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Connect | Inspire | Thrive 2021


This is for you if you're a business owner who is hungry to reignite your passion and design a Covid-resilient business for the year ahead.

April 26th-30th 2021   |  Thirteen Inspirational Experts   |  Create Breakthroughs In Your Business

Interactive Conference, With 12 LIVE InsPirational Speakers,
Two breakthrough-creating Masterminding Sessions,
And A 90-Minute 2021 Inspired Action Planning Workshop.

When Covid threw away the rule book, the way we were used to doing things in our business no longer worked. And we've coped - we've pivoted, we've pushed on through the pain, we've done our best to make sure our business survives.

But that's all short-term coping strategies. They're not sustainable for another year. We need to be doing something very different.

It's time to shift from surviving to thriving!

It's time to reconnect with your passion for your business and making a bigger difference,
and to create an action plan that inspires you to make it Covid-resilient for 2021!

What Is Connect | Inspire | Thrive 2021?

The Connect | Inspire | Thrive 2021 Online Conference is all about helping you to discover what is working - and how to let go of what isn't - with twelve international experts in growing your business to the next level in 2021, whatever life throws at us.

Connect   |   Inspire   |   Thrive


No one changes the world on their own. And even introverts are missing their tribe in these work-from-home times!

The Connect | Inspire | Thrive 2021 conference is designed to help you reconnect with old friends and to make new ones, so you feel fully supported on your journey through 2021.


It's time to rewrite the rules. And how to do that is exactly what the twelve speakers will be sharing.

For many of them, the Connect | Inspire | Thrive 2021 conference is the first time they'll have publicly shared what 2020 has taught them, so you'll be getting cutting edge strategies and insights to inspire your next steps for success.


Move beyond 'coping strategies' and 'trial and error' to discover what really works, in these uncertain times.

Discover how to avoid the mistakes that have been derailing businesses and reconnect with that sense of excitement for what you do, possibly even reinventing your work for 2021!

This is not yet another death-by-Zoom snooze-fest. It's not a talking-shop. And it's a pitch-free zone.

You're going to learn innovative solutions - sometimes counter-intuitive - to make your business Covid-resilient in 2021.

You'll be working each day on your Connect | Inspire | Thrive 2021 Inspired Action Plan, in bite-sized chunks, and creating breakthroughs and seeing results by the end of the conference.

Connect | Inspire | Thrive 2021 could be your secret superpower for the year ahead, no matter what life throws at us!

Your Speakers

Your thirteen speakers are internationally recognised industry experts. They're known for their generosity in sharing their wisdom in ways that inspire you to create shifts in your thinking, right there and then, inspiring you to take action.

Here are your speakers and the topics they will be covering in their interviews:

Jenny Ainsworth

Perspective-Changer: Mindset, Motivation & Mojo

Jenny’s last corporate position was working for Disney as their Training Manager for Europe and she left there to set up her own leadership and business consultancy.

Since then, she’s been privileged to work on almost every continent across the globe, both as an Event Speaker and delivering high impact training and development solutions to thousands of people of all ages, cultures and backgrounds.

  • How to rediscover your mojo, when it has gone MIA and you secretly want to throw in the towel
  • The power of being exclusively you, especially during times of change
  • And how to avoid the thief of joy in your business

Ian Anderson Gray

Founder: Seriously Social

Ian is the founder of the Confident Live Marketing Academy and is the host of the Confident Live Marketing Podcast.

He helps entrepreneurs to level up their impact, authority and profits by using live video confidently.

As well as being a geek, husband, and dad to two kids, Ian is also a professional singer and lives near Manchester in the UK.

  • How to harness the power of live video to grow your business, even if you're secretly scared
  • How to entertain and inspire your audience, without turning into a kids' TV presenters
  • The vital elements to be all of who you really are on camera

Louise Brogan

LinkedIn Consultant & Trainer

Louise Brogan is a LinkedIn consultant, speaker and podcaster. Host of the LinkedIn with Louise Podcast, Louise works with small businesses and entrepreneurs who want to use LinkedIn to win business.

