Does lockdown have you feeling like you're on your knees?
It's Time For The Big Reset!
Find out why - and what you can do about it - in this free masterclass with Clare Josa.
The Big Reset Online Masterclass With Clare Josa
We're 20 weeks into lockdown and that 'Blitz spirit' and nervous energy that kept us going at the start has well and truly worn out. Months of juggling work, carer responsibilities, loss of freedom, and stress over whether the supermarket will have loo roll or little Freddie's favourite lunchtime pasta in shock have taken their toll.
Social media memes about whether it's 'wine o'clock' yet no longer make you laugh, but trigger secret guilt, and your batteries are near-empty. Nothing seems to top them up any more.
Getting up with the sparrows and going to bed with the owls, so you can get your work done, as well as juggling home-schooling-turned-feral-summer-holiday-children means your fuse is super-short. Your brain feels like mush, feeling guilty about not being 'good enough' at anything any more is your new BFF, and you don't remember the last time you got true 'home alone' down-time - a chance to breathe out, to truly let go.
And the whole time, you're pretending on Every.Single.Bleeping.Zoom.Call that you're fine.
You are not alone! I promise you!
But unless you take action now, you're heading for burnout.
The coping strategies you've had to use to get through everything since March risk becoming long-term habits. And you know, deep down, they're not good for you.
It's time to press the Big Reset button inside, and discover how to ride those waves, rather than feeling like you're drowning - or clinging to that body board by the tips of your fingers.
The Big Reset
In this instant access, interactive masterclass with Clare Josa, you will learn about:
Why Lockdown Has us Feeling This Way
You'll get demystified neuroscience that explains how lockdown has triggered the stress cycle, keeping us trapped in constant fight-flight-freeze mode, 'coping', rather than thriving
Getting Off The Emotional Rollercoaster
You'll learn three practical things you can do, right away, to cut your stress levels and to set yourself free from your inner critic's drama stories, without pretending
Set Yourself Free From Overwhelm And Worry
Learn how the brain unconsciously creates 'overwhelm' and why worrying makes things worse, and find out how to create an action plan to set yourself free from both of them
By the end of this session, you'll know how to feel calmer, more empowered, more positive and more hopeful, no matter what is going on around you.
This masterclass would normally cost £97. But it's yours, as my pre-birthday gift, if you register before the replay ends at 10am on Tuesday 11th August:
what people say about clare's masterclasses
What do past students think of Clare's training?
Clare has a perfect recipe her training; her ability to be authentic and guide you through the topic with simple tools and techniques to open your mind will inspire you. She also provides her own unique and compelling experiences to help you understand contextually how to use what she teaches.

Nicky Harverson
Owner: My Fit Life Coaching
I have had so many a-ha moments with Clare's work. I now have clarity for how to leverage my gifts. Clare also turned on the lightbulb for me so I have the inner motivation to carry me all the way through.

Teresa Pangan
Nutrition Consultant
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