Start Today: Get 3 Months' Support
Six Modules @
1-2 Hours Per Week
£497 + VAT
[Bursary For Self-Funded Students]

You feel hungry to make a bigger difference, but you can sense that you’re getting in your own way.

Inspiration strikes you mid-meeting, but before you speak up that little voice anxiously whispers ‘what if they think I’m wrong? What if they find out I’m not good enough?’

While your boss is praising you for doing something well, you’re holding your breath waiting for the ‘but’. When it doesn’t arrive, you add your own and point out your mistakes.

You spend hours more than necessary getting a report ‘just right’, trying to second-guess what people might object to and worrying that they’ll criticise you for it.

A golden opportunity comes up - one where you could really shine - and instead of saying a great big ‘yes’, you talk yourself out of it, perhaps even suggesting someone else for it, then resenting that they got the chance you didn’t take.
What have all of these scenarios got in common?
The world thinks you’re confident, but you wouldn’t want them hearing your secret 3am self-talk.
And that self-talk is driven by the coping strategies we’ve spent decades developing, without even realising, since we were kids. Most of these are massively out-of-date, but they still make us subconsciously self-sabotage.
Your biggest life decisions are being made by your inner seven-year-old.
And that dictates how much impact you get to have.
You are not alone!
My 2022 Imposter Syndrome Research Study shows that there are three core factors holding us back from fulfilling our potential:
Changing culture and our environment are both possible - and something we all need to work towards - but these become much easier when we first deal with the ‘habits’ pillar. That's the element that's totally within our control.
When we do the ‘inside work’, then changing the ‘outside world’ is faster and can even be fun.
That’s why inside the Imposter Syndrome Bootcamp™ we start by clearing out your destructive self-talk and habits (and work at an even deeper level on what triggers these), so you can become a catalyst for change in the outside world.
I’ve specialised in removing hidden barriers to peak performance for more than 20 years, and in that time my research has uncovered some common coping mechanisms used by people battling negative self-talk:
I’m guessing you’ve probably tried a few of these yourself, too? But did they really work? Or did you end up beating yourself up, because they didn’t?
What if you could turn your inner critic into a genuine cheerleader?
How might that change the impact you get to have? And how that feels?
How would it be for you if you could:
When you rewire your brain and your body to prime yourself to think encouraging thoughts...
... instead of beating yourself up...
... you’ll feel lighter, happier, catch yourself smiling more than you frown...
... get off the emotional rollercoaster...
... having more energy...
... and find it easier to step up to lead at the next level...
... making the difference you are really here to make.
what students say
I used to spend so much energy worrying about what people were thinking about me and that they were judging me. I had just been promoted and I was terrified I'd be found out and they'd realise they made a mistake choosing me.
But it took just these six weeks and I can now press pause on the mind-story fears and what-iffing, so they don't take over. I'm sleeping again! And I feel so much more confident in my new role. I'm being real now, instead of pretending to be someone I'm not, and it feels great.
Transform your life and supercharge your 2025 impact by turning your inner critic into a genuine cheerleader,
in under six weeks.
The Imposter Syndrome Bootcamp™ is an accelerated coaching programme that combines science-backed, online learning with targeted breackthrough coaching sessions with expert-certified coaches and Master Coaches.
This helps you to create breakthroughs much more quickly than with standard coaching, and at a fraction of the cost. You'll create shifts you can measure, in just a few weeks, which would typically take well over a year with traditional coaching.
The Imposter Syndrome Bootcamp™ uses the power of neuroplasticity to help you to rewire the neural pathways in your brain (painless, I promise!) so you can change your thought habits and retune your inner radio station.
And it goes a layer deeper: you get to rewire your body to support this, by clearing the biological addiction to stress hormones caused by drama and fire-fighting, setting yourself free from the emotional rollercoaster and preventing burnout and toxic resilience. You’ll feel less stressed, have more patience, and be able to worry so much less, no longer catastrophising and what-iffing.
How? Learn how to apply my research-backed
Natural Resilience Method®.

You’ll experience the five steps of my research-backed Natural Resilience Method®, which build on each other to make these changes easy for you. Changing your life can be fast, fun and forever, when you know how.
I’ve spent 18 years researching, creating, testing and refining this process. It’s grounded in practical psychology, the neuroscience of peak performance, and demystified ancient wisdom from the worlds of yoga and meditation, all brought together by an engineer’s common sense (that’s where my career started!)
what students say
Being able to work on my natural resilience has had a large shift for me. Previously I would take any comment personally. I was on my guard in meetings. I used to keep quiet, in case they judged me.
Now, by getting grounded before I respond and after working on my natural resilience, I no longer take comments personally. They were never meant that way. But it's such a weight off my shoulders.
How Does The Imposter Syndrome Bootcamp™ Work?

Six weeks. Bite-sized, proven video training.
Live tutorial support from Clare Josa & her certified mentors.
One super-simple, research-backed new habit each week.
And transform your life in just a few minutes a day.
Based on my science-backed Natural Resilience Method®, you'll learn how to choose which thoughts to feed, how to clear your body's addictions to negative thinking, and you'll start to rewrite the rules of how you interact with life, setting yourself free to get into flow, instead of feeling like you're fighting.
When you want to set yourself free from stress, overwhelm, and the tyranny of your inner critic, yes, you need to deal with your mindset. But the reason that mindset-level changes don't stick is because mindset, on its own, is not enough.
Mindset is the surface-level symptom, not the root cause.
So with the Natural Resilience Method® you get to go deeper, working with your body and emotions, as well as your mindset, then shifting your focus to the outside world, to reset toxic boundaries and then discover how to become naturally resilient and learning skills that will stay with you for life!
There are no complicated processes to remember. The whole course is designed to make it as easy as possible for you to experience the shifts it creates.
Each week you'll get specially designed 'change your life just by watching' videos, all in bite-size, busy-schedule-friendly chunks.
Weekly breakthrough-creating workbook plus use-them-when-you-need-them MP3s for core techniques in your private podcast.
Implement one new habit each week - super-easy - to make changing your life as low-effort, high-impact as possible.
Plus get extra Clare-support: pick her brain and get hot-seat mentoring in the invitation-only monthly live Q&A calls for Clare's students, for a full three months, with her or one of her certified Imposter Syndrome Master Coaches.
AND you can upgrade to get up to three 1:1 coaching sessions with a certified Imposter Syndrome Practitioners or Master Coaches.
Join Today And Start Noticing The Difference Before You Go To Bed Tonight!
what students say
I can't believe the difference that the six weeks have made for me. I now know how to calm the anxiety, ways to reset the thought patterns and to reduce the levels of hormones causing destruction.
So many lightbulb moments and also the knowledge that I'm not the only one feeling like this. This course has been invaluable. I wish I had done it years ago.
Your course
Six Inspirational, High-Impact, Busy-Schedule-Friendly, Bite-Sized Modules
All busy-person friendly, for low-effort, high-impact transformation.
De-Stressing QuickStart
Near-instant de-stressing strategies. There's no point in trying to make changes when you're too stressed to think straight, so this module is about how to pause the mind-story drama, with strategies to shrink your stress levels and get you grounded in under sixty seconds.
Rewiring Your Brain
It's time to tame your inner critic, to start turning it into a genuine cheerleader, making the most of neuroplasticity. You'll experience how to set yourself free from being at the mercy of your self-talk, boosting your confidence and calming your mind.
Rewiring Your Body
Rewire your body to retrain your nervous system to be able to relax again, demoting your inner drama queen /king, setting yourself free from adrenaline addiction and discovering a magic wand for worrying that you can use even in the middle of a meeting - or at 3am...
Integration Week
Blasting Toxic Boundaries
It's time to reclaim your personal power! This module is about how to do so without p*ing everyone off or feeling guilty for saying no. It's perfect for people-pleasers. And it's also when we'll be tackling the secret reasons why we get stuck with perfectionism and procrastination.
Becoming The Real You
It's time to move from forcing and fighting to flowing through life - but that doesn't mean being passive. We'll cover the vital difference between goals and visions, plus the incredible, fluff-free, engineer-approved power of gratitude to transform your experience of life, in just 3 minutes a day.
Consciously Creating Your Future
This is where you’ll choose how to integrate the Natural Resilience Method® into your daily life, how to help others, and what to do if you're ready for the deeper inner work, to achieve more radical transformation, including going all the way to ditching Imposter Syndrome.
And you can revisit the six weeks of this programme whenever you want to, to move your weekly habit from 'beginner' to 'ninja' and get even deeper breakthroughs. In fact, it's designed for you to do just that.
what students say
After just six weeks I no longer get stuck in worrying. I've got clear boundaries with energy vampires (which used to be a big issue for me) and I'm no longer stuck in the mind-story drama.
I had a situation last week that would previously have ruined my weekend, but now it barely bothered me. And I wasn't pretending to be ok with it. I was ok. It didn't phase me at all.
And I'm speaking up more with my ideas in meetings. My boss has noticed the difference. Thank you!
You Are Fully Supported
The Imposter Syndrome Bootcamp™ is an inspired, research-backed blend of self-study video / audio lessons, plus private discussion threads and live tutorial calls with Clare.
Here's what's included, to help you to get the most possible from this training:
1:1 Coaching Support
Fast-track your breakthroughs with four targeted coaching support with one of Clare's certified Imposter Syndrome First-Aiders or Master Coaches, as an optional upgrade.
You'll be laying strong foundations in your online course, so these sessions will help you to create shifts much more easily and quickly than classic coaching.
Bonus #1: Monthly Group Coaching Calls
Personalise your action plan, get hot seat mentoring with Clare or one of her Master Coaches, and learn from others' questions, with monthly invitation-only group coaching calls, for three months.
They often teach ninja strategies on these calls, based on the questions I'm asked. We'll all be be your virtual cheerleader. And these calls can help you to create even deeper change.
Bonus #2: Private Podcast - Mentor In Your Pocket
All of the Natural Resilience Method® techniques from this course are waiting for you in a student-only private podcast, meaning you can listen to them in your favourite podcast app, whenever you need them.
Students describe this as being like having me in their pocket as a mini-mentor.
Bonus #3: Private Accountability Community
Know that you get better results when you share the journey with others than if you try to go-it-alone? That's what the private built-in discussion threads! It's to help make sure you don't accidentally quit, right before you see results. And you'll get to support others who aren't as far ahead as you.
Start Today: Get 3 Months' Support
Six Modules @
1-2 Hours Per Week
£497 + VAT
[Bursary For Self-Funded Students]
It's All About The Habit!
The Life-Changing Difference Between Information And Implementation
Consuming information - be it webinars, or articles we found on Google searches, or social media posts, or podcasts, or YouTube videos - all helps us to get ready to change. But after a few days the warm, glowy feeling wears off and we're back where we started again. Nothing has changed.
Inspiration gives us the idea.
Motivation gets us started.
But it's habit that actually creates the change.
And trying to create that habit on our own, without support or accountability, and having to best-guess the exact steps that will make the biggest difference, is the hardest way to change our lives.
That's exactly what the Imposter Syndrome Bootcamp training helps you with: it is designed to support you to create one tiny habit each week that holds the potential to transform your life. In minutes, not months.
what students say
I love the private podcast. It's great being able to grab my phone and listen to the techniques right when I need them. It has also really helped me to create the habit each week.
And the group tutorial calls are amazing. I've learned so much from them. It has made such a difference to getting me to take action to implement what I've been learning.
Your Course Director: Clare Josa

Author of Ditching Imposter Syndrome
I’m Clare, an expert in the neuroscience and psychology of performance, researcher of hidden inner success-saboteurs and the creator of The Natural Resilience Method®. I specialise in creating transformation at the deepest levels, in ways that are fast, fun and forever.
I enjoyed a successful corporate career in engineering, specialising in Six Sigma, and then as Head of Market Research for one of the world’s most disruptive brands. But that doesn't mean I wasn't crippled by negative inner self-talk.
In fact, some of my biggest regrets are the incredible opportunities I turned down because I was scared they would 'find me out' and realise I was a fraud.
In 2003 I switched my focus to helping leaders and high-achievers to clear out the invisible inner performance barriers they never realised they had put in their own way.
I’m now the author of eight books, have been interviewed by The Independent, The Daily Telegraph and Radio 4, amongst others, and I speak internationally on unlocking peak performance in individuals and teams, by identifying and overcoming the hidden barriers to success.
In the Imposter Syndrome Bootcamp™, I'm sharing with you the shortcuts, breakthrough techniques, and practical life-changing strategies that it has taken me nearly 20 years to discover, refine, test and tweak, so you can start transforming your life in just six weeks.