  • What's no longer working on LinkedIn - yet most of us are still doing it
  • Why connect-and-pitch is so damaging - and what your dream clients wish you were doing instead
  • The newest strategies that will help you to grow your business via LinkedIn in 2021

Janine Coombes

Strategic Marketing Coach

Janine Coombes is a marketing coach for joyfully ambitious small business owners. She loves helping people get better results for less effort with an approach that's simple, effective and 100% you.

She loves simplifying processes, cutting out the jargon and takes a coaching approach to her work. Her motto is 'work with what you've got and build from there'.

  • How to stop wasting time creating content for the sake of it
  • The missing link in most content creation processes, which means it brings you fans, but not customers
  • How to create compelling content that converts, without giving up on sleep or seeing your loved-ones

Lorraine Dallmeier

CEO: Formula Botanica

Lorraine Dallmeier is the award-winning CEO of Formula Botanica, the online organic cosmetic formulation and business school, which has trained over 10,000 organic cosmetic formulators and indie beauty entrepreneurs in 170 countries.

Voted the most influential person in natural beauty for 2020 and awarded the Digital Achiever of the Year award for the cosmetics industry by Google, Lorraine is on a mission to make formulation as commonplace as cookery, as she believes that anyone can learn to formulate with natural, sustainable ingredients.

  • Discover what you can learn about scaling your business, from Lorraine's journey of having grown her business from a tiny one-woman side hustle with toddlers running round her ankles to a global multi-million pound empire, in under four years.

Nathalie Doremieux

Co-Founder:  New Software Marketing

Nathalie helps heart centered women turn their expertise and influence into recurring income by helping them create and grow online programs that impact millions.

Nathalie runs a thriving multiple 6-figure business that helps entrepreneurs build online communities and create life-changing E-Learning experiences.

  • How to grow your business with less 'you-time' and 'busyness'
  • How to escape the 'feast or famine cycle', so your business keeps generating revenue, even when you take time off (no, that's not illegal!)
  • The exact questions Nathalie asks her clients to help them to spot which online programme to launch, so it's a huge success - you'll be guided through these questions live during the interview!

Pete Everitt

Digital Strategist & Consultant

With more than ten years of operational online business experience, Pete works with a portfolio of clients experiencing growth from 5 to 6 to 7 figures.

He supports marketers, marketing departments and business owners work more efficiently but with focus, and connecting even more deeply with their clients. 

  • How to escape the trap of pivoting from pain and panic, whatever the 'new normal' holds
  • The essential questions you need to ask yourself, before you consider scaling or pandemic-pivoting
  • The vital - yet often-missed - elements for scalability and why it's never too early to think about it

Pascal Fintoni

eBusiness Development Expert

Over the past 15 years, Pascal has been providing coaching and mentoring services on all aspects of ‘generating enquiries via the Internet’ to public and private organisations.

He has a rare expertise in video work that he will be sharing with us during the conference.

  • How to become a content alchemist, so the people you would most love to work with beat a trail to your virtual door 
  • How to use the power of story-telling to create compelling content that turns browsers into customers, and customers into superfans

Clare Josa

Author: Ditching Imposter Syndrome, Founder: Passionate World Changers Club

Clare has spent nearly twenty years helping high-achievers to ditch the secret, self-imposed glass ceilings they never even realised they had put in the way of their success.

A reformed engineer and the author of eight books, she is considered the UK's leading authority on Imposter Syndrome and speaks internationally on how to change the world by changing yourself.

  • How to set yourself free from self-sabotage
  • How to spot our secret self-imposed glass ceilings on success, revenue and impact
  • And how to get out of your own way, so you can make the difference you are really here to make in the world

Laura Robinson

Founder: Worditude

Laura is an award-winning digital marketer, digital copywriter and copywriting coach.

