Dare To Dream Bigger Kindle Launch Celebrations & Bonuses
Half Price - Just £4.99 - plus over £100 in bonuses:
- Join the readers' club for deep-dive bonus trainings and our Google-proof forum, to get answers to your questions (priceless - members describe this as 'fantastic')
- Get my hugely popular Imposter Syndrome Emergency Fix video training, for those times when navel-gazing isn't an option (usually £20)
- Get invitation-only FREE access to my upcoming live Masterclass on how to set yourself free from feeling like a fraud (tickets would be £97, if you could buy them - but it's only for readers of Dare To Dream Bigger)
Only until 10th May 2017, after which the price goes back up to £9.99.
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Why People Love Dare To Dream Bigger
About Dare To Dream Bigger
If you've ever wished you could feel more confident about your dreams, let go of doubting yourself, feel less stressed and overwhelmed and somehow find more energy, without resorting to caffeine and sugar, then I've got a treat for you this week.
My latest book - Dare To Dream Bigger - is the 'inside work' handbook for entrepreneurs and passionate world-changers.
It guides you, step by step, how to 'get out of your own way' on your path to happiness, feeling less stressed, and making a bigger difference in the world.
And it has some surprising side-effects:
- We cover how to spot what's draining your energy and causing you stress - and what to do about it
- You discover how to reconnect with your mojo, even if you're fed up with feeling 'meh'
- I share my insider secrets for how to escape overwhelm and magically make more time
- You'll learn how to start turning your inner critic into your biggest cheerleader
- And we even cover how to set yourself free from Imposter Syndrome - feeling like a fraud - which is essential for your peace of mind, whether you're a busy mum or CEO of a Fortune 500 brand
And next week, in addition to the current hardback version, the Kindle version launches - on 10th May.
And May 10th 2017 Is Party Day!
To celebrate the Kindle launch, it is only half price - just £4.99 instead of the usual £9.99. I'm hoping that makes it as close as possible to a no-brainer!
PLUS You Get 3 Bonuses:
And everyone who buys it (Kindle or hardback) and joins the readers' club before 5pm on 17th May gets 3 gorgeous bonuses:
You get a PDF version of the book, to download and read, whenever and wherever you need it. This is usually £9.99.
You get my hugely popular Imposter Syndrome Emergency Quick Fix video training, which is usually £20.
And you get invitation-only access to the Imposter Syndrome live online masterclass I'm running, later this month. It is yours, as my gift, only for readers of Dare To Dream Bigger. My Masterclasses are usually £97 per session - but this one is only for my readers, so no one else will be able to get tickets.
How To Get These Bonuses:
If you're already a reader of Dare To Dream Bigger, then thank you! And please make sure you register for the readers' club, using the link in your book, by 17th May to make sure you qualify for these bonuses.
If you haven't got Dare To Dream Bigger yet, then you can either treat yourself to the beautiful hardback edition or grab a bargain with the half-price Kindle pre-order version. The important thing is to register for the readers' club before 17th May. Then you'll get an email to tell you how to get all of these bonuses.
Here's where to order your Kindle copy now: >> http://amzn.to/2p4pVfe <<
Could You Help Me Get The Word Out There Please?
I'm on a mission to set as many people as possible free from those secret 3am doubts that keep you stuck, dreaming big, but playing small. And with Dare To Dream Bigger, I guide you - step by step - through how to step into your Soul Shoes - that fearless place of freedom to be who you really are, and make the difference you are really here to make.
If you know anyone else or any social media groups who might love that, please share the links with them. Thank you!
I'd love to share your Dare To Dream Bigger journey with you. And I hope to connect with you in the Readers' Club very soon.
Thank you!
With love and gratitude,
Clare x
Clare Josa, Author, Speaker, Mentor to Entrepreneurs and Passionate World-Changers
P.S. Prefer audio books? Dare To Dream Bigger is on its way! Recording starts very soon.
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Don't Know Clare Josa Yet?
Clare Josa
Mentor To Passionate World-Changers since 2002, International Speaker, Member of the Institute Of Directors & author of Dare To Dream Bigger: the 'inside work' handbook for entrepreneurs and passionate world-changers
My big passion is inspiring and empowering you to clear out the hidden blocks that had been getting in the way of the difference you're here to make in the world.
I'm an NLP Trainer, Meditation & Yoga Teacher and an Engineer, an entrepreneur of 15 years, and former Head Of Market Intelligence for a leading international brand, as well as the Author of five life-changing books.
I love to demystify Ancient Wisdom, blending it with the best of practical psychology, and a generous dollop of humour, to make it surprisingly easy for you to feel confident, excited and fearless about the next stage of your journey.
You have all the answers you need, inside of you.
I'd love to show you how to find them.