Welcome to day six of your 7 Day De-Stress Course.
Today I’d like to share with you a technique to help you get out of your stressed-out Monkey Mind and back down to earth – in under sixty seconds, no matter what is going on around you.
Here’s a link to listen to the sixth part of your audio course.
To listen online, click the ‘play’ button. Depending on your internet speed, it may take a few moments to load – please be patient!
To listen on your computer or MP3 player, hover over the link and choose ‘save as’ to download the audio.
[audio:https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/destress-audio-course/part-six.mp3]Part Six Audio MP3
When you have had a chance to experiment with the grounding meditation technique on today’s audio, how about popping by the special discussion area in the Soul-Sized Living forum, to share how you got on – and get answers to any questions you may have?
Is It Time To Come Back To Earth?
And just in case you’d like a positive affirmation for this stage of the audio course, how about:
I feel as grounded and stable as the roots of a wise old tree.
Part seven will be with you tomorrow – to give you a chance to play with today’s techniques.
P.S. If you’ve been finding this course helpful, I’ll be sharing with you tomorrow how you could take things further, making deep-acting life-long changes to cut your stress levels, at the end of tomorrow’s email.
Is It Time To Come Back To Earth?
Today I would like to talk you about something I call grounding.
When we’re stuck in our heads with stress, our mind is going overdrive. It’s really hard to get back “into our bodies” and back into the present moment. We are so busy thinking that we forget to be “here”… and the thoughts that go round and round in circles, keeping that stress cycle going.
There’s something you can do to help: “ground” your energy, just like you would ground or earth electricity, to take that thinking stressed energy and move it through your body and out into the earth through your feet.
Even if you are not into “energy work” or that kind of thing, if you can imagine taking the stressed energy and just having somewhere to let it go, to release it, to earth it, it can make a massive difference to your experience of your day.
So I would like to share with you a quick fix for when you are feeling stressed or worried for any reason. You can do this any time, any place, even if you are surrounded by people. Please not while you are driving or operating machinery, obviously!
Once you know how to do it, it will become second nature, helping you to gently let go of whatever is bothering you in a matter of seconds.
So here’s how to do it.
I call it a grounding breath and it takes less than 60 seconds.
- Sitting or standing still, close your eyes for a moment
- Focus on your feet contacting with the floor beneath you. Imagine yourself growing strong roots, deep into the earth, like a tree. You might imagine seeing or feeling those roots growing anchoring and grounding you.
- For the next few moments, really connect with those roots, growing out of the soles of your feet into the earth beneath you.
- Now focus on the emotion that you were feeling, whether it was stress or worry or anxiety or anger, it doesn’t matter. Ask yourself (and let the answer bubble up to this one):
“Where in my body do I feel this?” - With your next in-breath, breathe in to that area of your body, imagining the breath is absorbing the tension or stress.
- With the next out-breath, breathe the feeling down through your body, through your legs, through your feet and into the earth. Breathe it out gently, allowing it to flow away from you; there is no need to force this.
- Repeat again:
“Where in my body am I feeling this?”
Breathe in to that area, with the breath absorbing all of that emotion; breathe out, down through the feet into the earth letting that emotion go. - If the location of the emotion moves that’s fine. Breathe into that area of the body: breathing in, the breath absorbs the emotion; breathing out through the legs and the feet into the earth, feeling the sense of relief flooding through you as you let go of that emotion.
- And when you’re ready, take a deep breath in, breathe out with a sigh (it can be a silent sigh, if you are in a meeting or with other people) and release this exercise, coming back to the here and now.
There you go! How did that work for you? I would love to hear from you.
Is It Time To Come Back To Earth?
I will be back next time with the final part of your seven part course and also to let you know how, if you’ve been enjoying this seven part mini de-stress course and you would like to take it further and make permanent changes in your life, to cut your stress levels and feel calmer.
Until next time!