Just imagine...
... if you were at your 90th birthday party and looked back...
... and realised you had never got round to writing that best-selling, world-changing, business-growing book you had been dreaming of...
... how would you feel?
And that person out there, lying awake at night,
dreaming of the solution that only your book can offer...
... how would they feel?
There are a million reasons why not to write your book.
Maybe you're too busy.
Perhaps you've got too many ideas and don't know how to focus on the most important one.
Maybe you struggle with writing; it's not your thing or you hated English at school or you struggle with dyslexia.
Perhaps you're not sure where to start - it all feels so daunting.
Is it that you feel you're not .... enough? Experienced enough? Old enough? Young enough? Clever enough? Expert enough? Good enough? Important enough? Well-known enough? The list goes on...
Maybe your friends, family and loved-ones simply wouldn't understand and you're concerned about how they might react?
Perhaps it feels like too big a project and you're worried it will be a waste of time, if you don't finish it?
Or maybe you're secretly scared that no one will buy it and you'll have to crawl under the table at your virtual launch party and drown your sorrows in a mug of gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free chai-ethically-sourced-nut-milk-latte and a box of recycled-paper tissues.
We all have our favourite legitimate reasons excuses. What are yours?
Want to figure out your own, hidden excuses?
I can't write my business-growing, world-changing book,
Write at least five finishes to that statement and there are your secret fears and worries.
For me, it was, "Who am I, to write a book?!"
For years, my personal favourite 'excuse' was my fear of trolls.
I got trolled really badly, back in 2008, after a newspaper interview and it was years before I could face the idea of seeing my name in print again. Even now, clicking 'send' for that final manuscript to go to the printer can feel like being summoned to the Headmaster's office and not knowing whether you're going to get yelled at or hear a round of applause.
Of course, there was a generous dose of "I don't have enough time!"
But mostly it was good old Imposter Syndrome: Who am I, to...? that got in my way.
Over the past ten years I have done my 'inside work' and thousands of hours of studying and how-to research to figure out how to become an author. I have had five life-changing books published.
But I still didn't think of myself as an 'author'.
Who was I to call myself an author?
The thing is that all of these fears, excuses, limiting beliefs and hidden blocks are fixable - surprisingly easily - when you know how.
So, early in 2017, I used the tools I love to share with my students to overcome a 30-year-old limiting belief that I couldn't write a story. I waited. Nothing felt different. I felt gutted.
Then, two days later I had drafted seven novels and the first one was published within five months. Readers have described it as 'unputdownable'. The sequel came out a year later, to similar acclaim.
What this taught me was two-fold:
1. You're not an author until you allow yourself to become one - and that's an 'inside job'
2. When you clear out your hidden blocks, and have a clear writing strategy, inspiration flows and you magnetise your dream readers.
What Might Publishing Your World-Changing Book Do For You?
Common 'side effects' include:
Making a bigger difference in the world by having an easy way to reach pretty much everyone on the planet who resonates with your message.
Getting to help more people with less effort.
Filling your courses / workshops / coaching book more easily - with better clients - and faster.
Having complete strangers call you and ask to work with you - and they're a perfect fit.
More easily landing speaking gigs, PR opportunities, interviews and expert exposure.
Having people recognise you and want to meet you at conferences and events.
Finding great Joint Venture opportunities that provide win-win results for both of you - and your audiences.
Having the credibility that means potential clients no longer haggle over your pricing or your terms and take your work together more seriously.
Earning more regular income, by working fewer hours, and only working with clients you love, giving you more time and money with your loved-ones and leaving you feeling less stressed and happier.
But to achieve all of this, it's essential to write the right book, not just a book.
Most self-published end up doing that with their second book - as they undo the mistakes from the first.
That's not what I want for you. I want to make it as easy as possible for you to write your best-selling, business-growing book in the coming year.
Want to know how to avoid the most common mistakes that mean most writers never publish and most books sell fewer than 250 copies - or leave their authors broke (or both)?
Join Me For The Write Your Book! Programme
I'm running this training for thought leaders who dream of writing a non-fiction book that grows their business / mission and helps them to make a bigger difference in the world.
It's a unique blend of practical strategy, creative writing challenges (yes, they help with non-fiction, too!) and the little-known 'inside work' that makes the difference between 'meh' and 'wow!' with your book and its launch.
Join Me And You Will:
Just Imagine...
... waking up to an inbox full of thank you messages from total strangers...
... telling you how you changed their life with your book.
Want to take your next step towards making this your new normal?
Join Me For This Inspirational Training, To Get Your Book Out There And Changing The World!
What Will You Be Covering?
For the first three months, you'll learn exactly how to write your brilliant book with practical strategies to make it as easy as possible for you.
Then you'll be ready to dive in and get writing.
And you've got support for the full year, from your first idea to beyond your launch.
In addition to regular writing exercises (all in bite-sized chunks), here's an overview of what you'll be covering. You get a new module every two weeks, to allow you to implement what you're learning. Plus you've got me in the forum and my Inner Circle Facebook group on weekdays to bounce ideas, to celebrate your successes and to get answers to your questions.
And there you get a full year's access to my invitation-only monthly student Q&A calls (via Zoom) throughout the year to keep you on track and for brainstorming ideas.
AND you get four 1:1 mentoring sessions with me over the coming year, to get total clarity and to clear out any hidden blocks.
Module 0
January 2020
Nail Your Best-Selling, Business-Growing Book Idea
Did you know that most first-time authors later regret the book they chose to write? And that there's a strong trend of writing the right book SECOND time around?
I don't want that for you! So we start this programme by nailing your book idea, to make sure it's the book that your dream readers (and future clients) are hungry to read, that it will sell like hot-cakes, be talked about, get you the media coverage you're dreaming of, AND make a difference in the world.
To kick us off, you'll be looking at all the reasons why you want to write a book - and finding out why some of the most common ones are brilliant reasons why NOT to write one!
Plus you'll discover the little-known secret to keeping yourself motivated - actually getting your book done - from writing your first word to six months after your launch - and beyond.
And if you haven't yet done my Nail Your Book Idea training, this is when you'll work through that.
Module 1
February 2020
Why would anyone want to read it?
How to avoid the #1 mistake that means no one apart from your mum and your best friend will buy your book, no matter how brilliant it is?
In module 1 I'll be sharing the five reasons why your dream customers WISH you would write your world-changing book. You'll learn insider secrets from my days as Head of Market Research at Dyson to figure out what your dream readers are looking for - so they feel like you're reading their mind (in a good way!).
And you'll learn the top 5 questions you need to ask yourself, to make your book stand out in a crowded marketplace.
Module 2
February 2020
How to write a book that will grow your business
In module 2 you'll learn my favourite ways to make sure your book grows your business - and it's so much more than being 'just a business card'. Learn how to subtly weave these triggers in to your book, to avoid the #1 mistake that means most NY Times best-selling authors are broke.
Plus you'll discover ten things you could do in under ten minutes to test whether your book will fly off the shelves or gather virtual dust, before you even write a single word.
Module 3
March 2020
Understanding the readers' journey
Module 3 is all about how to get that mess of ideas out of your head and into a compelling, unputdownable book. You'll learn how to avoid the single, biggest mistake that means that most books end up as a dust-collecting shelf-ornament, rather than a world-changing client-magnet.
I'll be spilling the beans on gems from 15+ years as an NLP Trainer, specialising in how to structure courses and books, and my original training in lean manufacturing & six sigma, so you can learn the process for translating your inner genius into something that creates transformations for your readers, on their sofa in their PJs.
Plus this is the module that you'll dig deep and uncover the 4 hidden blocks that mean most authors will never publish - or they subconsciously sabotage their book's success. This is the invisible key to success that most writers miss out.
You get a couple of weeks to work through this one - it's the most important part of our work together, once you have nailed your best-selling, business-growing book idea.
Module 4
March 2020
Writing Secrets
You'll already have started on your book by this point. And to help you make it unputdownable, I'll be sharing how you can use the information you gathered in modules 2 and 3 to write in a tone of voice that your reader finds irresistible.
It helps you to build deep rapport. It gets them feeling like you're sitting by their side.
Plus I'll share with you the three super-common language mistakes that most authors make, which mean you're giving your reader permission to give up on what you're teaching.
