Secretly hate the hustle?

Wish you could find an easier way to grow your business?

Join us for the 2019 Dare to Dream Bigger Expert Series and discover how to create breakthroughs in your business in 2019, not burnout. You'll learn how to make it fast and fun to grow your business to the next level.

Imagine Going Through 2019 with
a full year of monthly expert masterclasses
to inspire you with practical strategies
to Make growing your business
easier and more fun

Each Month You'll Get Live A Live Expert Masterclass
A Mini-Challenge To Put The Expert Strategies Into Practice
And Grow Your Business

Here's A Tour Of What We'll Be Covering Over The Coming Year:

Imagine... Having A Crystal Clear Plan That Doesn't Trigger Overwhelm

January's core theme is planning for success.


It's about more than 'SMART' goals. 

In January's three masterclasses, you'll learn:

  • how to prime your dreams for success
  • the power of three where twenty used to reside
  • how to get out of your own way & spot when you might self-sabotage
  • how to ditch procrastination & turn classic time management techniques upside down
  • & how to deal with The Elephant In Your Head aka your subconscious self-sabotaging habits

Meet Your Planning For Success Experts:

Prime Your Dreams For 2019
+ Planning, Productivity & Procrastination

with me, your host, Clare Josa

Author of Dare to Dream Bigger

I'm running two sessions for you in January:

The first is on how to Prime Your Dreams - cranking up your clarity & getting out of your own way. The second is on Planning, Productivity & Procrastination, turning class time management upside down, so you can get more done, in less time, for free.

Dealing With The Elephant In Your Head (aka Your Subconscious Habits)

with Steve Blampied

Founder of Mindset Engineering

If you've hung around with me for a while, you'll know I'm always on about practical ways to tame your inner critic.

And in my interview with Steve Blampied, we're going to deep-dive on how your subconscious mind can accidentally trash your dreams - and practical ways to put a stop to it!

Imagine... Getting Your Message Out There Without Having To Shout

In February, March & April we move on to content creation mastery - how to magnetise your dream audience and no longer have to shout and hustle to be heard above the noise.

Working on this - strategically - helps you to more easily get the high-profile speaking gigs, interviews, guest posts and opportunities you need to grow your audience, your credibility and your network.

You'll learn about intentional content creation and how to make your message confident, clear & compelling - whether it's written, on-stage or on video.

Meet Your Content Creation Mastery Experts:

February: 3 Expert Interviews

including with Jonny Cooper

Founder of Jonny Hates Marketing

In February, as part of my From Expert To Author Kickstart (optional!), you'll get three interviews with experts who have used a book to grow their business.

They'll be sharing insider secrets with you about their journeys.

Plus you'll be getting practical inspiration on connecting 'on purpose' with your audience in any written content.

March: Your Compelling Message

with Lee Warren: Author of

The Busy Person's Guide To Presenting

Lee is a genuinely inspirational international speaker and he'll teach you his 3-step process for connecting with your audience, no matter how busy (or stressed) you are.

His process helps with more than just being on-stage. You will learn how to use it for everything from blog posts to podcasts to videos and even social media content.

April: Fear-Free Live Video

with Ian Anderson Gray: Founder of the

Confident Live Marketing Academy

Ian will be sharing how to conquer your fear of video - especially with going live. It's one of the most potent ways to connect with your audience and be seen as an expert in your field.

Plus he'll share tips for looking like a pro on camera, even if you're secretly quaking in your boots. And April's group challenge is - you guessed it - going live!

Imagine... Having People Come To You Pre-Sold, Not Cold

In May and June we deep-dive on building your Dream Audience.

When you know how to grow and nurture your Tribe, it puts you in front of potential clients every single day.

It brings you more referrals, accelerates word of mouth endorsements and makes 'cold leads' a thing of the past.

It sets you free from having to give everything away for free & not having enough revenue to put food in the fridge. 

And in June we'll be handling the single biggest block that stops most of us from 'owning' our place as a leader of our Tribe.