I was about to become a single mother of a toddler whilst also being six months pregnant. It had been a high-drama year that pushed me beyond my limits.
I felt anger at the situation and my then-husband’s behaviour. I felt guilt and shame at the break-up of my marriage. And I was terrified about how I was going to cope with the future. This wasn’t how I had ever planned for things to be. I was a coach and leadership trainer. Surely I was the one person who ought to have their act together?
Then, in that 3am moment where I really thought I couldn’t do any more of this, the lightbulb hit me.
Yes, the situation was awful. But what was causing the emotional pain, the fear, the worry and the anxiety was the stories I was telling myself about it all.
It was the 3am what-iffing that was leaving me exhausted, not what was actually happening in the physical world. It was the worry about what might happen that meant I was constantly catastrophising, preventing me from being able to find practical solutions.
My body had got addicted to the adrenaline from the drama. Those worry-thought-habits had become hard-wired in my brain. And I had given away my personal power to choose how I experienced life.
I was already a certified NLP Trainer and knew all about how our ‘thoughts create our reality’. But I had no idea how to change those thoughts. The strategies I had been taught weren’t working. And yes, I beat myself up over that - blaming myself - surely I should know how to handle this?
I soon realised that there were lots of experts telling me what to do (think positive thoughts) but I couldn’t find anyone sharing the how.
So I started experimenting, one thought at a time.
And, slowly, oh-so-slowly, I noticed things shifting. My fuse got longer. I started to worry less. I slept more (as much as a newborn allows). Life didn’t feel like as much of a daily battle. But it was still too slow and unreliable.
So over the next few years, I kept studying. I spent three years studying to become a meditation teacher. That created breakthroughs. But it was still too slow.
Then I studied for another three years to become a yoga teacher. More breakthroughs. But still too slow.
Then I did post-grad courses on working with the vagus nerve to release micro-traumas that are stored in the body, making us hyper-vigilant and stuck in the stress fight-flight-freeze response, constantly on the look-out for threats.
The whole journey took over a decade. It was transformational. But far too slow. Who has ten years to spare, figuring out how to tame their self-talk?
So I used my background as a Six Sigma engineer to identify the most important elements of what I had learned and the strategies I had developed over the previous decade, and to use these to create a process that works for you, fluff-free and research-backed - my Natural Resilience Method®.
I taught that to my one-to-one clients and in face-to-face trainings and watched worlds change. I even applied it to my work co-leading the EU VAT Action Campaign to change EU law, back in 2016, despite 10 Downing Street telling us it was impossible.
I saw the Natural Resilience Method® strategies work for people who were burning out, for clients who were recovering from bully bosses and toxic teams, for clients and students who had been promoted to the level at which their coping strategies stopped working, and for clients who were hungry to have more impact, but who secretly knew that they weren’t just holding back - they were subconsciously sabotaging their success.
The breakthrough-creating effectiveness of my Natural Resilience Method® has now been proven by thousands of clients, students and readers.
In the meantime, I had written and published my first four books, all about how to feel happier. I had become a sought-after keynote speaker and trainer in my specialist areas of ditching Imposter Syndrome and changing the world by changing yourself. I had used my expertise as the former Head of Market Research for one of the world’s most disruptive brands to design and lead the landmark 2019 Imposter Syndrome Research Study - the UK’s first large-scale research project into the phenomenon.
Friends, colleagues and clients had nagged me for years to write a book about taming your inner critic. So I did. I wrote two, in fact: Dare to Dream Bigger, based on my 7Cs strategy for supercharging your impact, and Ditching Imposter Syndrome. And people loved them.
But some readers still weren’t getting the breakthroughs that I knew they deserved, which I knew the books were creating for other readers. There were readers who were still only skimming the surface of what it was possible to shift.
The thing is that you have to be super-dedicated to fully apply these techniques if you’re learning them from a book. It’s far too easy to put that book down and forget about it for days, weeks, months or even years. Not everyone is a book-learner. And a book can’t change your life unless you actually read and implement what it shares.
This kind of inner work creates the best breakthroughs when you don’t do it alone, when you have the personal support you need with accountability, sharing the journey with like-minded souls, and have the direct support from a tutor to keep you on track, answer your questions, and celebrate your successes with you.
You get to dive in even more deeply, to fully implement what you’re learning, and you learn so much more from others’ questions and experiences than when you sit at home with a book doing it all on your own.
But there’s only one of me and there’s a limit on the number of clients I can work with, one-to-one, each year.
That’s why I created the Inner Critic Bootcamp™.
It blends the psychology, neuroscience, body-work, and demystified ancient wisdom that all built on each other to finally lead to the breakthroughs I had been searching for - in bite-sized, practical chunks, so you can create shifts you will feel, in minutes, not months.
My Natural Resilience Method®’s framework means each module from this training builds on the previous work, making those changes as easy as possible, in ways that are fast, fun and forever.
And it comes with built-in support to keep you on track and make the journey truly life-changing. I’d be honoured to get to share this journey with you.
What You Get With The Imposter Syndrome Bootcamp™
This training runs online, so you can join us from anywhere in the world.
It is also available in-house for organisations - contact Clare to discuss options.
The Imposter Syndrome Bootcamp™ Training - Value £1,997
You get a research-backed life-changing six-module course with 50+ fluff-free, bite-sized, high-impact training videos (busy-schedule-friendly), six breakthrough-creating self-mentoring workbooks, and 27 specially designed MP3s to guide you, step by step, through this journey.
You can change your life in under an hour per week because I have taken out the fluff and padding that would otherwise get in the way of your success. Most trainers would charge upwards of £3,000 for this level of transformation.
Unlimited Revisits - Going Deeper Each Time - Value £1,000
You get a full year's access to the training materials for this programme. And it’s designed for you to go through it multiple times, creating deeper shifts each time, making changing your life super-easy, no-rush.
Most course leaders would charge at least £1,000+ per time for you to revisit these materials. Self-study access to them is included for you, for as long as my training vault exists (and we’re not planning on it going anywhere!)
Limitless Access To Courage Club Membership Of The Imposter Syndrome Hacks™ App (Usually £97)
Get all of the Courage Club resources from the Imposter Syndrome Hacks™ App (where this course is hosted) as Clare's gift, with no expiry.
Monthly Tutorial Sessions For 3 Months - Value £600
Personalise your action plan, get hot seat mentoring with Clare or one of her certified Master Coaches, and learn from others' questions, with three monthly group coaching calls, only for students on Clare's courses.
In these calls Clare also gets to teach extra strategies and share ninja tips, based on your individual needs.
Private Podcast - Value £197
All of the Natural Resilience Method® techniques from this course are waiting for you in a student-only private podcast on your favourite podcast app, meaning you can listen to them whenever you need them.
It's like having me in your pocket as a virtual mentor, whenever your Inner Critic kicks off!
Private Accountability Community - Value - Priceless
It can be easy to convince ourselves that we’d rather do this kind of stuff on our own, that we don’t want to share the journey, that we’d like to hide, but nearly two decades as a professional trainer has shown me, time and again, that those who get the best results are those who share the journey.
Your private peer-support accountability tribe is there to help make sure you don't accidentally quit, right before you see results, to celebrate your successes with you (because others simply won’t ‘get’ them!), plus you’ll get to support others, too, on their journeys.
Total => £3,891
Doing this work one-to-one with a certified Master Coach would cost you upwards of £10,000, and would typically take six months or more.
Plus it’s the slowest way to do it. You don’t need a coach to waste private sessions teaching you things you can get from a pre-recorded video.
That’s why Clare created this programme - to make changing your life easier and more accessible.
The Imposter Syndrome Bootcamp™ brings you the proven life-changing power of the Natural Resilience Method®, plus support from Clare, one of her certified Imposter Syndrome First-Aiders or Master Coaches, and fellow students, your private podcast access, and other bonuses, for less than the cost of a one-off breakthrough mentoring session with Clare.
What's The Investment?
We want to make the Imposter Syndrome Bootcamp™ available to as many people as possible, whilst still providing the quality and service you deserve.
So your investment to join us today is just:
One hour of study per week for six weeks
3-5 minutes of implementation per day
3 x 1-hour group tutorial calls with Clare Josa or one of her certified mentors
Built-in support and accountability from your course tutors
For Just
£497 + VAT
Confirm your place by registering below and making your payment now and you’ll get confirmation by email, plus a VAT receipt, in the next few minutes. And you can get started with this life-changing programme in the next few minutes and could already be noticing the difference before you go to bed tonight.