It's the secret key to growing a tribe of raving superfans. And it's surprisingly simple - and great fun - when you know how.
Module 5
April 2020
Planning for success
In module 5 we'll be talking about how to build a tribe of hungry readers, even if you haven't started writing yet, and my favourite secret to get them to make your book brilliant, not bleugh. Plus we'll cover how to sell out your first print run (if that's the way you want to publish).
You'll learn why launch planning isn't something you add on at the end, once the book has gone to the printer, but something you start when you write your first word.
And it's also the module you'll be working on your book's business plan - so you can make sure it will give you a great return on your time and financial investment.
Plus you'll get clear on whether you want to self-publish or go for an agent / book deal - and you'll be in the perfect position to do so.
Module 6
April 2020
The practical side of printing a book
This is all about how to get your book out there to the world, if you go the self-publishing route.
You'll learn what works and what doesn't.
You'll demystify the pros and cons of decisions like 'print on demand' versus print run. And you'll find out how to get your book into traditional stores, even if you don't have a publisher.
Plus we'll talk about how to run a virtual book tour to guarantee launch success.
The training materials for each module are published fortnightly, with no-rush lifetime access. So they're there for you at a time that works with your schedule.
And There's More!
You get monthly group mentoring Q&A calls throughout the year, to keep you on track, get answers to your questions and give you the accountability you need, to get your book done and out there.
What We're NOT Doing!
You're not going to be forcing yourself to finish your book in 30 days (or a weekend!) Believe me, it'll be pants. We've all read them. It's secretly embarrassing. There's more to writing a brilliant book than vomiting it onto voice transcription software over a weekend and bunging it on Amazon on a Monday morning.
You're not going to be giving up on sleep / abandoning your business / having your loved-ones thinking you've emigrated, just to hit some artificial time goal.
Instead, you're going to lay strong foundations and have the life-changing accountability of your tribe, to make it easy to create your world-changing, best-selling, brilliant biz-growing book in the coming year.
How You'll Get Results
This is a supported self-study programme, so you will need to carve out some time to make the most of it (don't worry - I can help with that!). But it's all designed to produce results quickly, with as little time and effort as possible.
Here's what you'll be getting:
Step by Step How-To
These comprehensive, but bite-sized, training videos & workbooks are specially designed to guide you through the writing process, from 'great idea' to 'done'.
Fortnightly Writing Challenges
From February to April, you'll get fortnightly exercises to develop your writing muscles, discover how to make it easier to feel inspired, and get friendly feedback from your peers to improve your writing skills, whether you're a beginner or a pro.
Bite-Sized Inspiration
I'll be doing short livestreams in our group, sharing things I wish I had known when I started my author journey, ten years ago - things you'll be super-glad you'll know by the end of our time together!
Accountability & Feedback
Between the forum, the bonus Facebook group, the live Q&As and the training videos, you'll have plenty of feedback, support and accountability. Writing can feel lonely and this interaction makes a huge difference to your likelihood of success.
Deep-Dive Bonuses
You'll get my much-loved course on how to handle imposter syndrome - for authors. Plus there's my masterclass on how to 'magically' make more time. And you'll get my 'publishing planner' timeline cheat sheet, so you know exactly what to do and when.
You Are Not Alone
You get access to my private forum, where you'll post the exercises from each module for feedback from me and your fellow students. Plus four 1:1 sessions with me, plus a year's access to my invitation-only monthly Q&A calls and my Inner Circle Facebook group.
Who Is The Write Your Book! Course For?
It's perfect for you if you're a thought leader, business owner or Passionate World Changer on a mission to make a bigger difference in the world and 'writing that book' has been on your wish list for years, but not yet happened. You'll get more from this programme if you already have past clients and case studies you can draw on, rather than if you're just setting out on your business journey.
You don't have to be a pro-writer. It's absolutely fine if you're a little bit scared (you're not alone!). What matters is that your heart is calling you to make NOW the time that you get your book done - and you're an action-taker, not 'course-collector'.
It's for non-fiction books, not novels, and you have to be open to putting in the effort to go and use the materials we'll be covering, to get the most from your time.
