Shhh! I’ve been asked to create something truly amazing this summer – a 28 day “I Am Abundant!” online summer school. Doors aren’t supposed to be open yet. But if your heart gets excited at the idea of FINALLY releasing the hidden blocks that you didn’t even realise were sabotaging your health, happiness, vitality, energy levels, relationships and success, then I’m going to let you sneak in ahead of the queue:
There’s more to Abundance than money!
Most of us are blocking our Abundance. It doesn’t matter whether it’s money or career or health or your energy levels or your relationships or your happiness, fun or love – blocked Abundance means you’re not living life to the full.
And when you hit your 80th birthday, I’m guessing that it’s something you might look back and regret.
How do you know if you’re blocking your Abundance? Warning Signs include:
Isn’t it time to stop blocking your natural Abundance? Isn’t it time to let some miracles into your life?
The 2014 “I Am Abundant!” Summer School is a 28 day online group mentoring programme, with an inspired combination of video training, integration worksheets, guided visualisations & meditations, a truly supportive online community and even a bit of yoga – to help you to release old blocks!
What do you get, over the 28 days of the Summer School?
Each week you get a new module, which is specially designed to be easy to work through, with a fresh challenge for the week and all the support materials you need. BUT it won’t take more than 1/2 hour to work through – plus a few minutes a day to practise. It’s up to you how deeply you want to dive in. And to make it easy for you to create shifts, you’ll get a beautiful blend of:
- Teaching videos – short & sweet and you can create life shifts while you’re watching them!
- Integration worksheets – to allow you to dive in more deeply and create lasting change
- Specially-designed affirmations – to help you to remember and reinforce the changes you’re making
- A weekly project – to challenge you to increase your awareness of how your thoughts and actions sabotage your Abundance – and to figure out what to do about it!
- Inspirational articles – for those times when your heart is calling you to go the extra mile
- Simple yoga sequences – to help you release old blocks that your Monkey Mind had forgotten were there!
- Inspirational MP3s – deep relaxations, guided meditations and visualisations so you can change your life whilst recharging your batteries
The idea is that we work together through each week’s challenge, which has two parts:
- Your ‘outside’ world
- Your ‘inside’ world
… Because there’s no point in dealing with one, without the other!
You’re going to be retraining your brain to support your Abundance journey, instead of sabotaging it – and opening your heart to receiving.
And it’s all designed in bite-sized chunks that you can apply while you wait for the kettle to boil – or stand in a queue.
How Does It All Work?
The Insider Secrets I’m sharing with you in our 2014 Summer School are based on 12 years of studying, experimenting, making mistakes and even getting it right, when it comes to manifesting Abundance! I want to help you to shortcut your journey, so that you see results by the end of the summer.
As an NLP Trainer (for over a decade) I know how to make it super-easy for you to learn – and to release the blocks you didn’t even realise were holding you back.
All you need to do is to go through the materials and to apply the insights. There are no complex processes or 2-trillion-point methods to memorise!
As a formally-trained Meditation Teacher and a student of spiritual practices since I was 15, I know how important it is for manifesting Abundance to connect with the spiritual side of your life, whatever form that takes for you. So in the Summer School, I’m demystifying the essential Ancient Wisdom you need – in a way that works in our Western world. Releasing your Abundance blocks simply doesn’t work if you try to do it with just your thinking mind!
But, before you run to the ‘woo woo’ hills 😉 , I’m also a reformed Mechanical Engineer, so all of this has been through my Inner Engineer’s BS filter. It’s practical inspiration that works for busy lives, not fluff and promises.
I know this works.
Over the past decade, the techniques and Insider Secrets I’m sharing with you this summer have taken me from homeless to living in my dream home… From single mum to marrying my Soul-Mate… From passionate blogger to best-selling published author.
And I still use them, every day, to create the life I’m choosing to live, in alignment with my Soul’s purpose.And I know they will open your life to miracles, too.
If you have been thinking of working with me for a while, then this is the programme I suggest you start with. You’ll be amazed at the shifts you will create with it.
So, my question to you is:
Once you have registered for the Summer School, what Abundance do you want to create first…?
I’d love to hear from you, via the comments.
With love, Namaste,
And I want to make it easy for you to say “yes!” to the future you have been dreaming of!
- Just imagine… feeling full of energy and bouncing your way through your day…
- Just imagine… being able to ride the waves of emotions that used to really drag you down…
- Just imagine… feeling totally aligned with your life’s purpose – loving what you do and who you are…
- Just imagine… loving your career, your relationships, having fun and doing what you have been dreaming of…
- Just imagine… letting go of stress and anxiety, because you KNOW your Soul has got it sorted and life is going to be GREAT!
- Just imagine… finally having the success you have been dreaming of – with much less effort than before…
- Just imagine… loving watching the synchronicities line up at your door, just when you need them most.
A little bit curious?
Then how about buying my CD of guided meditations and visualisations, to help you to release your manifesting blocks and create Abundance in your life? Make sure you’re getting my email updates to find out when it is available.
Ready? Feeling Excited? Perhaps Nervous?
Is it time to step into your miracle-filled life?
Join us for the 2014 Summer School and fall in love with creating the life you were born to live!
What’s the investment?
Expect to spend about 1/2 hour per week when your new course materials arrive. Apart from that, it’s a few minutes a day – plus any time you want to spend in the forum.
What you get | Silver | Platinum |
The Full 28 Day Summer School Everything you need to create life-long shifts & open your heart to Abundance. This should be at least $295 – which is still less than the cost of my entry-level mentoring programme. |
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Membership Of Our Private Online Community Share the journey and create life-long friendships. And you get to keep the membership, even after graduation. Membership of this group would normally be at least $200 per year. |
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Be A VIP Guest On Our Pre-Launch Programme Get to join in with the pre-launch video training and live webinar (starting on August 1st) – but as a VIP guest, so you get a back-stage pass to join me in the private online community. This should be at least $97. |
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Weekly VIP LIVE Q&A Webinar Get answers to your questions – and there’s even a chance to get FREE virtual mentoring, LIVE on the call! This would normally be $67 per week – making it $268 |
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Graduation Bonus: CD Of All MP3s After you graduate, I’ll send you a gift copy of the CD with all of the meditations and guided visualisations from the Summer School. Everyone else will be paying $39 for this. |
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Graduation Bonus: Gift Copy Of My Gratitude Journal Discover for yourself how this best-seller has helped thousands to change their lives – and use it to help you keep your new-found Abundance habits going. This would normally be $19.99. |
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If you register today, before doors officially open, then you pay just:
$77 USD
(Just £47) |
$97 USD
(Just £57) |
When the doors officially open on August 8th, the cost to join us will be $147. And by the time doors close on August 18th – and we go LIVE – the cost to join in will be $297. So if you’re thinking about being part of our Summer School, it really does pay to dive in and say “Yes!” to the future you today.
Let’s get together and co-create some joyous Abundance this summer!
Choose which level you want to join in at and click the button below to register. Once your payment has gone through, check your email for details of how to log in and get started.
And, Of Course, This Summer School Comes With My “Love It!” Guarantee
Try the Summer School on for size. Work through the modules and feel how it changes your life. If, having worked through the materials, your heart tells you it wasn’t for you, that’s fine. Simply let my team know within the 28 days of the Summer School and you can have a full refund – no sulks, no awkward questions, no hard feelings.