What's Your Burnout Risk Score?

Research-backed, these twenty quiz-style questions will give you insights into your burnout risk score, and which of the three core factors is driving this for you, in the next few minutes.
Plus you'll get a personalised burnout-prevention action plan PDF, based on your responses, to give you suggestions on how to start turning burnout around.
For personal, individual use only. For corporate licensing options, you can find out more here.
This scorecard is based on the findings of an 18-month research study during the pandemic, with over 2,000 people, led by Clare Josa, a Masters Degree qualified researcher and former Head of Market Research for Dyson. She was also the lead researcher for the landmark 2019 Imposter Syndrome Research Study.
If you have questions about this scorecard or the research that created it, you can contact Clare's team here.
Want To Use This Scorecard In Your Organisation Or With Clients?
This burnout risk score questionnaire, and the resources that come with it, are shared on a pro bono basis with members of the public, for their personal, individual use.
It is also available for use by organisations, to support their team members, and for private coaches, to support their clients. For this type of commercial usage, you would need to purchase a licence.
For corporate use, we can create a separate version of the scorecard, just for your teams, and we can provide:
- analysis (anonymised) of the data
- analysis of how your organisation compares with the global data
- advice on creating strategies to prevent burnout for your employees
In the UK, the recent Psychological Safety At Work regulations mean that every employer has an obligation to be taking action to prevent burnout, and this burnout risk score assessment has been shown to be valuable in deciding which interventions will produce most benefit, and measuring their impact.
The bespoke burnout risk score assessment and data have been used by companies to assess the effectiveness of wellbeing activities, as well as when launching leadership development initiatives.
To book a call to discuss your requirements and arrange a licensing, analysis and strategy package, please book a call here: