Are you secretly feeling stressed, exhausted and have an inner critic going crazy... AND the school holidays are here?

Summer Holiday Sanity Plan


Make this the summer you put yourself
'joint first'!

Join Clare Josa for the Six Week Summer Holiday Sanity Plan

So you can really enjoy your summer - AND learn how to tame your inner critic - and feel happier, less stressed and calmer...

And not secretly fantasise about:

  • running away to a yoga retreat in Bali
  • killing your husband because he gets to escape to the office all day
  • Signing your kids up for a last-minute, six-week summer camp (possibly on the other side of the world)

I know what it's like to feel stressed. Overwhelmed. Exhausted. Fed up with juggling everything. To have that Inner Critic running out of control.

Over the years, I read the books, watched the films and took the courses to learn how to stop that train, but all I learned was the 'what' - not the 'how'.

A pivotal moment for me was when a friend was talking about The Secret and how our thoughts create our experience, but she felt locked in a negative thinking cycle. I remember her yelling, "But HOW do I stop those thoughts? HOW?!"

So many of us feel scared this is the best it will ever get and we're secretly dipping into mild depression on a regular basis, but even our best friends don't know.

But it doesn't have to be that way.

I want to share with you the HOW. All in bite-sized chunks you can apply in less time than it takes a kettle to boil.

I want this to be the summer that you set yourself free from the mind-stories that keep us stuck in secret self-sabotage and feeling down.

Give yourself the gift this summer of experiencing how gratitude, mindfulness and other tools from my 15+ years of teaching this stuff can help you to feel happier - to ride that emotional rollercoaster - to press 'pause' on negative thinking.

It's time to stop surviving and start thriving. No matter what life is throwing at you.

We're not talking white-washing & Pollyanna.

I'm talking profoundly simple techniques that teach you how to press 'pause' on negative thinking; that help you to feel calmer and less stressed; that get you smiling for no reason.

This is a sticky-plaster-free zone.

You'll get gems from the world of practical psychology (NLP - the 'user manual for your brain'), Clare's research on gratitude, plus mindfulness, yoga and even a generous dollop of engineer-approved woo-woo.

That's why this stuff works so well.

Clare Josa
Inspiring and supporting passionate world-changers with no-BS, engineer-approved woo-woo since 2002.

Don't Know Clare Josa Yet?

As an NLP Trainer, Meditation & Yoga Teacher and a reformed Engineer, Clare Josa demystifies Ancient Wisdom, blending it with the best of practical psychology and an engineer's no-BS common sense.

Her clients call it engineer-approved woo-woo. 

Her inspirational strategies are simple to apply and make it surprisingly easy for you to ditch your hidden blocks, stresses, worries & fears.

Clare has been a Mentor to passionate World-Changers since 2002 and is the author of five life-changing books, including  Dare To Dream Bigger and A Year Full Of Gratitude. She speaks internationally on the 'inside work' that makes the critical difference to your happiness and success.

Here's How We'll Do It:

Learn The Techniques Quickly & Easily

You'll get 3 short videos each week, for six weeks, to guide you through the step-by-step how-to for making the changes you have been dreaming of. Then you'll get accountability on practising!

Deep-Dive Bonuses

These will include a battery-recharging deep relaxation MP3, my popular masterclass on how to 'magically' make more time, plus a live Masterclass on how to create positive affirmations that actually work for you.

You Are Not Alone!

You'll get all the support you need in our private Facebook group - just for this summer school. Share the journey. Get answers to your questions. Celebrate your wins! I'll be in there, too, most days, and we'll have a weekly group Q&A livestream.

There's No Rush

Take it at your own pace! If you're going away for a couple of weeks over the summer, the videos will be there for you when you get back. And they're quick to watch, so you could keep going, even while you're away.

The training is designed to be easy for you to find the time to do this.

Ten minutes a day for six weeks.

Call it your Summer Holiday Sanity Plan, if you like.
It's going to be fun. You'll share the journey with like-minded Souls. And it might just change your life forever.


The Facebook group is open already, so you can dive in and get started, ahead of our official 'start' date!