The Imposter Syndrome Bootcamp
Create breakthroughs in minutes, not months, one tiny habit upgrade at a time.
497 + VAT
Let us know after you've confirmed your place if you'd like to upgrade to include coaching sessions.
what students say
I love that this course balances science, research and practical strategies for change. But it goes deeper than surface-level fixes. I have learned techniques that are making a real difference in the way I talk to myself, and the actions I'm taking.
I'm sharing my ideas more easily in meetings and I've noticed a big improvement in the quality of my sleep, as I worry less and don't need to waste time beating myself up. I love this!
Got Questions First? FAQs
You get a full 12 months' access to the course, the private podcast, and other resources.
They are hosted in a secure training vault in Clare's Imposter Syndrome Hacks™ App. You can download this to use on your phone, or you can use the web app, with nothing to download, just like a normal website.
You'll be able to choose your login details as soon as you've made your payment.
You'll get a new module each week and there's no expiry date, so you can revisit them, whenever you want to.
These run via Zoom and are Q&A format with hot seat mentoring. The main teaching for the course happens via the video training and the podcast app.
You can join us from anywhere in the world.
All calls are optional and are there to support you to get the most from this programme. They are not recorded, to give everyone privacy.
The call dates vary between am and pm UK time, to cover as many timezones as possible. You'll get a list of call dates once you've registered.
The calls are not recorded.
You can buy multiple places on the Imposter Syndrome Bootcamp.
If you'd like to run this as an in-house programme, with separate Q&As just for your teams, this requires a minimum of 20 places.
In addition, Clare will need to work with your teams on the other two pillars of burnout - the environment and the culture.
Addressing all three shows an organisation really means it.
This is a self-study and group programme, so your support will be with others.
If you'd rather have 1:1 support to dive in even more deeply, Clare does have a limited number of places each year for mentoring clients, as part of her Stepping Up To Lead programme.
You already get to work on the Imposter Syndrome Bootcamp™ training with one of her certified Imposter Syndrome Mentors.
These run via Zoom and are Q&A format with hot seat mentoring. The main teaching for the course happens via the video training and the podcast app.
You can join us from anywhere in the world.
All calls are optional and are there to support you to get the most from this programme. They are not recorded, to give everyone privacy.
You'll get access to the call schedule once you have registered. They alternate between am and pm UK time to cover as many timezones as possible.
The answer is 'that depends'... on how complex your employer's approved supplier process is. It's usually easier to pay for this yourself and reclaim it.
Note: you will be able to start the training once the invoice has been paid, so please do make sure you work with your accounts team to streamline this.
If you have a company credit card (and permission to use it for this!) that would give you instant access.
Bulk places are available for in-house rounds of this programme. Please get in touch to discuss what you're looking for so we can work together to find the right solution for you.
We can even call it 'leadership development', if you'd prefer the term 'Imposter Syndrome not to be on the invoice.
Absolutely! If you have friends or colleagues who want to join us, please share the link to this page with them.
However, please remember that when you register for this programme, it gives you one ticket - for you.
You wouldn't bring a friend to sit on your lap during a Wembley concert. So please don't share your login to these materials with anyone else.
I'm hoping that you'll totally love what you learn on the Natural Resilience Method® Imposter Syndrome Bootcamp program.
However, at foundation level, this is for your personal use, only. There's a world of difference between being able to do something for yourself and knowing it deeply enough to be able to teach others.
At Practitioner level, you'll also qualify as an Imposter Syndrome First-Aider, and will be able to safely and effectively share these techniques on a 1:1 basis with others who are on this Inner Critic Bootcamp programme, or on a 'first aid' basis for those who aren't.
Note: it doesn't qualify you as a coach. That training is here.
At Trainer level, you will be trained and licensed to share these materials in live trainings and workshops. Please note: the Trainer training does not authorise you to create self-study programmes around these materials - only live-delivered trainings.
Got a question we haven't covered? Get in touch here.
what students say
I was made redundant just before I started working with Clare on this. I was in a very low place. But these strategies were life-changing.
Since the course, I've successfully applied for Chartered Status, which I had put off for years because I was scared.
And I went for a promotion, which I actually got, instead of talking myself out of it. I love my new role. I'm getting to make a much bigger difference and I rarely find myself worrying now. Thank you, Clare!
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