She loves helping business owners connect with their audience through engaging, persuasive copy, so they can enjoy writing AND selling.

  • How to avoid creating the wrong products and services for audience that has moved on due to Covid-19
  • Forget the ICA - how to figure out what your dream audience is hungry to buy, even when a pandemic has turned their world upside down
  • How to tap into what will make your offer irresitible, whilst charging what your results are worth

Karen Skidmore

Business Growth Mentor & Coach

Karen Skidmore is a growth catalyst, Business Books Awards finalist 2020 and business mentor with 25+ years experience.

She helps entrepreneurs step into their CEO-ship, uniquely combining the being-ness and doing-ness of business to grow purpose-driven businesses.

  • The little-known secret to getting more done, in less time, for free - leaving overwhelm and 'busyness' behind
  • The essential element for planning in a post-planning world
  • Discover a smarter, simpler and more profitable way of running your business - which is vital if you want to thrive in these changing times

May King Tsang

The UK's One-And-Only FOMO-Creator!

May King is the Queen of FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out). Sought-after by event organisers, she helps you to bridge the gap between social media and PR, making events unignorable and unmissable.

In her interview, she'll be spilling the beans on how to do this for all aspects of your business!

  • How to build FOMO into all apsects of your business, so you become irresistibly unignorable for your audience
  • How to get exposure through strategies like getting your hashtags trending, 'owning' your expert position in your niche 

Callie Willows

Co-Founder Of The Membership Academy

Callie Willows is on a mission to show entrepreneurs and small business owners how they can better leverage their time, knowledge, experience and expertise - as well as increase their income - by creating a successful membership site and online community.

  • How to scale your genius to reach an even bigger audience, escaping from the launch-and-burn model of income generation
  • Insider secrets on being the leader of your membership, without over-giving
  • The real reason why people join - and what makes them stay - and how to build retention and growth into your membership strategy

Plus Four Treats

In addition to the main conference, there are three extra events to support you:

2 Masterminding Sessions

These sixty-minute sessions will break you out into small groups to have a ten-minute hot seat to work on your business, based on what you have discovered during the conference.

Plus you'll get a workbook to help you to make the most from those sessions - you might be surprised the laser impact ten minutes with fellow inspired business owners can have!

Virtual Networking Evening

Wednesday evening is a virtual networking event, where you can get to know others at the conference, to make new friends, to connect with old ones, and to feel part of a tribe of Passionate World Changers.

You might even find some Joint Venture partners for exciting projects in 2021!

Workshop: Pulling Together Your Inpsired Action Plan

The conference wraps up with a sixty-minute interactive workshop, hosted by Clare Josa, to celebrate your lightbulb moments from the week and to help you to pull together your Connect | Inspire | Thrive 2021 Inspired Action Plan. 

You'll discover how to spot the actions that will create breakthroughs, instead of busyness [Hint: it's not what you might think!] and you'll learn the self-mentoring questions Clare uses with her 1:1 clients to help you make sure you don't get in your own way, and to make even tricky decisions easier.

Virtual Goodie Bag!

We can't be together face-to-face this year. But each speaker is popping a gift into a Virtual Goodie Bag for you. And whist it's unlikely to be chocolate, it will definitely hold the potential to change your life.

We can't wait to share your Virtual Goodie Bag with you!

How The Conference Helps You To Create Change!

We've all been to events where we finish up with reams of notes that we never look at again, feeling guilty about the missed opportunities, because life gets in the way, once the conference is over.

So Connect | Inspire | Thrive 2021 has been specially designed to make taking action easy for you!

The sessions are live interviews, rather than pre-recorded presentations, so you can get answers to your questions via the chat, there & then. They're with industry experts, sharing assumption-smashing strategies to create genuine breakthroughs for you, fast.

They will change the way you think about leading your business.

