Woo hoo! Welcome %%FIRST_NAME%%. It’s an honour to have you here with us and I am so excited about sharing this journey with you.
I know (because I have been there, done it and got a wardrobe-full of the proverbial t-shirts 🙂 ) that it’s nearly impossible to create the changes you want in your life, while you’re drowning in overwhelm.
And the time has come to do something about it!
In this retreat I’m sharing with you 11 inspirational, practical strategies that will help you to let go of trying too hard and feeling overwhelmed, so you can start loving living in flow.
Please don’t take any of this change-your-life-stuff too seriously and don’t let your Monkey Mind use it as another excuse to beat yourself up (remember? I’ve got the t-shirts! 🙂 ). The inspirational strategies I’m sharing with you can and will shift your life ~ but I’d much rather you laugh your way there than cry about it!
Personally, I’m intending to enjoy this journey ~ and it’s an honour to be able to walk by your side, for a while. See you at the retreat!
With love, Namaste,
P.S. If you have any techy questions at any stage, please get support from a member of my team by emailing hello@clarejosa.com
Here’s what you need to know, before the Virtual Retreat:
Before we get started on the actual retreat, it would be fab if you could take an hour or so out of your schedule, to go through the pre-event workbook and to watch the pre-event video. They contain some really helpful questions and simple exercises to help you figure out where you’re ‘at’ with overwhelm.
Only by understanding where we are can we set our sat nav for where we want to go. The pre-event workbook covers the ‘where are you?’ bit and the video inspires you to decide ‘where you want to be’ instead!
You don’t have to do it all in one go, but please make sure you do answer the questions. You’ll get the most from this retreat if you write your answers down, rather than letting them rattle around in your head. You can either print this workbook and scribble in it, or perhaps you have a beautiful journal you’d like to use, instead?
And if words aren’t your thing, then grab some colours and get drawing instead – or you could cut and paste images from magazines. It’s up to you – I encourage you to do whatever works.
Once you have your heart’s answers, you might like to pop by our online community and share any insights. Also, if the pre-event workbook and video bring up any questions for you, please let us know.
You can find the link to the community discussions here.
Here’s where to download your pre-retreat workbook:
Simply right click and choose ‘save as’ (or similar), to download this PDF file to your computer. Alternatively, click on the link to view online.
Pre-Event Workbook
Pre-Event Video
Your pre-event video will be ready and waiting for you next week – I wanted to make sure you get a chance to figure out where you ‘are’, first, before diving in to where you want to be 🙂
Here are details for the retreat:
The retreat itself is on Thursday 10th April at 8pm London Time (that’s GMT +1), which is 3pm Eastern and 10am Pacific. Here’s a useful time-zone converter.
It will last for 90 minutes.
Please add the event to your diary!
Login details will be published about a week before the event.
There will soon be a handy count-down timer, so you can watch the seconds tick by until the retreat:
The post-event workbooks, videos, replay and other resources will be live on Friday 11th – and they’ll be right here, on this page.
If you have any insights or lightbulb moments or questions you’d like to share, please join us over at the online community.
I really look forward to getting to know you better.
With love, Namaste,