Learn how to meditate – and help Duncan’s stroke rehab.
Fancy learning to meditate, changing your life and helping to raise money for Duncan’s stroke rehab suppport fund?
Thank you!!!!
Here’s what we’re up to and how you can join in.
For the first time ever, I am running a face-to-face version of the popular 28 Day Meditation Challenge online course and book – a series of meditation & mindfulness classes. These will be in Colemans Hatch (next to Forest Row, East Sussex).
The course has made a massive difference to people’s lives over the past year and I’d love to be able to share it with you, whilst also helping Duncan and his family.
Come to the series of 4 weekly classes, on:
Monday evenings from 20:00 to 21:30
from 26th November to 17th December 2012.
All profits from these workshops are going to the ‘Help Duncan’ fund. 🙂
Can’t make it to a workshop? Join the special version of the online course.
It’s running from 25th November to 23rd December 2012.
To thank you for either getting sponsored to learn to meditate or promising to make a donation to Duncan’s rehab fund (we have set up a special fundraising donation page), I am giving you the course for just £1, instead of the usual £28. 🙂
Please make sure you enter the code HELPDUNC in the ‘coupon code’ box, right, to get your discount.Thank you SO MUCH for raising donations / getting sponsored to meditate, to help raise funds for Duncan’s post-stroke rehab and recovery.You can either dive in and get started now or, if you want to find out more about the 28 Day Meditation Challenge & the online course first, keep reading below.
If you have any friends who would like to join in with this, please let them have the link to this page.
It is:
Meditation Teacher | NLP Trainer | Author
Michael Hall parent & massive fan of Anna, Duncan & Family
To dive in and get started today for just £1, your coupon code is:
More about the 28 Day Meditation Challenge Online Charity Fundraising Event
As Gandhi said, we need to be the change we wish to see.
There’s no point waiting for the world around us to change, if we’re not making changes to our own life.
And one of the best ways to spread a wave of peace and happiness around the world is to nurture those feelings inside ourselves.
And one of the most effective and almost magical ways to do that is to practise meditation and mindfulness – just 10 minutes a day can make a life-long difference.
But sometimes we need a little bit more incentive… 😉
So, running from 25th November to 23rd December 2012, I am inviting you to learn how to create the meditation habit that your future self will thank you for, whilst also raising money for Duncan’s stroke rehab fund.
How about getting sponsored for the 28 days?
How about committing to making a donation, at the end of the course?
How about roping your friends in and doing this together?
To help incentivise you even further, and to thank you for raising money for Duncan, I am offering you a massive discount coupon for you to get the step by step guidance and moral support of the online 28 Day Meditation Challenge course for just £1, instead of the usual £28.
So there has never been a better time to dive in and create your new habit.
Please sign up today to make sure you have grabbed your space.
How about dragging some of your friends along? Or even getting your work colleagues involved?
The coupon code you need to enter in the registration form is:
Please note, this is ONLY for people who are genuinely going to be raising money for Duncan and his family, this November / December.
For those of you who live near Forest Row in East Sussex, there will even be (for the very first time!) a 4-week face-to-face class, to help you through the 28 Day Meditation Challenge.
Here’s where to join in with the online course, which has already had a massive impact on the lives of those who have taken it this year. 🙂
Remember your coupon code: HELPDUNC
Want to discover the impact that 10 minutes a day can have on your life?
Students tell us that the 28 Day Meditation Challenge Course has helped them to:
feel happier, less stressed and more grounded.
be more calm and focused.
feel more centred, even if emotions are running high.
live more ‘in the moment’, free from worries and stresses.
feel a sense of peace, even when life is hectic.
discover that ten minutes a day – of the right techniques – is enough to have a massive impact on your life.
finally create a meditation and mindfulness habit that works for you, no matter how busy you are.
How does it do this?
Inspiration can give you the idea.
Motivation can get you started.
But it is habit and routine that create the change.
It guides you, step by step, through the practical aspects of how to meditate and be mindful – as you would expect. 😉
BUT it also acknowledges that we need help to create new habits.
The 28 Day Meditation Challenge combines ancient meditation and mindfulness techniques with an inspired blend of modern psychology (NLP), to help you with the ‘how to’ of creating your new habit.
It tackles the reasons why most of us have failed to create new habits in the past, no matter how much we wanted to do them and how strong our willpower was. It shows you how to:
deal with your meditation excuses, calmly and effectively.
avoid the most common myths and mistakes that prevent people from being able to benefit from meditation.
overcome the fears, blocks & limiting beliefs that may have stopped you from making changes in the past.
discover how to find more time in your day.
learn how to keep yourself motivated, even when you’re not in the mood.
learn how to easily handle common meditation challenges, that could normally de-rail you.
weave practical relaxation strategies into your day-to-day life.
find simple ways of making meditation practice – and its enormous benefits – an integral part of your life.
Clare Josa ~ Meditation Teacher & NLP Trainer
I love inspiring people to make shifts in their life.
And I get a real kick out of helping people to make changes that they haven’t been able to before.
And I love teaching meditation – and NLP. I used to find it frustrating, how few people I had time to reach with face-to-face workshops, so being able to adapt this course for online students has been an amazing experience.
The 28 Day Meditation Challenge was a joy to create. And I get really excited when students have breakthroughs, from using these techniques.
I’d love to have you join us.
Namaste, Clare Josa
Meditation Teacher, NLP Trainer, Author
All you need to do is…
Decide how to raise funds for Duncan’s stroke rehab – perhaps either go grab your mates to sponsor you – or commit to making a donation at the end of the 28 days (there’s a special page set up for you to do this).
Read each day’s message – they’re designed to contain what you most need for that step, whilst being quick to read and absorb.
Apply the bits of the message that resonate for you – some of the techniques are simple and quick to apply, others will be a longer-term project. You will instinctively know, as you read the messages, which will make the most difference for you.
Do each day’s 10 minute guided meditation – Audio MP3s are provided, with a new one each week. A CD version is also available.
Join in on the members-only peer support forum
Make the most of the daily discussions.
Get answers to your questions – and support others in their journey.
Share your experiences – brilliant for moral support 🙂
The forum is moderated by meditation teachers, to help make sure you get the answers you need.
Get started today:
To get started with the daily ‘how to’ and motivational messages, the weekly guided meditation audio MP3s, the videos, the extra resources and the members-only online peer support forum, register today.
The 28 Day Meditation Challenge course usually costs only £1 per day – a total of £28. This is already great value.
As a special thank you and incentive for those of you who want to make the most of the month to also raise money for Duncan’s stroke rehab, enter the word HELPDUNC into the ‘coupon’ box below to get a whopping 95% discount, making the price for a month of daily emails, 4 guided meditation MP3s and exclusive membership of the peer support forum only £1. 🙂