Firstly I’d like to thank you HUGELY for having bought (or been given) Gratitude: A Daily Journal. I really hope it’s making a difference for you.
It’s exactly a year since I published the book and the feedback I have had from readers has blown me away, as well as the fact that it has been such a best-seller. It is an honour to have been able to help you.
One of the bits of feedback that I get most often from readers is that they would love to be able to work with me, one-to-one, and to hear from me regularly, to help them keep the gratitude habit going – and growing.
I’d really love to work with each and everyone one of you, on a one-to-one basis, but obviously that wouldn’t be practical (my kids would definitely sulk and I’d have to give up sleeping!) So, instead, I’m creating a project that I’m really excited about, which I hope you’ll love, too.
It’s called the Gratitude Journey and it works like a virtual mentoring programme, making your Gratitude Journal feel like it’s coming to life.
Over the coming year you’ll get:
- A fortnightly gratitude ‘nudge’ email – with tips, tricks and inspirational ideas to help keep you on track – and to deepen your practice
- A video tutorial for each of the projects in your Gratitude Journal, in which I’ll spill the beans on insider secrets to make the techniques even easier and more effective. I hope it’ll feel like sitting in a seminar with me.
- Printable worksheets, to go with the relevant techniques, to help you integrate the learnings, as though we were doing a workshop together
- MP3 audios to guide you though each project, so that it feels like I’m sitting there next to you, guiding you on your journey
- Beautiful ‘print-out-and-keep’ versions of the affirmations from your journal
- Even more inspirational gratitude quotes, to help keep you motivated
- A private Facebook group (totally invisible to non-members) for moral support and mutual inspiration, plus I’ll be hanging out there regularly, to answer as many questions as I can.
Just imagine how all of that could help you to shift your experience of life!
Great news: You get ‘first dibs’ on joining!
The Gratitude Journey begins, officially, on October 8th 2014. However, as part of our celebrations for World Gratitude Day on 21st September, I’m giving you the chance to dive in and grab your place today, ahead of the queue.
And (I’m really in the mood for celebrating!) the next 50 38 people who join us get to be part of the Gratitude Journey for less than half the price it will be when we go live.
AND! You’re one of the first people to hear about this, so if you register today, you’re pretty much guaranteed one of those 50 early bird spots.
I’m going to be sharing this project with my newsletter readers later this week. There are over 3,000 of them and I know they will be excited about joining us. So I expect those 50 places to fill up fast.
Once those places are gone, people will be paying the full price to join.
I want to make the Gratitude Journey as accessible as possible, whilst still delivering the quality and service you deserve.
If you are one of the next
5038 people who register today, you can join us for just:
£47£22 (average/low income)That’s about$75$35 USD- or
£97£44 (good income)About$155$70 USD… which I hope you’ll agree is incredible value.
Choose your donation level from the drop-down menu, below, and your welcome email will be with you in the next few minutes:
It would be an honour to share this journey with you.
With love, Namaste,