"I don't have enough time!"
How to handle overwhelm, stress & procrastination.
It's easy to feel stressed, overwhelmed and 'out of time' when you're juggling being a Passionate World Changer with family life and making a bigger difference in the world.
But, with the right strategies, you can get everything done, without drowning in stress, giving up on sleep or forgetting what your loved-ones look like.
Here are three of my top resources for ditching overwhelm, plus some of the most useful videos, articles and podcasts I have published to help you.
My Top Resources on Time Management, Stress, Overwhelm, Distraction & Procrastination
I taught my first time management course when I was 24 - to the departmental heads of the company I was working for, in my first job after getting my engineering degree. They loved it. But looking back, I was clueless.
Back then, I taught the 'classic' time management techniques like prioritising, handling things only once, being organised and concentrating. But this just keeps us stuck on the gerbil wheel of trying to get more done, more quickly. It triggers the body's stress responses that make it harder to concentrate and think strategically (you're only interested in running faster than that sabre-tooth tiger). So time management techniques - whilst useful in their part - can actually keep us trapped in overwhelm and stress.
These days I turn classic time management upside down and I guide Passionate World Changers through how to identify the root causes of their time issues, such as overwhelm, procrastination and distractions. I help them to deal with their blocks on delegating or (dare I say it) saying 'no'. When you clear out these triggers, you get back in flow.
You'll soon find you get more done in less time - and there's no need for fancy time management 'systems'. You reclaim your power over your time.
Time is a currency - more valuable than money. It's vital we choose how to spend it.
So here are some of my favourite resources to help you to find more time to make the difference you're really here to make, to help you ditch the 'Professional Procrastinator' badge of honour, to help you escape from drowning in distractions and to inspire you to consciously create the space and time to grow your Passionate World Changer mission. Enjoy!
My Latest Videos, Articles & Podcast Episodes on Time Management, Stress, Overwhelm, Distraction & Procrastination
Want Even More?
Here's where to find a complete list of my articles, videos and podcasts on ditching overwhelm, waving goodbye to procrastination, handling stress, 'upside down' time management, and getting stuff done .