Hungry to Grow Your Business?
Secretly Hate The Hustle?
Discover for yourself how Dare to Dream Bigger has inspired thousands of Passionate World Changers to create breakthroughs, not burnout - and make a bigger difference in the world.
It's Like Having A Virtual Mentor To Inspire Your World Changer Journey

In Dare to Dream Bigger, Clare distils 15+ years of mentoring Passionate World Changers into practical strategies to make growing your business fun again.
It's a unique blend of proven business strategy plus the little-known 'inside work' that helps you get out of your own way - without having to 'fake it' or 'push on through' your fears.

This is a brilliant 'no-nonsense' book about clearing out your inner blocks and getting what you want done. Clare gives you all the tools for getting your BIG dream out there and enabling you to work with your passion and energy to achieve it.
Read it on the slow road, take all the exercises, dig as deep as you breathe. I would and have recommended this to so many of my fellow small business entrepreneurs, it really does work.
Nicky Harverson Founder of My Fit Life Coaching

Clare has a friendly tone that is very real.
If you have kept going, and going, and going in your business, wondering why everyone else seems to be making more progress than you, then this book is for you.
P.S. Expect results: I created the strategy for my business for the next 3 years within the first 10 pages.
Rosie Slosek Founder of One Man Band Accounting
The 7 Cs To Grow Your Business
Here's A Tour Of What You'll Be Covering:
You have all the answers you need, inside of you, and Clare josa shows you how to find them.
Step 1: Clarity
So many of us miss this out. We get inspired and excited by an interesting idea and dive straight into taking action, without first pausing to get totally clear about what we want, why, who we want to serve and how we’re going to fix their burning problems, in a way that no one else does.
Step 1 of Dare To Dream Bigger guides you through how to get Dream-Audience-magnetising levels of clarity on your Big Why, your Big Vision and your Big Message.
It can also cure addictions to cutesy cat videos on social media. And it gives you practical strategies for shrinking your 'to do' list, setting you free from overwhelm.
Step 2: Confidence
This is the biggie. The difference between hugely successful people and those who wish they had been successful is a little bit of luck and planning, but a lot of confidence.
In this section we’ll be dealing with everything from limiting beliefs, to hidden fears and excuses, to subconscious self-sabotaging behaviour, to self-esteem and even who you really are.
In Step 2 of Dare To Dream Bigger, you’ll discover how to turn these round, fast and forever. You get inspirational mentoring-level 'how-to' - it's a fluff-free zone.
Step 3: Credibility
I have lost count of how many brilliant world-changers I have met, hiding in the proverbial corner, desperately wanting to get their message heard, but also secretly scared that anyone might notice they’re there.
So we’re going to deep-dive on how to get comfortable with being visible (wave goodbye to Imposter Syndrome and feeling like a fraud), and you’re going to create a practical action plan to implement the Credibility Equation.
Step 3 of Dare To Dream Bigger guides you through how to become the go-to expert in your niche, and how to no longer have to shout to be heard above the crowd.
Step 4: Connection
Once you’ve got clarity about what you’re doing, for whom, and why, and you’re starting to convince yourself and the world that you’re a credible expert, then it’s time to get connected.
In this section we’ll get connected with yourself - your inner wisdom; your Dream Audience, so you can magnetise your Tribe and your Dream Team, who are the vital support team and the partners who help you get your Big Message out there.
In Step 4 of Dare To Dream Bigger you will set yourself free from the belief that you're 'meant' to do it all on your own.
Step 5: Creativity
This is where we unleash those inspired actions. We’re going to explore how to easily connect with your creativity, no matter what is going on.
You’ll also learn insider secrets from my former career as Head Of Market Research for a major international brand, so you can use that creative genius (yes, you have it), to create products and services that your dream customers will rave about. In fact, they’ll feel like you’ve been mind-reading their biggest problems and they’ll love you for it.
Step 6: Commitment
Without this, those brilliant ideas will never make it to reality. Commitment to complete projects is vital, so why do so many of us loathe it and resist being a 'completer-finisher'?
In Step 6 of Dare To Dream Bigger, you'll discover some surprising Ancient Wisdom that helps you to crank up your commitment, even if you’re secretly suffering from ‘Shiny Object Syndrome’. After all, you can't sell it if it's not finished...
Step 7: Celebration
We so often miss this out. But if you’re having a tough day, cultivating the habit of celebrating your micro-successes, no matter how small, will keep you going. We rarely take time out to notice the progress we’re making. Step 7 of Dare To Dream Bigger shows you how weaving a few minutes of gratitude into your day can be turn your Inner Critic into your Biggest Cheerleader.
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ISBN 978-1-908854-797

Every now and again you get to spend time with someone whom you know will change the way you think about the world, for the better, from that point forward. Clare is one of those people.
She’s influentially powerful and calmly assured, passionate about others’ success and inspires those she engages with.
William Buist (Founder of xTen Club)

Clare’s energy and enthusiasm helped me rekindle old dreams, especially the one that says I can have a lot of fun earning a living helping others in unlimited ways.
Her process illuminated what I wanted in business and why, and then actually laid out how to get there. I got to feel how vitally important inner work really is as the basis for professional success. The biggest change is in me—learning to trust what I know. Talk about results!
Karen Campos (Founder of Kaleidoscope)

Just got my copy of Dare to Dream Bigger by Clare Josa. It's a meaty book filled with perfectly paced steps. Go get this book!
Nancy Marmolejo (Founder of Talent & Genius)