exclusive Videos For Key Techniques
Sometimes it’s easier to ‘get’ a technique by watching a video, rather than just reading about it.
And that’s when you’ll have videos, ready and waiting for you. Each week, they will help you go deeper and make the key techniques easier to weave into your everyday life.
Moral Support In The Forum
You get your own exclusive members-only area in our online community, Soul-Sized Living.
This is a private area only for people who are joining in with 52 Mindful Moments. It’s the ideal place to get answers to your questions, share your experiences and offer moral support to others, too.
Facebook Page
If you’re into Facebook, you can also get the reminders of the extra goodies, members-only resources and links to inspirational articles via your Facebook news feed by ‘liking’ the Facebook page: Soul-Sized Living ~ on Facebook.
Note: the Facebook page is publicly visible – even to Google 🙂 If you want to share things only with other people on this course, then the forum is the place to do it.
“Love It!” Guarantee
To help take the risk out of your decision to join in with this course, we offer a “Love It!” guarantee.
It’s really simple:
Try 52 Mindful Moments out for the first five weeks, to see how it fits for you.
That’s five weeks of emails, insider secrets, life-changing techniques, videos, meditations, audios and forum membership. .
Let us know if it’s not right for you, before your week six email arrives.
If, by the end of week five, your heart is telling you that this isn’t the right course for you, reply to one of the weekly emails and let us know that you’d like to stop. .
We would then arrange for your membership to stop and give you a full refund.
No quibble, no hoops to jump through, no sulks, no awkward feelings. It’s ok.
We can’t say much fairer than that, can we?
So you’ve got nothing to lose – and a lot of de-stressing and inner peace to gain!
Get Started Today:
As always, our Conscious Pricing Policy applies to this course – so you get to choose how much to donate, based on what you can genuinely afford. I trust you to be fair and there’s no judgement.
The suggested donation for this 52 week course is:
Suggested Donation
Use coupon code:
High Income
No code needed
Average Income
Low Income
If you genuinely cannot make a donation, to be able to join in, please contact us to agree an alternative energy exchange.
If you have a coupon code, please enter it in the box below, before clicking ‘Buy Now’.