I had so many requests from women's networks and organisations to run an in-house workshop on breaking the bias by clearing Imposter Syndrome for International Women's Day 2022.
I had to turn most of them down, because there's only one of me.
BUT that got me putting my thinking cap on: what could I do to help?
So, as part of my Soul Led Leadership outreach work,
I ran a sixty-minute masterclass + 30-minute Q&A on
how to #BreakTheBias by Ditching Imposter Syndrome,
to celebrate IWD2022,
and the instant access replay and additional resources are open to everyone.
The 2022 International Women's Day theme is #BreakTheBias.
And the 2022 Imposter Syndrome Research Study shows that there are three core mechanisms that create bias:
1. The Culture
This can be an organisation's culture, a national culture, or part of our background and identity. Are there factors within these that are leading to unconscious bias?
2. The Environment
This includes our working environment and our home environment. Is this supporting us thriving, or is it keeping us stuck in surviving?
3. Our Habits
Are our subconscious habits supporting us letting our light shine, or are things like Imposter Syndrome getting us to hold back from being visible and speaking up with our best ideas? Are we self-sabotaging our success?
To #BreakTheBias we have to address all three.
But if Imposter Syndrome already has you wondering 'who am I to do that...?' then you need to crank up your confidence before you speak up, so you feel like you're standing in your personal power.

Do you ever catch yourself lying awake at 3am, wondering whether 'they' will find you out?
Do you worry that you're somehow not good enough, even though everyone else thinks you've got your act together?
Do you ever turn down opportunities your heart was calling you to take, for fear that your luck might run out, or they might realise they made a mistake in hiring you?
The great news is that there's nothing wrong with you and you're very much not alone.
What you're experiencing is Imposter Syndrome and it's a secret self-imposed glass ceiling that we never even realised we put there.
You can clear it out in ways that are fast, fun and forever - when you know how.
And That's What I Want To Share With You!
I've designed my #IWD2022 Break The Bias masterclass to fully support you with clearing Imposter Syndrome, so you can #BreakTheBias and make the biggest difference you can in creating a genuinely level playing field, worldwide, so that everyone has the best opportunities possible to fulfil their potential.

Get Instant Access To The IWD2022 #BreakTheBias Masterclass
Here's What You'll Learn In This Training:

What people are saying
This training was invaluable. The masterclass and the additional resources are helping me to start the Imposter Syndrome discussion with my team, and I feel so much more confident about doing it.
This is going to make a big difference for team members who are struggling with this, but where I previously wasn't sure how to approach them about it.
What You Get With This Imposter Syndrome Masterclass:

Instant access to the 60-minute masterclass plus Q&A session

Downloadable workbook, with memory-joggers and self-mentoring questions to help you to create breakthroughs just by watching this training

Additional resources, both to help you and to support you in helping others.

A digital copy of Clare's best-selling book, Ditching Imposter Syndrome, plus additional resources to deep-dive on core topics from the masterclass, to create lifelong change in ways that are fast, fun and forever.
You'll get Clare's much-loved guides on how to support team members with this, plus how to start setting yourself free from Imposter Syndrome today.

What people are saying
This session has already changed my life! Thank you so much!
I can't believe how much Imposter Syndrome was getting in the way for me and you have given me hope. I'm ready to take action!
What's The Investment?
The main masterclass is 60 minutes, and the Q&A is 30 minutes. Plus you've got the additional resources. All of this is waiting for you in Clare's secure training vault, meaning you can log in and do more whenever you have time. There's no rush.
The cost for this masterclass would normally be £97, but to celebrate IWD2022, for the rest of March it's yours for just £47, including VAT (you'll get a VAT receipt, if you want to reclaim this from your company).
get instant access today
You'll finish this session feeling empowered, more confident and courageous about tackling the three core drivers we need to deal with to truly #BreakTheBias.
Get Instant Access
incl VAT

What people are saying
I had really thought that Imposter Syndrome was incurable. I thought there was nothing I could do about it.
But the sixty second 'pause' technique in the masterclass blew my mind. My negative self-talk disappeared. And I felt so much less stressed and worried.
I'm going to be using that every day, and making the most of the resources Clare shared.
Don't Know Clare Josa Yet?
Clare Josa
Author of ditching imposter syndrome
Clare is considered the UK's leading authority on Imposter Syndrome - the secret fear of being 'found out' as not good enough, despite the evidence that you are.
Her latest book - Ditching Imposter Syndrome - is already a best-seller, with readers in over 50 countries, and has helped thousands of people to set themselves free from Imposter Syndrome, so they can become the leader they were born to be.
Find out more about working with Clare here and book her to speak for your organisation here.
Got Questions First?
This training is instant access and there's no expiry.
Even though it's an instant access session, there are options to ask questions and join in the discussion as we go through.
I've packed this session with lightbulb-moments, life-changing insights, tools to create breakthroughs, and the practical strategies you need to set yourself free from Imposter Syndrome and its secret self-imposed glass ceiling, once and for all.
Click the 'Count Me In' button, make your payment, and you'll get an email telling you how to log in and get watching this session in the next couple of minutes.
Please do share this page with them.
I've made this session super-affordable, to make it as accessible as possible, to celebrate IWD2022 and to support you on the next stage of your journey.
So please share this page's URL with friends, colleagues, and even in your company or women's network newsletter:
Please bear in mind that this ticket gives you access for one person to watch this session. To book Clare for in-house training or to purchase a broadcast licence, please get in touch here.
No. There's no expiry on this. Your training will be available for you for as long as Clare's training vault exists, and we're not planning on it going anywhere!