How To Ditch A Limiting Belief
In Under 5 Minutes

Want to know how to ditch a limiting belief in under five minutes - fast, fun and forever? This video is from my online course that shows you exactly how to do that - and it is yours, as my gift, as a sneak preview of the stuff that's waiting for you, if you take the full course. This video takes you through:

  • why ditching your limiting beliefs needs to be one of your biggest business priorities, if you want to 'get out of your own way' and make a bigger difference in the world
  • why it's so important to clear out your hidden blocks and excuses
  • why 'pushing on through' and working round limiting beliefs doesn't work
  • little-known answers from the world of neuroscience - hopefully satisfying the curiosity of your Inner Entrepreneur.

I hope you find this video useful. And if you're ready to dive in and get the rest of this course, click the 'I want to ditch my limiting beliefs!' button, below, and you can get started in the next couple of minutes.

I can't wait to hear what you go and do with this stuff.

Clare Josa, Author | Speaker | 'Inside Work' Mentor

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How Do Your Beliefs Get In Your Way?


Clare Josa

Clare sets entrepreneurs & small business owners free from those secret 3am doubts that keep you stuck dreaming big, but playing small, so you can step into your Soul Shoes - that fearless place of freedom to be who you really are and make the difference you are really here to make.

Dare To Dream Bigger

Clare Josa's latest book - Dare To Dream Bigger: The 'Inside Work' Handbook For Entrepreneurs & Passionate World-Changers, has been dubbed the 'inside work MBA' by her readers.
It guides and inspires you through the practical how-to of the 7 steps of business breakthroughs - and all of them are an 'inside' job.
