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Had enough of your Inner Critic Running (Or Ruining!) Your Business Yet?
Isn’t it time to give your Inner Wisdom a say?
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row type=”in_container” bg_position=”left top” bg_repeat=”no-repeat” scene_position=”center” text_color=”dark” text_align=”left” top_padding=”22″][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]I have been honoured to be able to share the Intuition Breakthrough Blueprint with hundreds of business owners, just like you, who had had enough of their Inner Critic running (or ruining!) your business?
They wanted to reconnect with their Intuition – their Inner Wisdom – but they weren’t sure how, they were scared to trust it, and they had no idea how to get other people to trust anything that wasn’t ‘left-brained’.
Like them, in the 7 simple steps of the Intuition Breakthrough Blueprint you will:
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- learn how to reconnect with your Inner Wisdom
- experience how to tell the difference between genuine Intuition and your mind’s stories
- discover how this can create breakthroughs for you, in your business and your life
- develop strategies to easily convince others that your intuition is worth following, even if you’re living in a left-brained world
- find the ideal methods – tailored just for you – to learn how to trust your Intuition more easily
At the end of the programme people say they feel more connected, more grounded, more confident, less stressed and more excited about the future. All in 7 short and simple steps.
This stuff works, no matter how busy you are. And it could transform the way you run your business – and life – fast and forever. In just minutes a day.
And don’t worry – I used to be an engineer, so it’s a fluff-free zone. Sure, we’re going to cover some ‘woo woo’, but it’ll be in a way that’s practical and fun. You don’t have to turn your legs into a pretzel and meditate on your 29th Chakra unless you really want to!
I’ve got an incredible gift for you if you join us today – get access for FREE, instead of the usual $147. But it’s only free if you register today.
Are you in?
I’d love to share this journey with you.
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]With love, Namaste,
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Don’t Know Clare Josa Yet?
Clare Josa empowers passionate business leaders to do the ‘inside work’ that sets them free to get on with changing the world.
Her unique and inspirational work has been described as ‘DynoRod (TM) for your Soul’ – clearing out the hidden blocks that had kept you stuck for years; reaching the parts others can’t reach.
She is a Published Author, NLP Trainer, Meditation Teacher and reformed Mechanical Engineer. Clare is famous for applying her Inner Engineer’s common sense to demystify Ancient Wisdom into practical actions you can take today, in less time than it takes a kettle to boil.