Even if you've already started a book, this training will still make a huge difference for you in making sure you're writing the right book and tweaking it to make it unputdownable. Plus you'll be creating a launch plan to guarantee your book's success.
Don't Know Me Yet? I'm Clare Josa.

I have been a certified NLP Trainer since 2003, which means I'm an expert in designing courses that work - getting you maximum results for minimum effort.
It also means that part of my genius is helping you to get your book 'pyjama-ready' - so that what you're teaching creates transformations, even when you're not there to explain things and your readers are in their PJs, half-asleep. You're going to learn my insider secrets to make that as easy as possible.
Not knowing how to do this is the single biggest mistake I see in most self-published books.
My prior background in engineering, specialising in Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma, means that I can teach you how to create the reader's journey in a way that will make it super-easy for them to get results, cutting out the fluff that could leave them confused or even putting your book down...
As the author of eight books and a regular radio and podcast interviewee, I have helped thousands of entrepreneurs and business leaders with overcoming imposter syndrome and their self-imposed glass ceilings, so they can make a bigger difference in the world. And I'll be sharing those strategies with you, too, in this training.
As my students would tell you: getting your brilliant, best-selling, business-growing book out there is as much about mindset&more as it is about words on a page.

What Are My Previous Students Saying About This Programme?
Janine Coombes - Host of The Secret Marketing Show - Author of The Content Marketing Myth

Less than a year ago, I told Clare I wanted to write a book. I had kept it really quiet. I had been planning to write a recipe book for my clients, with healthy eating ideas.
I now realise that would have been the wrong book. Clare had spotted that I was thinking of writing the book that felt 'safe' - not the one my readers really wanted to read, that gave me a chance to show them exactly how I could help them.
Clare helped me to feel confident to write a health and fitness book, along with the recipes, and to target it at my ideal client: men over forty.
Fast-forward five months and so far I have written over 27000 words. I never thought that could happen.
The reasons why I really like Clare's Course:
- Clare gives you weekly tasks
- She has online portal that you log in and do the course weekly in your own time
- You have a Facebook group, there are not loads of people in it which makes it more private and it is full of like minded and supportive people
- You have the zoom calls which are also very helpful as you can learn a lot and also ask questions during these calls
- By completing Clare’s weekly tasks, you actually write quite a lot of content so this actually creates the foundation of your book.
I highly recommend Clare and her course.
Gokay Kurtuldum, Personal Trainer & Gold Medal-Winning Body-Builder
Author of Get Fit, Stay Fit Over 40
Here’s the thing: I am already an award-winning short story writer and novelist. I’ve been teaching creative writing for nearly twenty years. So why would I sign up for Clare Josa’s training?
I was drawn to Clare’s training because she was offering more than the ‘write your book in a weekend/30 days’ promise we so often see out there. I wanted to bring my expertise as a writing coach to a wider audience than I’d ever reached before but needed help to pinpoint which would be the best book to write and how best to get the attention of that audience.
Clare delivered and more than delivered! Here’s how:
- Everything you write is laser-targeted at fulfilling your readers' needs.
Clare makes sure you never lose sight of your reader. You learn how to identify who that is and what they don't even realise themselves that they need from you.
- Clare stops you from going down blind alleys or accidentally writing the wrong book for the wrong readers.
Clare takes you through a series of tasks and processes which are designed in a logical order. She asks you questions. She doesn’t let you get away with vagueness! Her special skill is to ask the ‘stretch’ questions that make you dig deep, so that you formulate your plans and project with precision and clarity.
- You feel part of a community where you are supported not just by Clare but by the others in the group.
Clare uses recorded videos, live calls and a private Facebook group to create a sense of dynamic, lively interaction. You share ideas, challenges and every triumph along the way.
- Clare helps you to guarantee that your book will be a sales success.
Clare gives you advice on marketing and publishing – she gets you working right from the start on how you can build your audience and promote your book, even before you write it, which gave me the incentive to keep writing!
- This Training can transform your business, not just your book.
Clare’s experience, knowledge and warmth will help you focus, keep you inspired and make it more likely that you will see your project through. What’s more, you start to see your book as more than a one-off project: it can be a potentially transformative step as you develop your business in ways you’d never imagined you could!