What You'll Be Covering:

Week 1: Getting Grounded

Discover my favourite techniques to get out of your stress-head and back into the present moment. We'll be doing near-instant de-stressing.

Week 2: Creative Solutions

Learn how to reconnect with your passion and excitement for life - escaping from 'shoulditis' - and topping up your inner batteries.

Week 3: Personal Power

Evict those annoying people who are renting space in your head - for free - and find out how to reclaim your power, without turning into a bitch!

Week 4: Radical Self-Love

We'll be working with the yogic principle of 'ahimsa' - non-violence - towards ourselves. You'll learn how to start turning your inner critic into your biggest cheerleader!

Week 5: Speaking Your Truth

Connect with your inner voice - with confidence. And learn the little-known secret of why we keep ourselves stuck, dreaming big but playing small, and what to do about it.

Week 6: Your Inner Wisdom

Experience how strong your intuition is - even if you're not used to relying on it. Plus learn why it's such an essential part of your journey - and my 3-word mantra for making life much, much easier!

We Go Live On 30th July 2018!


Workbooks Only

Get a workbook each week, plus a gorgeous 23-minute deep relaxation MP3

  • Life-Changing Techniques: easy to learn & apply with your weekly workbooks
  • Teaching videos & deep-dive masterclasses
  • Get 1-to-1 support in our weekly group coaching call
  • Change your life while you lie back and do nothing with downloadable guided meditation MP3s
  • Find your tribe! Share the journey with like-minded souls in our private Facebook group


No Credit Card Required

6-Week Summer School

Get the workbooks, teaching videos, masterclasses, MP3s AND our Facebook group.

  • check
    Life-Changing Techniques: easy to learn & apply - weekly workbooks, teaching videos & downloadable MP3s
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    Deep-dive bonus masterclasses on 'Time' & 'Positive Affirmations'
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    Get 1-to-1 support in our weekly group coaching call
  • check
    Change your life while you lie back and do nothing with downloadable guided meditation & deep relaxation MP3s
  • check
    Find your tribe! Share the journey with like-minded souls in our private Facebook group

Get the full six-week summer school from just:


The early bird pricing is just £97. The full price will increase over the coming days to £197. So the sooner you join, the more you will save.

Still Got Questions?

Here are some frequently asked questions. If yours isn't answered here, please contact my team for help.

What if I'm not on Facebook?

Do I have to be a mum?

How do I join in with the live events?

How do I join the Facebook group?

What if I miss a call / Masterclass?

How long do I have to go through this course?


The Facebook group is open already, so you can dive in and get started, ahead of our official 'start' date!

Love The Summer Holiday Sanity Plan Summer School? Help Spread The Word!

P.S. Only you can decide if the Summer Holiday Sanity Plan Summer School is right for you.

But if you have any questions that are getting in the way of you saying 'yes!' to the future you have been dreaming of, then please do get in touch. I don't want you to risk missing out, just because something isn't clear or you're not sure how it might work for you. xx Clare 


What You Get:

  • Life-Changing Techniques - Easy To Learn & Apply

Specially designed teaching videos will go up in the Facebook group, three times a week. And they're all around 5 minutes - so it's super-easy to find the time.

  • Deep-Dive Bonus Masterclasses

You'll get access to my hugely popular 'how to magically make more time' masterclass and we'll do a live group masterclass on why positive affirmations don't work - and what you can do, instead.

  • Get  One-to-One Support In Our Weekly Q&A Call

Get hot seat coaching from me on the topics we have covered - and learn as others get their questions answered. Students often tell me this can be the most valuable part of a group programme like this.

  • Change Your Life While You Lie Back & Do Nothing!

Downloadable MP3s - get a gorgeous battery-recharging 20-minute deep relaxation. Plus I'll give you three guided meditation MP3s, over the six weeks: change your life while you relax with your eyes closed - I can't make it easier than that!

  • Find Your Tribe

Share the journey with like-minded Souls. Get answers to your questions. Celebrate your successes. Feel supported and understood! 

This life-changing six-week Summer Holiday Sanity Plan is yours from just:


The super early bird pricing is just £97. The full price will increase over the coming days to £197. So the sooner you join, the more you will save.
