Bowen Technique is an excellent way of helping the body to heal itself.
It is a gentle manipulation technique, involving a series of movements over specific points on the body.
It is typically used to treat:
- Back problems
- Neck problems
- Headaches & migraines
- Knee / ankle / joint problems
- Asthma
- Stress
- Hayfever
- Pregnancy-related hip and joint pain
What Is Bowen Technique
Bowen Technique was founded by Tom Bowen in Australia, about 60 years ago.
He developed the technique over the following 3 decades.
The more he helped people with their ailments and injuries, the more he became convinced that the human body is designed to heal itself.
He saw himself not as a healer, but as a facilitator, helping the body to access its memory of its blueprint for health.
His series of specific movements help trigger the body to access these memories.
Bowen Technique has since helped hundreds of thousands of people, worldwide.
What Does A Session Involve?
Your session starts with a case history discussion, to allow your therapist to tailor the session to your specific needs.
You will receive your treatment either lying on a therapy couch or in a chair.
Clients should wear lightweight clothing, as most movements can be performed through thin fabric. However, some moves are best performed directly on the skin. Your Bowen Technique therapist would advise when this is the case.
Bowen Therapy is not about the therapist “treating” the client. The movements unlock the body’s own ability to treat itself.
The focus of Bowen Therapy is to trigger the body’s instinctive, hard-wired healing response.
This is why, after each movement, the therapist leaves the client for about 2 minutes, to allow you to relax and integrate the effects of the manipulation. This may seem a little strange if your previous experiences of therapy have been a therapist constantly “working on you”! But in Bowen Technique, this pause is when the healing actually occurs.
The philosophy behind a Bowen Treatment is not to overload the body with more than it is ready to heal. A treatment consists of the minimum number of moves to address the underlying concern that is presenting on that day.
A Bowen session typically lasts 45 minutes, though your first session may be a little longer, to allow the taking of your case history.
After each session, it is important to follow your Bowen therapist’s advice on drinking water and going for a walk. This helps your body to absorb the Bowen session at a deeper level.
How Many Sessions Do I Need?
This depends entirely on the reason for your visit. However, people usually notice a difference within 3 sessions.
Although clients may originally have requested Bowen Technique to address, say, knee pain, they often notice improvement in other symptoms, after their sessions.
For example, one common benefit is that people find they are sleeping better or that other problem symptoms have reduced.
Who Is Your Bowen Therapist?
Peter Briant has been a fully-certified Bowen Technique Therapist for the last 10 years.
He offers Bowen Technique sessions in Forest Row and East Grinstead, in East Sussex, UK.
What Does It Cost?
Bowen Technique sessions with Peter cost £45 each. There is no extra charge for the time taken for your case history during your first session.
How Do I Book?
To book a session with Peter, please call his office on 020 8242 6035.