My book, The Unputdownable Writer’s Mindset, comes out later this year. I have had such a fun, fulfilling time writing it and know it will be the springboard to new, exciting developments in my business. I’m so glad I took a deep breath and signed up for this – and recommend you join the next group and make it the year you write your life-changing book!
Lorna Fergusson - Founder of Fiction Fire - Author of The Unputdownable Writer's Mindset

Writing a book was just a vague idea that first came up 20 years ago - then life happened and things I could write about accumulated. The training was supposed to help me in writing a business growing book - now I am writing a business AND life changing book.
I do not know if it will change the life of others (I hope it will) but it definitely changed my own life since I am about to start a new profession that would not have been possible without the book I am writing - and Clare's tireless, patient and whole-hearted support.
This amazing journey started as a 5-day intensive brain-storming about what to write, whom to write to and why it is important to write the book. Clare encouraged and supported me all the way, gently pulling or pushing me in the right direction so I took a deep breath and ended up doing the training. At the end of the 5-day challenge, I thought I knew what I want to share in my book.
What I am actually writing is a completely different book - much more needed as it turned out during the process, and fits much more to my unique experiences.
Clare is an excellent coach, or more, a midwife. She was present at each and every step with all of us, giving feedbacks (I have no idea how she could fit all this reading, thinking and coming up with answers just we needed into her daily life), asking questions to sharpen the focus and bring about clarity, and helping us ditching our imposter syndrome (yes, we all had to face it).
The forum was an invaluable help as well as the Facebook group where we could share our progress, breakthroughs, and wobbles, too. The video lessons, the live Zoom calls and the 1:1 session made the whole journey even more personal and fun - even though my topic (grief) is not funny at all.
I enjoyed every moment of this course, I consider it one of the best investments of my life (both in terms of energy and money). Although the aim of the training was not to heal from imposter syndrome it gave priceless hints to ditch it. This course brought about much deeper changes than I expected and I am very happy with them :)
Krisztina Csapo - Author of Silent Grievers
What's The Investment?
I know you're busy! And I have designed this programme to be in bite-sized chunks so you can fit it in, no matter how full your schedule is.
This is a deep-dive training, not a free downloadable cheat sheet, so you will need to invest the time and energy to get the most from it.
But 2 hours per week should be enough for the training and your 'homework', plus however much time you want to spend on writing practice.
It's a solid investment in your future and could save you months of writing the wrong book, so you can grow your business or mission and make a bigger difference in the world.
To do this with me 1:1 would costs £9,995 for six months of support (you can contact me here, if that's what you're looking for). And I only take on a handful of clients for such intensive projects these days (only 1 place left this year). And by doing this supported self-study programme with fellow budding authors, you'll actually get more from it than if we did it 1:1, because the idea-bouncing and feedback you'll get will be invaluable.
You never know, you might even end up writing the forewords for each others' books!
I want to make your Write Your Book! training as accessible as possible, whilst still giving you the quality of course and support you deserve.
So I'm offering two levels of support - you can choose which works better for you - the group programme and a full 1:1 option, if you prefer the steam-ahead, VIP route.
The price for this 12-month Write Your Book! programme is just £1,995. This includes the four 1:1 sessions with me.
That's less than the cost of a day's 'pick Clare's brain' session with me - something people ask me for regularly, when it comes to writing a book. And you'll get a whole 12 months of working with me, getting answers to your questions, and bouncing ideas with your fellow students.
What You Get In The Training:
Are You Joining Us? Get Started Today!
Say Yes To Your Book Today!
Get The Full 5-Module Training
With DIY-Plus Group & 1:1 Support
Payment Plan Available
Go 1:1
Get The Full Teaching Modules
PLUS The Extra Done-With-You Support
You Need With 8 x 1:1 Calls & 2 x VIP Days
Only one place available in 2020.
Why Join Now?

Got Questions?
I don't have enough time!
When are the live Q&A sessions?
I can't afford it
I'm not ready to write my book yet - is there any point in doing this training?
How long do I get access to the training materials?
I'm just launching my business. Is this for me?
I've already started my book - am I too late for this?
Can I put down a deposit and decide later?
Got one that's not covered here? Contact my team for answers.
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