Meet Your Tribe-Building Experts:

May: Grow Your Dream Tribe

with Helen Packham

Founder of Stand Out Leaders

Helen Packham has a unique way of connecting with her online community that turns them into superfans and paying customers, without turning them into freebie-addicts, or giving up on sleep.

In May she'll be teaching you insider secrets from the strategies she has spent years creating, which allow her to lead her Tribe with business-boosting, self-care-loving boundaries.

Learn To Love Your Inner Introvert

in May with Sandra Pilarczyk

The Introverted Mentor

Sandra Pilarczyk knows what it's like to loathe noisy networking events. She understands if high-octane marketing is not your thing.

She empowers fellow introverts to do marketing & grow their Tribe their way, breaking all of the usual rules,  magnetising their dream clients. She'll be teaching how to be heard, without feeling like you're yelling.

June: Ditch Imposter Syndrome

with Clare Josa

Author of Who Am I To...?

I'll be running an interactive session in June on how to spot the little-known warning signs that Imposter Syndrome might get in the way of you building your Tribe.

You'll get emergency 'quick fixes' for when feeling like a fraud is full pelt, plus strategies to clear Imposter Syndrome out of your business, once and for all.

Imagine... Feeling Supported, Instead Of Alone

In July - as we take a deep breath & get ready for the summer holidays, you'll get to work on feeling more supported in your business.

Being an entrepreneur can be a lonely journey. The power of connection can bring you your dream team to support you with the practical side of running your business.

And in August we're diving into self-care for busy entrepreneurs - looking at why we find it so hard to release our workaholic tendencies - plus how to ditch your addiction to 'busyness'.

Meet Your Virtual Team Expert:

July: How to Find & Lead Your Virtual Team

with Penny Pullan

Penny Pullan was catapulted into leading one when 9/11 stopped everyone from travelling and she had to step up overnight.

In July, she'll share strategies for how to find, connect with and lead a supportive virtual team, based on her book, Virtual Leadership. Plus she's sharing top strategies for reluctant delegators!

August: The Power Of Self-Care To Grow Your Business

Dare to Dream Bigger Podcast

We're not running a live masterclass in August, because so many people are away.

So, instead, you'll get a weekly podcast episode to inspire you to crank up your self-care, looking at why we find it so hard to prioritise ourselves and getting you started on ditching your addiction to 'busyness'.

Imagine... If Selling Could Come Naturally To You

There's no point in selling if your pricing isn't sustainable - if it forces you to give up on sleep or choose between food in the fridge and paying the bills. And most of us are so uncomfortable with 'selling' that we leave closing the deal to chance.

So, in September & October you'll learn how to get out of your own way on pricing - how to charge what you're worth, without feeling like you're selling your Soul.

And you'll discover the art of conversational selling, so that closing a deal never again has to feel awkward or get left to hope.

Meet Your Selling Without The Sleaze Experts:

Get Paid What You're Worth

in September with Steve Blampied

Founder of Mindset Engineering, Steve Blampied has a gift for clearing out your hidden mindset blocks, whatever their cause, so you can crank up your confidence and take massive action - without the fear.

In this practical session in September, he'll be helping you get out of your own way on your pricing, so you can get paid what you're worth, without feeling like you're selling your Soul.

Sell Without The Sleaze

in October with Jules White

Jules White is the best-selling author of Live It, Love It, Sell It, all about selling through conversations.

Do you ever resist 'closing the deal'? Or feel less-than-confident pitching?

If you want to know how to connect with your dream client so deeply that you both fall in love with the sales process, and it no longer feels sleazy, then Jules' October interview is a session you won't want to miss!

Imagine... If Making Big Decisions Could Be Easy

And finally, as we wrap up 2019 and get ready for 2020, you'll be looking at how to make brilliant business decisions, without lying awake at 3am for weeks.

In November, Joanna Hennon will be teaching you how to connect with your intuition, so you can start to turn it into your biggest business asset.

And in December, I'll be running a masterclass on the power of Masterminds to create breakthroughs in your business. Plus I'll share tips for how to find the right one (avoiding the hype) or even to set up your own.