Here Are Some Of The Changes You Could Be Making

Getting inspired clarity on what you want your business to look like in 2021 and exactly how to take it there

Stop wasting time on the stuff that isn't having impact, setting yourself free from busyness & overwhelm

Putting an end to shouting to be heard by becoming a content alchemist, magnetising your dream clients

Setting yourself free from Imposter Syndrome & other secret self-imposed glass ceilings on your impact & income

Making your business more resilient, so that no matter what 2021 throws at us, you're feeling confident and strong

Getting ready to scale your business, so you help more people and make more income, with less 'you-time'

You'll Be Taking Inspired Action, Even Before The End Of Each Interview!

The sessions will be packed with actionable insights you can put into practice by the end of each day, including the latest trends for 2021, which the speakers haven't been talking about elsewhere.

At the end of each interview, there is a 15-minute implementation session, where you get to pull out the most important aspects of what you have learned from that session to create your Connect | Inspire | Thrive 2021 Action Plan. Plus our #DoOneThingNow competition means you'll already be taking the first steps on your action plan as we move through the week - and seeing results.

There will be two small-group masterminding sessions, where you can connect with fellow attendees and get instant feedback and support for the actions you feel inspired to take. And you've got a 60-minute Inspired Action Plan workshop to wrap up the week.

Plus you've got a delegate-only Facebook group (running 2 weeks before & 4 weeks afterwards) where you can share inspiration, bounce ideas, get answers to your questions, and connect with like-minded business owners across the globe. It's your chance to find your 2021 dream team!

Who Is The Connect | Inspire | Thrive 2021 Conference For?

It's for business owners who have earned their stripes, rather than those just setting out.

It doesn't matter if it still feels like feast-and-famine. What counts is that you have had the experience of making it through those early stages and you're getting ready to step up and lead in your field, even if the thought of that still makes you flinch!

You're on a mission to make a bigger difference in the world.

And you're ready to take inspired action to make sure you get to ROCK 2021!


All sessions are available to watch live and a replay will be up within 24 hours - you get a full year's access to these. 

We're doing our best to avoid the tricky school run time and to minimise evening time, so the conference can be family-friendly.

And there's plenty of time between each session to start taking your inspired action - and to keep running your business, so you don't have to take the full week off!

The Connect | Inspire | Thrive 2021 conference runs from 26th April to 30th April 2021. There will be 3 sessions each day, starting at 09:00 UK time.

Hosted By Clare Josa

A personal message from Clare:

Clare Josa - Presenter at the Lockdown Leadership Conference

You know that thing where you get a burst of energy that gives you a crazy idea... So you chat with some people you trust and they tell you it's not bonkers, it's brilliant...

Then you put together your dream-wish-list of people you would LOVE to be involved - and each and every one of them says YES! And all of that happens super-fast?

Well, the baby that was born from this inspiration is the Connect | Inspire | Thrive 2021 Conference.

I could see from my tribe that so many of us have been on our knees over the past few months and we desperately needed something to help us to reset our businesses and energy levels, for 2021.

I'm so excited to get to share this with you and it's my biggest dream that you'll finish the week feeling inspired, already taking action and seeing results, and shifting the way you look at running a business you love again, whatever 2021 holds in store for us.

Don't Know Clare Josa Yet?

Clare Josa is the author of eight books, including Dare To Dream Bigger, and she speaks internationally about how to change the world by changing yourself. She leads the Passionate World Changers Club and, following a career in engineering and market research, has spent the past 17 years helping business leaders to clear out their secret, self-imposed glass ceilings, so they can make an even bigger difference in the world.

Considered the UK's leading authority on Imposter Syndrome, in 2019 she led and published the UK's first large-scale research study on the topic, and also published her ground-breaking book: Ditching Imposter Syndrome.

She's a law-changer, micro-business campaigner, and advocate for women in business.

Connect | Inspire | Thrive 2021 is about taking inspired action - and seeing results, fast! It's not just about sharing great ideas and the latest proven strategies...

... it has been intentionally designed to help you create business breakthroughs, even before the end of the week.

