How to Crank Up Your
World-Changing Mojo

Thank you so much for signing up for this 5-step mini-mentoring course. I can't wait to hear how you get on with it.
Clare Josa, Mentor To Passionate World-Changers

Step #1. Download Your Workbook

Click the button to view / print online or right click and choose 'download' / 'save as' to view offline.  You'll need the questions in this workbook for your audio mentoring in Step 2.

Step #2. Listen To Your Mentoring Audio

Click 'play' to listen to this audio, as I guide you through the exact same questions I would use if we were working one-to-one. In fact, let my voice guide you and it will feel like one-to-one mentoring. Press pause, when needed, and let your answers bubble up, to note down in your workbook.

Step #3. Take The '7 Cs' Quiz

Want to know where your silent saboteurs are hanging out? Find out with this quick-fire quiz. Then you'll discover where you should start, to get the fastest results, when cranking up your world-changing mojo. 

Step #4. Fast-Track Your Results

Follow the surprisingly simple, yet profoundly effective process in this short video, and you could cut years - or even decades - off your world-changing journey.

Where will it take you?

Step #5. Accountability Time!

Let me know how you got on, via the comments. Which blocks did you spot? Which are you going to shift first? And how will it feel, once you have done that?

What action are you going to take, today?

Want More? Time To Deep-Dive!

Want to do more of the 'inside work' that makes the vital 'outside-world' difference, World-Changer?

Dare to Dream Bigger: The 'Inside Work' Handbook For Entrepreneurs & Passionate World-Changers

Get one-to-one mentoring with Clare Josa. Make a commitment that the 'future you' will be doing a happy dance over: