Welcome to Day 17 of Chakra Vitality. I hope you enjoyed yesterday’s video. Here is the audio for today – please remember that the audio is intended to supplement the video, not replace it. It’s important to watch the video first, so you can get a feel for the movements. 🙂
Today we’re moving on to the 3rd Eye chakra. But before we do, I’d love to hear how you have been getting on so far – and especially how you are handling the idea of speaking your truth. Here’s a reminder for yesterday’s discussion thread, which is talking about which affirmations to choose, to make speaking your truth easier:
The 3rd Eye chakra is located between the eyebrows. It is believed to be the seat of insight and intuition, connecting us with our deeper wisdom. When it is in balance, we are able to have a ‘higher’ perspective of the events in our life, responding from a place of wisdom. When it is out of balance, we experience self-doubt; we don’t trust ourselves and will tend to respond from the perspective of our ego-self – looking out for our best interests.
Today’s physical movement is subtle, but it’s a great way of releasing the physical tension in the eyebrow area. This, combined with the intention work tomorrow and the affirmations / mantra the day after, provide a firm foundation for gently rebalancing the 3rd eye chakra.
I hope you enjoy today’s video / MP3.
And if you’d like to share your experiences of working with your intuition, there’s a special discussion thread over at the forum for this. I’m curious: have you ever had experiences where your intuition was right and your Monkey Mind wasn’t? What tends to happen, when you trust your intuition? What tends to happen if you don’t?
Is it crazy to trust your intuition? https://www.clarejosa.com/soulsizedliving/showthread.php?130-Day-17-Is-It-Crazy-To-Trust-Your-Intuition
It would be great to hear from you.
P.S. Here’s how it all fits together:
MP3 Audio