Welcome to week 8!
This week we’re talking about how your ‘outside world’ gives you very unsubtle insights about the state of your ‘inside world’!
Your outer world is an incredible barometer for your inner world. And sometimes, if we’re feeling stuck on the ‘inside’, a shift in the ‘outside’ can work miracles. In week 8 you will:
- Learn how to let go of guilt and obligation so you can ruthlessly (and compassionately!) create more space to breathe in your ‘outside’ world
- Discover how the things around you have an energy that your body can genuinely sense (and we’re not going majorly ‘woo woo’ here!) – and how choosing wisely can fast-track your journey towards heart-based living
- How a simple attitude shift changes everything about your ‘outside’ – and experience the gorgeous shifts this will make for your ‘inside’
Please watch this week’s videos and read the bonus articles – then join us in the discussions!
As always, I would LOVE to hear how you’re getting on, over at the forum. I hope you LOVE week 8.
With love, Namaste,
Video 1 – As Within, So Without
Click on the image to go to a pdf version online – or right click and choose ‘save as’ to download to your computer / phone.
Video 2 – Dealing With Guilt & Obligation
Click on the image to go to a pdf version online – or right click and choose ‘save as’ to download to your computer / phone.
Video 3 – Are You Fed Up With Feeling Unsupported?
Reminder: Here’s where you can find the vertical alignment breath video from week 3, to help you with getting grounded and reconnecting.
Week 8 Project
Click on the image to read the project online, or right click and choose ‘save as’ to download it:
Week 8 Affirmation
I am fully supported by the earth beneath my feet.
Week 8 Discussions
Click on the images to go straight to the discussion thread.