Imposter Syndrome Mastermind

Doors now open for September 2017

Do you ever secretly feel like a fraud? I know I have. In fact, each time I stretch a comfort zone, I get to do that Imposter Syndrome dance. Publishing Dare To Dream Bigger last year was quite a ride! But years of researching, experimenting and teaching about this means I know how to handle it - fast.

Whether you're just setting out or you're already on The Board, Imposter Syndrome is a modern epidemic. But we're not talking about it...

We pretend everything is ok. We try to ignore the fear of feeling like a fraud. We say 'no' when we long to say 'yes', so we don't put ourselves in that situation.

And if we've had to 'push on through', then we might have our favourite sticky plasters, that help us to cope.

We all do it.

But isn't life is worth more than 'sticky plasters' and 'coping'?

Surely the difference you are here to make is worth more than that?

What is fear of Imposter Syndrome really costing you, in terms of your dreams?

It's time to ditch the sticky plasters and to finally set yourself free from Imposter Syndrome - feeling like a fraud - in your life and business.

Join me in the Sussex countryside on 19th October 2017 for my Imposter Syndrome Mastermind and you'll get to create deep-acting transformations, as well as learning the tools you need for life, so that feeling like you're 'not good enough' or being secretly scared that someone will 'catch you out' no longer has to be part of your inner theme tune.

Imposter Syndrome Mastermind

Here's how I'll be supporting you:

  • Pre-Mastermind group call & online training
  • Pre-Mastermind, hit-the-ground-running, insight-generating online workbook
  • 1-day workshop on 19th October in East Sussex, UK.
    I'll share with you my most potent tools for ditching feeling like a fraud, and you'll get to do the deep-dive work, there and then. I've been working with Passionate World-Changers on this for 15 years - and I've been through the mill myself with Imposter Syndrome, so I'm going to share with you the stuff that really works.
    No More Sticky Plasters.
  • We'll play with NLP (the 'user manual' for your brain), Energy EFT ('tapping'), block-clearing yoga postures, monkey-mind-taming meditation techniques, engineer-approved woo-woo and more.
  • You'll get recordings and handouts for the key processes, plus you'll create your very own 90-day action plan, including how to get past your favourite secret pitfalls, before you head off home.
  • 3 live group mastermind teaching calls during the two months after your workshop will help to keep you on track, celebrate your successes, clear out any extra-hidden blocks and crank up your accountability.
  • The one-day workshop runs from 10am to 5pm, to make it an easy day-trip from London, and I can help you to find suitable nearby accommodation, if you're too far away for this to be a day-trip. It includes refreshments and lunch.

There are ONLY 10 places on each Mastermind, because I want to make sure you get the support you need. And I want this to feel safe and welcoming and fun for you.

What's The Investment For The 3-Month Mastermind?

There are two options:

Full Mastermind for just £697. (Earlybird until 30th July The regular price is £997).


Add in a one-to-one breakthrough session with me, face-to-face or online,
for just £897 total (instead of the regular price of £1,392).

This super earlybird rate is only available if you book and pay before 5pm on 30th July 2017.

Doors close at 9am on 10th September.

Remember: this is a tax-deductible business expense. Ask your accountant, if you're not sure.

Or if you're employed, you could ask your employer to cover the cost. (We are happy to help facilitate this).

It may also count as CPD for your regulatory body.

Remember: you'll need to factor in your time to actually go and use this stuff!

Of course, we'll create lifelong transformations during the workshop and Mastermind calls, but there's no point in paying me for this unless you're actually going to do something with those shifts.​

As I said, this is the one and only time I will be running this at this price. Next time I run it (possibly in the autumn - do you really want to wait that long to ditch Imposter Syndrome???) it will be back to my full price for this kind of transformational work. Doing this one-to-one would take a full VIP day package, costing nearly ten times what I'm charging for this Mastermind. So this really is an incredible deal.

I'm curious: what is Imposter Syndrome - the fear of feeling like a fraud - costing you in terms of your business? Your happiness? Your relationships? Your health? Your Soul's Purpose?

Isn't it time to discover how to get past it, once and for all?

How different might life feel, if you could set yourself free from Imposter Syndrome and step up to the next level on the difference you're here to make?

How To Book:

Want in? Book now - button below! Or if you have questions first, please call my office on 01342 477057 for answers.

Only 10 places. Will yours be one of them?

x Clare

P.S. There's no such thing as "when I'm ready" when it comes to making a bigger difference in the world. It's either 'NOW' or 'NOT'. And you get to choose. xx Clare