Meet Your Decision Making Experts:

Turn Your Intuition Into Your Biggest Business Asset

in November with Joanna Hennon

Joanna Hennon is the founder of #SoulSmart Success and she's a genius at helping you to connect with your intuition - perhaps your biggest business asset - without having to fly on a unicorn.

Practical, fun and inspirational, in her November masterclass, Joanna will teach you how to learn to trust your gut in a data-driven world.

Discover The Magic Of Masterminds

in December with Clare Josa

No one changes the world on their own.

But most of us give that a bleeping good try, when we're running our businesses.

In my December Masterclass I will share with you how the magic of a mastermind can create breakthroughs where you previously felt stuck - and how to find the right one for you and where you want to go to next.

The Dare to Dream Bigger Expert Series is a

pitch-free zone 
- just inspirational, actionable how-to
from experts who have been there
and done it and know how to teach it.

Like you, we're not fans of those 'virtual summits' and 'free webinars' where you waste 30 of your precious business hours on 30 presentations... 

... where you're impatiently waiting for the 3 'nuggets' of wisdom among the 60 minutes of thinly-veiled pitching ... for 4-figure programmes... 

... leaving you feeling exhausted, overwhelmed and - frankly - a bit resentful.

So, in the Dare to Dream Bigger Expert Series, you'll get practical how-to with zero pitching.

And they're spaced out to be one per month, so you get time to deep-dive and implement what each expert is teaching - getting breakthrough results with less effort.

Each session is an expert masterclass on a different aspect of the power of connection to grow your business - so you can shortcut your business growth journey and avoid the mistakes the presenters had to learn from!


You'll get exactly what you need to create breakthroughs your business, without fluff, waffle or time-wasting.

Plus you get to ask the experts your burning questions, picking their brains and fast-tracking what you're learning.

You Are Not Alone!

Join in the discussions & connect with like-minded business owners:

Get Answers To Your Questions

Get answers to your questions live during the interviews or submit them in advance, if you can't join us live

There's No Rush To Re-Watch

Watch the replays to scribble even more notes on the best bits - at your leisure - after each Dare to Dream Bigger Expert Series monthly interview

Join In The Discussions

The Expert Series' private Facebook group is the perfect place to join in the discussions with attendees and the presenters

Early Bird Bonus: Planning, Productivity & Procrastination Masterclass

Get your ticket today and join Clare Josa (described by Sanebox as a 'Productivity Giant') for this live, interactive session on how to get more done, in less time, for free!

Live (with replay) on January 16th at 2pm (UK), this session will help you to find the time to easily implement the inspiration from the Dare to Dream Bigger Expert Series in 2019 - and give you the tools to set yourself free from overwhelm and 'shiny object syndrome'.

This masterclass on its own would normally cost £97.

What's The Investment?

There are twelve masterclasses, each lasting about an hour, with one each month. 

It's highly likely that each of them will contain at least one idea that could make a significant difference to your business over the coming year.

Even if you just implemented one idea from the whole Dare to Dream Bigger Expert Series masterclasses, how much might one brilliant idea - put into action - generate for your business? Most likely thousands.

So we're hoping you'll agree that the ticket price for this year-long event of just £197 £97 (early bird) is a no-brainer.

And if you genuinely can't afford that investment in your future, there's a free ticket option, to join us live for each masterclass.

Grab Your Early Bird Place Now To Join Us:




Watch Live - Free Ticket

  • Join us LIVE for each masterclass
  • Join the Expert Series' Facebook group
  • BONUS Productivity Masterclass

Early bird rate ends 5pm 16th January (UK time):


Got Questions First?

Got a question not covered here? Contact Clare's Team.

When are the live interview sessions?

Is this just a pitch-fest in disguise?

Do I have to be on Facebook to join in?

Aren't virtual summits and expert masterclasses normally free?

P.S. The power of connection is what means I can host the Dare to Dream Bigger Expert Series with ten inspirational speakers, so that you can create breakthroughs in your business in 2019, for just £197 £97. Are you in?

© 2018 Clare Josa   |   Privacy Policy   |   Not So Small Print   |   Got Questions? Contact Clare's Team
