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As coaches and mentors, whether we're in-house or running our own business, we do what we do to be able to help people. We want to make a difference. But, according to the 2019 Imposter Syndrome Research Study, when it comes to genuinely clearing the secret fear of being 'found out' as not good enough - Imposter Syndrome - classic mindset-level coaching strategies aren't enough.
Respondents in the research study said that coaching helped, but it left them with 'coping strategies', rather than truly clearing out the problem. It raised their awareness of when Imposter Syndrome was about to cause them to self-sabotage, but they still had to fight their way through it. They reported feeling like a failure, because coaching hadn't helped them.
And that's not how any coach wants to leave a client.
Clare Josa
The work I have done on this over the past 20 years, including leading the 2019 Imposter Syndrome Research Study and writing Ditching Imposter Syndrome, means I have created a six-step process you can take clients through, to help them to ditch Imposter Syndrome, once and for all.
And that's the framework I'd love to share with you in this masterclass.
In this live, interactive session, you will learn about:
Why Now?
Discover the hidden reason why Imposter Syndrome is such a vital skillset for modern coaches and mentors - and why businesses are hungry for support with it - you'll learn the 'hook' that will get them to return your call.
Spot The 'Tells'
Learn the subtle clues that tell you a client is struggling with Imposter Syndrome, rather than self-doubt or confidence, and the behavioural cues to spot it even if they're a master at pretending. And learn how men and women handle it very differently.
The Missing Link
Find out why classic coaching methods so often leave clients stuck with sticky plasters, and the six-step strategy you can use instead, to help them to set themselves free from Imposter Syndrome, once and for all.
Plus you'll learn the single biggest factor that derails even great coaches on this, so you don't have to fall into that trap.
What do past students think of Clare's training?
Clare has a perfect recipe her training; her ability to be authentic and guide you through the topic with simple tools and techniques to open your mind will inspire you. She also provides her own unique and compelling experiences to help you understand contextually how to use what she teaches.
Nicky Harverson
Owner: My Fit Life Coaching
I have had so many a-ha moments with Clare's work. I now have clarity for how to leverage my gifts. Clare also turned on the lightbulb for me so I have the inner motivation to carry me all the way through.
Teresa Pangan
Nutrition Consultant
Clare Josa is considered the UK's leading authority on Imposter Syndrome, having spent nearly 20 years specialising in the field, including publishing the landmark 2019 Imposter Syndrome Research Study and her latest book: Ditching Imposter Syndrome, which already has readers in over 30 countries.
After a corporate career in engineering, specialising in Six Sigma, and as Head of Market Research for one of the world’s most disruptive brands, since 2003 she has specialised in helping leaders and high-achievers to clear out the glass ceilings they never realised they had put in their own way.
An expert in the neuroscience and psychology of performance, add to this the demystified wisdom that inspires her Soul-Engineered Solutions, and you'll get to experience transformation at the deepest levels, in ways that are fast, fun and forever.
She is the author of eight books and has been interviewed by the likes of The Independent, The Daily Telegraph and Radio 4, amongst others. Clare speaks internationally on how to change the world by changing yourself.
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