Get your ticket now

Get full access to the live conference, with one year's access to the replays, plus the masterminding, networking, end of conference workshop and the Virtual Goodie Bag!

All of this life-changing, business-transforming, inspirational gorgeousness is yours for just:

£97 - if you register by midnight on 31st December

The full price for this conference is £497 and the price will increase each week, as the 26th April gets closer. So the sooner you join us, the more you save.

Get on the VIP list for first dibs on tickets!


Got questions? Please contact Clare's team here.

How do I access the live interviews?

These will run via Zoom and you'll get the link on the morning that the conference starts.

This means you can join us from wherever you are in the world.

Plus it allows us to be highly interactive, with chat Q&A during the sessions, polls, and even the chance to 'hop up on stage' and join us on video during some elements of the event.

All of the interviews and the Inspired Action Plan workshop are also being recorded, so you can watch them again.

You get no-rush access to these replays for 12 months.

I don't have enough time...

We get it! We're all feeling time-poor and most of us are overwhelmed.

But here's the thing: by investing 30-minute chunks of your time over the week of the conference, you'll discover how to have more impact and get better results, by doing less!

The few hours you invest in this event will repay themselves over and over and over in 2021.

You're going to discover strategies that allow you to scale your business, so it carries on helping people and generating revenue for you, even if (don't tell anyone!) you take the day off!

Plus you'll be setting yourself free from the hamster wheel of hustle and content-creation-for-the-sake-of-it, so that you need to spend less time in your business, to get even better results.

Why isn't this event free?

It costs about £5,000 to stage an event of this quality. Plus each of the speakers is investing hours of their time to help you.

That's why so many free events like this are actually a thinly veiled pitch-fest.

And they make us more likely to just consume the content, without applying it, so it doesn't make much difference. Although they can be great fun, unless they create change in our business, they can literally be a waste of our time.

That's not what we want for you.

Instead, by paying a small ticket fee (it really is small, if you consider the potential revenue that even just one idea from this event could generate for you in 2021), it means we get to make this a pitch-free zone.

Plus the whole event is specially designed to get you taking action, right there and then, so you're already seeing results (and making a profit on your ticket fee), even by the end of the week.

How do I watch the replays?

The replays will be live within 24 hours of each interview.

They will be inside Clare Josa's Training Vault - you'll have full access to them in there.

It's also the easiest way to find out how to get in touch with the speakers and to make the most of your virtual goodie bag!

The replays are available to you for 12 months, so there's no rush on watching them.

How will it help my business?

Here's the kind of stuff we're getting ready to help you with!

  • Getting inspired clarity on what you want your business to look like in 2021 and exactly how to take it there

  • Stop wasting time on the stuff that isn't having impact, setting yourself free from busyness & overwhelm

  • Putting an end to shouting to be heard by becoming a content alchemist, magnetising your dream clients

  • Setting yourself free from Imposter Syndrome & other secret self-imposed glass ceilings on your impact & income

  • Making your business more resilient, so that no matter what 2021 throws at us, you're feeling confident and strong

  • Getting ready to scale your business, so you help more people and make more income, with less 'you-time'

And that's just the tip of the iceberg!

Are you joining us?

Why should I make this commitment?

So many of us feel like we've been holding our breath for the past seven months. We've panicked, pivoted and lost our passion for what we're doing.

2021 looks like it's going to bring similar challenges to 2020. And if we keep doing what we've been doing, we're no longer going to get the same results - because the environment in which we're doing those things has changed.

If we keep on with the same-old-same-old, we'll risk getting worse results, because the world is changing.

So it's time for a reset - just a few hours out of your schedule to discover what's most likely to work for you in 2021, rather than hoping what you're already doing will work.

Our big dream behind creating this event for you is that you feel inspired to take massive action to create breakthroughs, fast - without the hustle.

We want to help you to fall in love with your business again, to reconnect with your passion for the difference you're here to make, and to shortcut the next stage of your journey.

Are you in?

© 2020 Clare Josa
